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Fresh 40's gearing

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Posts: 4

Fresh 40's gearing

Post#1 » Tue Jun 13, 2023 3:47 pm

Hello everyone!
I made a mistake and now I have two mdps (WH and mara) 40/40.
1) And I wanted to ask if it is worth collecting a dominator or a conq? It seems to me that a dd build with my conditions is simply impossible. I deal too little damage and die just from random aoes. Also in the case of mara, I can be not completely useless even without much damage, if I play through utilities. And for WH it's still better to not die and to deal no damage, than die everytime and also have no damege even if alive. Is there a correct option here, or can I do what I want?

And second question is:
2) Is this ok to do sc's while i'm so useless? I'm trying my best and even enjoy it, but I am constantly worried that without a pumped character I have nothing to do here and I only spoil the game for others. But rvr doesn't bring me any pleasure lately

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Fresh 40's gearing

Post#2 » Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:01 pm

You missed the opportunity to be relevant using booster at 20-39 and when hit 40 to be around rr60.
Annihilator and conquer gear I would pass. Go for ruin (super easy, even doable solo although slow) and go Gb. No idea about dps but for healers and tanks is decent and could be use prolong time.

With all spare crests should buy subj weapons (or scen ones) and one of the jewellery sets. While running GB you will get some gold and liniments keep them up and buy new it helps
Mostly harmless

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Re: Fresh 40's gearing

Post#3 » Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:13 pm


you can kinda catch up by doing pve.

Gunbad first for redeye set -> conq Ward

City Dungeons Sentinel Set -> vanq Ward

If you fancy Bastion stairs -> bloordlord set

but through PvE you can basicly wear some equivalent armor to rr~50/60 ish and safe pvp tokens.

Scs are a Pain now but you can do lots of ORvR in the lake with pug or semi Pug Wbs.

On my Alt I did in one evening rr 41 to 44 with a PuG WBs. Wont be to bad to get to 60 like that.

Posts: 4

Re: Fresh 40's gearing

Post#4 » Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:34 pm

Thanks guys!
Yeah, I know i gimped them. But I lvled them so long ago, when it seemed to do so not the worst idea as it is now.
Since rvr not my cup of tea this days, i'll stick with the pve rout. But my social skills are kinda meh, so maybe i'll just drop these toons for now. Anyway, now I have at least an understanding of what I should do

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Re: Fresh 40's gearing

Post#5 » Tue Jun 13, 2023 6:44 pm

Stop listening to bad advices here :P 40/40 is fine, though 40/42 or so is preferable, for the domi/conq.

Usually your first competitive 40 set will be something like 3 domi/conq (boots/gloves/belt-you can buy boots+gloves at ah, and belt is the cheapest part). Rest is pve sets- you want to do the 3 dungeons, but some beastlord (pocket/back/gem, +possibly 1-2 more) might be good as well. You might Also want to check the city dungeon weapons- specially on WH, there is one with armor debuff proc, and one with snare proc.

On WH conq is actually very good (crit on boots and melee power on belt if I remember right), so some setups use it at 80 mixed with sov.

And you probably want to start with a more defensive spec, till you get a better gear. On WH something like this: ... ,2993,8121

Use Absolution as long as you have 1-2 mechanic points (as in, spam it), when out of points use Torment/Razor Strike once, then back to Abso spam. Remember that Dragon Gun hits each enemy hit with a bullet- so you get healing for all of them from Sunctified Bullets (as in, if there are some enemies around, DG will instantly heal you to full).

On mara spec something about Monst, for the proc, and try to stay in it. While it is more of an aoe tree, you can work something out, for example: ... 35,521,797

Use Demolition as spammable on armored targets/Flail as spammable on targets with less armor, and Wrecking Ball combined with Mutated Agressor for burst. Obviously won't be anywhere near the dmg of Sav/Brut with a crit setup and a higher gear, still should be pretty decent dmg however, while also very tanky. Use some equip with +ap regen, lot of your kills will be by keeping pressure, which you need ap for.
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Posts: 4

Re: Fresh 40's gearing

Post#6 » Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:20 pm

Zxul wrote: Tue Jun 13, 2023 6:44 pm
Wow, thank you for such detailed answer! Now it doesn't look so impossible

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Re: Fresh 40's gearing

Post#7 » Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:21 pm

2) Take a step back and observe how the battlefield unfolds.
Practice distinguishing enemy classes.
Also, take a look at how others position themselves.
Observe the movements of both allies and enemies.
Leave the skill spamming to the city dummy for practice.
As a last resort, there are SC objectives available.
Even playing as a ballboy can help support your team.
By the time you realize how it shakes up the battlefield, you'll probably be around 70 RR.
Or maybe even 80, but that depends on each player's style, let's say.
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Re: Fresh 40's gearing

Post#8 » Wed Jun 14, 2023 7:32 am

Conqueror gear is fine for most classes, and it's cheap. Normally you want to avoid pve unless you have a set group. PuG dungeon groups are either okay, or abysmal. Getting six people to log on for pve is difficult. If you're 40/40 you still need to grind rps, and doing pve is just going to further nerf your realm rank.

That said, the population is pretty bad right now. This is a rare time where pve is just as worth your time.
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Re: Fresh 40's gearing

Post#9 » Wed Jun 14, 2023 9:01 am

I also would not say you made a mistake. Sure, missing some points but it's not that big deal.

As some ppl mentioned > go for the pve route to get your hands on something like bloodlord or vale walker set, depending on your class.
You will get some good weapons and also equipment on ~ vanquisher level without the RR requirements.

Depending on the Scenario, sometimes map awareness results in getting more points than simple fighting/dominating. (look at you .. old grand tourismo dwarfen road)
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Re: Fresh 40's gearing

Post#10 » Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:10 am

Conq is still behind. Apparently Vanq is where it's at.

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