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Can we have the old campaign back

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Re: Can we have the old campaign back

Post#51 » Fri May 05, 2023 10:33 pm

Bozzax wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:02 pm Zone domination system wo timed city is by far the best system used 2008-2023.

1. City has value and as endgame. It was an achievement and took realm coordination thus creating realm pride.
Are you forgetting farming empty zones on live to push city to farm empty instances for risk-free gear?
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: Can we have the old campaign back

Post#52 » Fri May 05, 2023 11:50 pm

Omegus wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 10:33 pm
Bozzax wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:02 pm Zone domination system wo timed city is by far the best system used 2008-2023.

1. City has value and as endgame. It was an achievement and took realm coordination thus creating realm pride.
Are you forgetting farming empty zones on live to push city to farm empty instances for risk-free gear?
is it any different now, now you dont even need that itieration, you just log and farm what you want when right time tik. You can still swap realm before city, the only difference it's regarding not being anymore sov inside city. Just crest.... and btw who was that was pushing for these kind of behaviour ofc it wasnt unorganised pug, so lemme summary: we just remove a content which require a load of coordination whatever the sense you can imply (from all the realm) so that the previously organised guild / groups ( a minority) can have accesso to fixed time to farm their gear? i'd say the game got quit the corporation here...

nonthing has changed exept you have guaranteed city x week in primtime so that primetime org guilds can farm their **** and be protect by the zerg thay hate so much (altough this never was a 24 vs 24 game but a WBx vs WBy games...).

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Re: Can we have the old campaign back

Post#53 » Sat May 06, 2023 12:00 am

I think cities should be brought back to the old system (we still need a rework of the RvR campaign system imo). But it should be set so that a city can only fire if enough active contribution has been made. I hated the fact EU would fight for hours to push zones or get stuck slugging it out in prime-time only for NA to sweep up the remaining keeps and push an empty city. When rightfully most of the contribution was done by EU. Perhaps have it so whilst it's not set, cities will unlock in a tik-tok fashion.

That being, once enough forts have been pushed, it will unlock for order the following day at early EU prime time. Then the next one unlocks early NA primetime. The next late EU prime time and the last late NA prime time. Then it repeats.
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Re: Can we have the old campaign back

Post#54 » Sat May 06, 2023 7:51 am

Omegus wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 10:33 pm
Bozzax wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:02 pm Zone domination system wo timed city is by far the best system used 2008-2023.

1. City has value and as endgame. It was an achievement and took realm coordination thus creating realm pride.
Are you forgetting farming empty zones on live to push city to farm empty instances for risk-free gear?
Empty instance won’t happen here. Campaign work 100 times better then what we currently have especially at prime times. Off hour zone locks who cares really? Tbh they need something to do as well during low pop when noone is defending recapping flipping protecting bo timers at least is something just adjust rates of rewards to about what you would gain from slacking in scs the same time

So what you raise as concern isn’t really valid. Moreover zone domination fixes most current issues

Zeging wo purpose
Cities that no one hardly care about
Blobbing WBs
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

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Re: Can we have the old campaign back

Post#55 » Sat May 06, 2023 8:54 am

big shame none of us have a say in it, they gon do what they gon do.

just regurgitating the same complaints that have been done over and over wont change a thing. zerg this zerg that, fullsov ezmode, nerf x class, fullsov WB farming pugs yadda yadda.

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Re: Can we have the old campaign back

Post#56 » Sat May 06, 2023 9:11 am

Phantasm wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 5:41 am No matter what happen to campaign, old or current, real problem are people who encourage others to do a fort push and just before keep is taken log other side to farm those in forts. Xrealming is needed to keep balance, but this particular way of xrealming should be bannable. Many people know who do this and until it being fixed nothing good will happen to server.

One of sulutions could be faction lock for those who was flagged RvR in outer zones (KV, eataine, Reik for destro and BC, CW and Caledor for order side), and until zone is not fliped lock should remain. So, if you willing to push to outer zone, you need to flip last zone or you cant switch sides.
Again, many will shout but but but they got 2 accounts, it wont work. Ok, who create 2 accounts then? Those who want to bypass rules. Make those players reportable and set cunsequences for such toxic behavior.

Xrealming does nothing to help defend Forts in that case, u aware there are caps of how many ppl can enter fort? On both sides... Now it matters only because there absolutely no need to defend forts so defeneders almost never show up and u sprint through forts faster than through keeps, in which case u want even more Xrealming to prevent that...

Bozzax wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:02 pm Zone domination system wo timed city is by far the best system used 2008-2023.

1. City has value and as endgame. It was an achievement and took realm coordination thus creating realm pride. Defenders enjoyed sabotaging the lock making crazy last stands to deny etc
2. Off hour cities wasn’t a thing. Can’t dominate zone with low pop.
3. Zerg was split and underdog could fight the weak spots (pick the fight with best odds). Reikwald was epic
4. Was No need to restrict zones at all mechanic had all play cat and mouse trying to outsmart the other side. A strategic game outside the one open zone boundary .. amazing

Yes sometimes there was stalemates and a bit of a tug of wars but tbh all iterations have much more glaring issues

This system got so much frag from broken BW aoe and broken balance pity really

Mind boggling we stick with the current iteration and continue to force defenders to fight back at fixed points where zerg is favoured

Timed cities is a 0/5 no one likes them i bet if you poll you get 90+% dissatisfaction. I bet a majority just ignore them

Scheduled cities was decent and smart idea but it was implemented poorly and too late. First it implementation should never made campaign irrelevant. In old system there was hype pushing zones/forts to make city happen (even if it was in odd hours and happen too often). New implementation should have not ignored it. Scheduled cities should still be triggered by efforts and because of whats happening in the campaign. There should be some kinda Victory/Domination system that gives points based on how many zones/forts being locked, and if reaches certain amounts it should trigger city, and that city siege should have random time (for NA and EU) in the next 24-48h so guild/gropus/players can prepare.

Also city siege should be more meaningful than it is now. It would be so nice if u could for example collect all the gold that npcs collecting in-between each city siege and divide it through each city siege instance, and who ever wins get some of it. There are a lot things u could spicy it up that way.

Current queue for city is probably the most fair that ever been, although still would be nice to have some ranking to it so actually good groups/players meet each other but thats another story, which would only work at the begin of cities when u had 20-30 instances popping.

Sure u can always go back to old system, it wont change thing, it will regress back to times when no one gonna try to defend and there will be no defenders in city siege either. In my opinion thats wrong direction.
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Re: Can we have the old campaign back

Post#57 » Sat May 06, 2023 9:50 am

Bozzax wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 7:51 am Zeging wo purpose
Cities that no one hardly care about
Blobbing WBs
That was ROR 4-5 months after cities launched. Cities stopped mattering once the bulk of the players got Sov on their main (and an alt or two if you had a regular spot in a good city warband) during lockdown, and when cities did matter zones and forts were being "actively" (without explicitly saying it in chat to get a ban) thrown. I am a huge realm prider and I watched realm pride die in ORvR when cities were introduced using the old campaign system. Players VERY quickly realised that mounting any form of defensive opposition in ORVR was just ruining their chances of better rewards. I hated every second of it and very quickly just gave up playing ORvR and mostly logged in for cities as it was depressing as hell. And I was in a destro-only guild with a strong RvR presence. The game became a case of roaming in ORvR for a while until it's established which side has more numbers, then a bunch of people switch to stack it even more and start pushing zones ASAP to get to forts and city. The only time the RvR campaign usually became a bit of a stalemate was for an hour or two during EU prime time... sometimes.

If you think the pre-scheduled-city-system was some kind of golden age of realm pride, purposeful fights and blob-free zones then you are delusional. During the time when forts were end-game and there was no incentive to throw the defense for better rewards than defending? Sure, that was a different time. February 2020 (IIRC when cities came out) changed everything.

The mains IMO missing from the scheduled city system are:

1) The win-loss ratio of forts needs to do something other than determine which city is chosen. If one side gets too far ahead there should still be some sort of incentive to try and defend and reduce the difference in score.

2) It's the weekly ORvR end-game with no unique time-limited rewards. A good canditate for rewards would be the 2% event slot items that were introduced for ranked on a 7 day timer. ONLY if you win the city instance.

3) The city star rating still means relatively nothing. I think it only affects AH prices? Back on live, city stars had a huge impact on things and locked off things like the royal areas. There were more quests and PQs to build up city rank, the city was more dangerous, etc. I would like to see winning and losing cities have more of a visible effect on in-game content to make it clear what just happened.

But please, never allow cities to be pushed at any time of day otherwise we just get off-peak city farming and non-stop throwing all over again.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: Can we have the old campaign back

Post#58 » Sat May 06, 2023 4:37 pm

Both systems got flaws. There should be major changes and new system should take the good for all previous alterations and avoid their flaws.

So imo make unique resourse bar that fill with points when certain actions are done (zone locks, forts taken, overall orvr kills and such similar to lotd resourse bar). When one of the realms fill their resourse bar they siege enemy capital. Sieging occure for 24 hours (open queu), ppl again queu and at every 2 hours the system start whatever wbs queu. These that are left or logged later queu again and wait for next round and so on. While that sieging occure city dungeons should be unavailable, may be some other negative effects so being under siege matters and ppl try to avoid it.
While the 24 hours siege occure orvr will still be open and there should be some mechanic for under sieged realm to banish attachers and reclaim their capital (reclaim the lost forts or the thingy with relic from live end days).
Mostly harmless

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Re: Can we have the old campaign back

Post#59 » Sat May 06, 2023 5:05 pm

i still think we should start by fix "flag snowballing" and map geography and then fort being ugly by not requiring realm coordinationa appart from push inside the dam lord room but oh well....

and these are very small resource intense thing to do with long time benefith, which also happen to be thing you find wrote in old forum from beta times...

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Re: Can we have the old campaign back

Post#60 » Sat May 06, 2023 7:42 pm

Tesq wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 5:05 pm i still think we should start by fix "flag snowballing" and map geography and then fort being ugly by not requiring realm coordinationa appart from push inside the dam lord room but oh well....

and these are very small resource intense thing to do with long time benefith, which also happen to be thing you find wrote in old forum from beta times...
rmb when there was bottom floor defenses in the fort... good times...

about map reworks, not much u can do about geography itself, i would personally give more value to BOs (maybe some kinda star lvl progression) and make more tunnels/portals on some maps (TM/KV/BC/DW).
The Unlikely Plan

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