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Scenario surrender change

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Posts: 994

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#71 » Sun May 28, 2023 2:35 pm

Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:03 pm
fontin wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 8:44 am a simple /5 might be able to farm some random pugs, but cant compete with a double slayer premade.
Oh yes. A Man, Maybe an elder one, has 2 hours Time on two evenings in the Week. So let him first search 1 hours for a grp, then 10 minutes until all get in the discchannel, queiung up and he deserved at least 3-5 Games without getting stompeb by people with less Reallife. Great Idea and perfect deal.....
What? It's Summer? Yes its warm outside!
I hab the experience the last 2 hours playing Pug..... And you know what? It was so good that.....
I logged out, dressed up, get the bowstring on my bow and go outside to hit the old Strawring.

That's Reallife. Persons who have such a thing don't need to search for a grp. Cause they can just go and get to their "RLgrp".
Not Everyone is a 24/7 Player. We don't need the experience in here :). You know Pareto?
20% of the Players cost the dev's 80% of the time (This are the premadehighlysupereffectiveskilled players who think they are really important with their opinion)
80% of the Players cost 20% of the time. Pug. They just play and are happy.
Both of them paid the same price as it was live. Which grp is more important? The loud screamy highendplayers? Or the others? The problem is that the highendplayers are better organized so many forgot the other ones cause they don't go in Forums... Then they made changes for the Highend, Pug are forgotten and.... They go. They dont complain they are just vanish.
Is Age of Reckoning live? NO! Maybe now you know why.
How often you want to make this stupid fail?

Get the Pugs some sugar and they are happy. And the Sugar is: Get the Grps out of the Puglane!
Oh man I love it when people use the argument "I have a real life, unlike you sweaty nerds" while playing a long dead fantasy MMO about elves and orcs bashing each other with swords and casting fancy magic.

Also when they say they spent a solid 2 hour chunk bashing said swords and casting said magics...
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
Destro - Mostly Harmless
Tangler and alts - 8X IB, other 40s - RP, SM
Order - Most dishonorable

Posts: 308

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#72 » Sun May 28, 2023 2:57 pm

Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:03 pm
fontin wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 8:44 am a simple /5 might be able to farm some random pugs, but cant compete with a double slayer premade.
Oh yes. A Man, Maybe an elder one, has 2 hours Time on two evenings in the Week. So let him first search 1 hours for a grp, then 10 minutes until all get in the discchannel, queiung up and he deserved at least 3-5 Games without getting stompeb by people with less Reallife. Great Idea and perfect deal.....
What? It's Summer? Yes its warm outside!
I hab the experience the last 2 hours playing Pug..... And you know what? It was so good that.....
I logged out, dressed up, get the bowstring on my bow and go outside to hit the old Strawring.

That's Reallife. Persons who have such a thing don't need to search for a grp. Cause they can just go and get to their "RLgrp".
Not Everyone is a 24/7 Player. We don't need the experience in here :). You know Pareto?
20% of the Players cost the dev's 80% of the time (This are the premadehighlysupereffectiveskilled players who think they are really important with their opinion)
80% of the Players cost 20% of the time. Pug. They just play and are happy.
Both of them paid the same price as it was live. Which grp is more important? The loud screamy highendplayers? Or the others? The problem is that the highendplayers are better organized so many forgot the other ones cause they don't go in Forums... Then they made changes for the Highend, Pug are forgotten and.... They go. They dont complain they are just vanish.
Is Age of Reckoning live? NO! Maybe now you know why.
How often you want to make this stupid fail?

Get the Pugs some sugar and they are happy. And the Sugar is: Get the Grps out of the Puglane!
So you are saying premade players have less real life because they manage to socialise and group up in an MMO ? Doesn´t make sense to me. Well anyways, keep getting farmed. Atleast you made me laugh.

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Posts: 701

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#73 » Sun May 28, 2023 2:58 pm

Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:08 pm
Phantasm wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 9:45 am
rejndjer wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 8:48 am

why would i make a premade when it takes less time to do event task without making premade?

p.s. and btw i forgot to mention that half these loses we actually had more kills than destro, so who cares.
Omg. Because weekly event rewards are carrots for people to finally realise that it is a TEAM GAME. Every aspect of game suggest you to group up, read your skills on skillbar mate. Most of time those 5 wins for event are impossible to do without a group. Unless you lucky to get paired against other avarage players, or you being carried by premade in second party.
Lucky to get paired against average players..... Why don't make a queue for solo and 1 for grp? So the average player don't can be carried from our highlyskilledsuperpremadepros (they exactly hope that they don't get a premade on the other side)? Is this a idea? Why not? Its perfect for both sides. The average player wants this! He don't want to waste your precious time with his fooling around..... He wants you to have competition and get what you want for your hard work!
You have exactly 2 ways:
1. You want a queue where no grps are allowed.
2. You don't want this cause you want to farm pugs with your premade.

There is nothing then this 2 ways....
At this moment i just think u are trolling... Do you even play game? There is solo Q scenario mode - called Discordant
If you want weekly scenario rewards - well, good news, its rewarding group play. You just cant have everything for minimal effort. This is RPG game, that means you progess as character and as player as well.

Posts: 568

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#74 » Sun May 28, 2023 3:14 pm

Absinth wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 7:19 am
Everdin wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 3:53 pm
PROsiak wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 10:47 am [...]
As long as people complaining about premades in group sc and refuse to play discordant, nothing will happen.

All These cupcackes here blame premades and want them out of group sc, but join sc after sc to geht a reason to cry.

Just play discordant for two weeks and lets look who will suffer from it.

You won't? Why? Because of the bigger carrot on the group sc stick? Or because you will Not be able to blame others for a lost SC?
Show me how to play weekend scenarios on discordant, Ill wait. Afterall we only blame premades but we dont join discordant, hmm i wonder what the reason for that is? Maybe the fact that weekend scenario is not discordant Hmmmm......
Detangler wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 1:17 am
Phantasm wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 12:15 am

Most people can't play this game worth a damn, not just DPS.


90% of the reason /5 premades stomp pugs is because people who join premades on average are better players. All the forum warriors chiming in on this thread probably are going to flame me, tell me I'm wrong, and tell me they're definitely above average (which may be true). So to be clear - I'm not talking about you. You all play scenarios same as me, you see what I'm talking about.

A /5 premade isn't about stomping pugs, it's about 2 things:

1. Stacking the odds of NOT getting 11 people in duelist gear still figuring out how to use that new M4 ability.

2. Giving this horrible matchmaker the finger so you at least have one balanced party in your scenario so you don't waste time with yet another no healer waste of time 5 minute scenario.
Welp it is the sad state of RoR that we are in, where people prefer blobbing and such etiquette goes into the scenarios, afterall there are people who even triple/dual stack scenarios with full guild members and they are bashing 12 dps's in enemy team, not to say that this issue WILL KILL the scenarios, not so long ago you had 4 hour timeframe where order had 4 parties of premades queue'd up and all they got in enemy party was 1 maybe 2 in rare case 4 destro people waiting in the spawn because there is no way you do anything when hungry dogs jump at every player they see because respecting 1v1 is something that they cant digest.
Weekend rewards are the bigger carrot I talked about. Accept that there is a more rewarding thing for more effort. Are you also pissed you can't play pve Dungeons alone? No, so why about other group content?

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

Posts: 568

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#75 » Sun May 28, 2023 3:18 pm

Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:03 pm
fontin wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 8:44 am a simple /5 might be able to farm some random pugs, but cant compete with a double slayer premade.
Oh yes. A Man, Maybe an elder one, has 2 hours Time on two evenings in the Week. So let him first search 1 hours for a grp, then 10 minutes until all get in the discchannel, queiung up and he deserved at least 3-5 Games without getting stompeb by people with less Reallife. Great Idea and perfect deal.....
What? It's Summer? Yes its warm outside!
I hab the experience the last 2 hours playing Pug..... And you know what? It was so good that.....
I logged out, dressed up, get the bowstring on my bow and go outside to hit the old Strawring.

That's Reallife. Persons who have such a thing don't need to search for a grp. Cause they can just go and get to their "RLgrp".
Not Everyone is a 24/7 Player. We don't need the experience in here :). You know Pareto?
20% of the Players cost the dev's 80% of the time (This are the premadehighlysupereffectiveskilled players who think they are really important with their opinion)
80% of the Players cost 20% of the time. Pug. They just play and are happy.
Both of them paid the same price as it was live. Which grp is more important? The loud screamy highendplayers? Or the others? The problem is that the highendplayers are better organized so many forgot the other ones cause they don't go in Forums... Then they made changes for the Highend, Pug are forgotten and.... They go. They dont complain they are just vanish.
Is Age of Reckoning live? NO! Maybe now you know why.
How often you want to make this stupid fail?

Get the Pugs some sugar and they are happy. And the Sugar is: Get the Grps out of the Puglane!
Tell me who costs more time? The premades doing their thing for the Last years? Or the solo cupcakes crying for the next cherry after they got a major change in their favor where only their own small faction benefits from?

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

Posts: 21

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#76 » Sun May 28, 2023 3:24 pm

Everdin wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 3:18 pm
Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:03 pm
fontin wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 8:44 am a simple /5 might be able to farm some random pugs, but cant compete with a double slayer premade.
Oh yes. A Man, Maybe an elder one, has 2 hours Time on two evenings in the Week. So let him first search 1 hours for a grp, then 10 minutes until all get in the discchannel, queiung up and he deserved at least 3-5 Games without getting stompeb by people with less Reallife. Great Idea and perfect deal.....
What? It's Summer? Yes its warm outside!
I hab the experience the last 2 hours playing Pug..... And you know what? It was so good that.....
I logged out, dressed up, get the bowstring on my bow and go outside to hit the old Strawring.

That's Reallife. Persons who have such a thing don't need to search for a grp. Cause they can just go and get to their "RLgrp".
Not Everyone is a 24/7 Player. We don't need the experience in here :). You know Pareto?
20% of the Players cost the dev's 80% of the time (This are the premadehighlysupereffectiveskilled players who think they are really important with their opinion)
80% of the Players cost 20% of the time. Pug. They just play and are happy.
Both of them paid the same price as it was live. Which grp is more important? The loud screamy highendplayers? Or the others? The problem is that the highendplayers are better organized so many forgot the other ones cause they don't go in Forums... Then they made changes for the Highend, Pug are forgotten and.... They go. They dont complain they are just vanish.
Is Age of Reckoning live? NO! Maybe now you know why.
How often you want to make this stupid fail?

Get the Pugs some sugar and they are happy. And the Sugar is: Get the Grps out of the Puglane!
Tell me who costs more time? The premades doing their thing for the Last years? Or the solo cupcakes crying for the next cherry after they got a major change in their favor where only their own small faction benefits from?
The system was a fail from the beginning.... Is AoR Live? No? Why? Cause too many players? No.
I was there and the problem was the same. Premade farming pugs=Pugs Vanish=Not enough players to make money (cause the premade are not the majority.... Sry)=close.

Reality needs no other argument then it's existence.
Actually the benefits only on the premade side..... And cause they get all the benefits its good? Hmm..... Maybe you are play premade? Yes? I know.....
Nerf Rock, Paper is balanced.
Sincerly scissors.
You are the scissor :) Unable to see the problem cause you live good in the failure system.

Posts: 21

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#77 » Sun May 28, 2023 3:28 pm

lemao wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:57 pm
Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:03 pm
fontin wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 8:44 am a simple /5 might be able to farm some random pugs, but cant compete with a double slayer premade.
Oh yes. A Man, Maybe an elder one, has 2 hours Time on two evenings in the Week. So let him first search 1 hours for a grp, then 10 minutes until all get in the discchannel, queiung up and he deserved at least 3-5 Games without getting stompeb by people with less Reallife. Great Idea and perfect deal.....
What? It's Summer? Yes its warm outside!
I hab the experience the last 2 hours playing Pug..... And you know what? It was so good that.....
I logged out, dressed up, get the bowstring on my bow and go outside to hit the old Strawring.

That's Reallife. Persons who have such a thing don't need to search for a grp. Cause they can just go and get to their "RLgrp".
Not Everyone is a 24/7 Player. We don't need the experience in here :). You know Pareto?
20% of the Players cost the dev's 80% of the time (This are the premadehighlysupereffectiveskilled players who think they are really important with their opinion)
80% of the Players cost 20% of the time. Pug. They just play and are happy.
Both of them paid the same price as it was live. Which grp is more important? The loud screamy highendplayers? Or the others? The problem is that the highendplayers are better organized so many forgot the other ones cause they don't go in Forums... Then they made changes for the Highend, Pug are forgotten and.... They go. They dont complain they are just vanish.
Is Age of Reckoning live? NO! Maybe now you know why.
How often you want to make this stupid fail?

Get the Pugs some sugar and they are happy. And the Sugar is: Get the Grps out of the Puglane!
So you are saying premade players have less real life because they manage to socialise and group up in an MMO ? Doesn´t make sense to me. Well anyways, keep getting farmed. Atleast you made me laugh.
When they have more time to socialise in an digital environment they have less Real life then someone who don't have this time..... Or has the Premadediscordantsocializeplayer a day longer then 24 hrs? No? Then he has less Real life away from the digital Environment. Its math. When math makes you laugh you are good in math or the reason for the laughter....

Posts: 21

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#78 » Sun May 28, 2023 3:31 pm

Detangler wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:35 pm
Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:03 pm
fontin wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 8:44 am a simple /5 might be able to farm some random pugs, but cant compete with a double slayer premade.
Oh yes. A Man, Maybe an elder one, has 2 hours Time on two evenings in the Week. So let him first search 1 hours for a grp, then 10 minutes until all get in the discchannel, queiung up and he deserved at least 3-5 Games without getting stompeb by people with less Reallife. Great Idea and perfect deal.....
What? It's Summer? Yes its warm outside!
I hab the experience the last 2 hours playing Pug..... And you know what? It was so good that.....
I logged out, dressed up, get the bowstring on my bow and go outside to hit the old Strawring.

That's Reallife. Persons who have such a thing don't need to search for a grp. Cause they can just go and get to their "RLgrp".
Not Everyone is a 24/7 Player. We don't need the experience in here :). You know Pareto?
20% of the Players cost the dev's 80% of the time (This are the premadehighlysupereffectiveskilled players who think they are really important with their opinion)
80% of the Players cost 20% of the time. Pug. They just play and are happy.
Both of them paid the same price as it was live. Which grp is more important? The loud screamy highendplayers? Or the others? The problem is that the highendplayers are better organized so many forgot the other ones cause they don't go in Forums... Then they made changes for the Highend, Pug are forgotten and.... They go. They dont complain they are just vanish.
Is Age of Reckoning live? NO! Maybe now you know why.
How often you want to make this stupid fail?

Get the Pugs some sugar and they are happy. And the Sugar is: Get the Grps out of the Puglane!
Oh man I love it when people use the argument "I have a real life, unlike you sweaty nerds" while playing a long dead fantasy MMO about elves and orcs bashing each other with swords and casting fancy magic.

Also when they say they spent a solid 2 hour chunk bashing said swords and casting said magics...
Are you unable to find the sense behind it? Then pls don't reply.....
The players in here seems to be the reason why its dead. The same issue, the same arguments and nothing learned.

Really senseless..... You wanna farm Pug. Say it. But you dont say it..... As Always. And complain about the lack of players..... Its disgusting....

Posts: 568

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#79 » Sun May 28, 2023 3:31 pm

Already said this, in this or another chat, If you are the majority, Show the world your force and stop queing GROUP sc for two weeks, let the minority of premades starve and see what happens. In this two weeks, you will only loose 150 warcrests from Weekend warfront (that most of you are even not able to get because of the premades according to the number of tearfull threads that are active with this topic). You won't, because you are afraid of the result.

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

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Posts: 505

Re: Scenario surrender change

Post#80 » Sun May 28, 2023 4:28 pm

Shalanor wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 2:03 pm Pareto law etc ...
This is funny because the louder people on the forum are the PUG players that blame x-realm and organized parties for all their troubles.

And, as an organized players, I feel like a lot of the changes help more PUG instead of the organized WB/parties (morale change, no more AoE heal debuff, timed cities, for the single currency, the one or two weeks events with nice items/consumables).

But, nice try with the Pareto Law.

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