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Rune priest DPS enhancements proposal

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Posts: 139

Rune priest DPS enhancements proposal

Post#1 » Fri Mar 31, 2023 3:27 pm


I have a DPS Rune Priest (70+), which I play time to time and compared to DPS WP or DPS AM at the same level, its DPS is really low.
One additional point is the fact it have no core life taps, the same way to the number of single target DPS abilities, by default it have 1 mid duration dot, 1 mid damages instant and a 2s damage cast. One you choose your specialization you have at the end 5 DPS abilities, with only 2 usable for kiting.
This explains why DPS runies are so rare.

What I would like to propose will not be a big game changer, the intend is more to add a bit of fun to the class and maybe allow it to have more chances on duels. I have looked to archmage and warrior priest abilities as an inspiration.

All values displayed here are based on default values displayed on career builder.

Rune of fortune:
Actual values:
Cast: 2s
Damage: 407 elemental
additional effect: lifetap 100% of the damages
Cast: 2s
Damage: 437 elemental
additional effect: lifetap 300 HP + 100% of the damage (AM have 688 HP + 150 of the damages)

Rune of burning:
Actual values:
cast: 6s
Damage: 1820 Elem
Additional: snare 40%
Cast: 6s
Damage: 2400 Elem (AM have 2820)
Additional: snare 40%

Rune of immolation:
Actual values:
Cast: instant
Damage: 860 Elem/9s
Cast: instant
Damage: 860 Elem/9s
Additional: 220 Elem debuff
Rune of fate:
Actual values:
Cast: instant
Damage: 1659 Elem/24s
Additional: lifetap 150% of damages
Cast: instant
Damage: 1659 Elem/24
Additional: lifetap 180% of damages

Efficient rune of carving:
Actual values:
Tactic proc: 25%
Tactic proc: 33%

As you can see this will not create an overpowered DPS, it is just intend to rebalance it compared to other healers classes.

The equivalent goes for the zealot, of course.

Thanks for reading me, I hope you will take this in consideration.



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