Patch Notes 16/06/2023

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Patch Notes 16/06/2023

Post#1 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:58 pm

Live Event: The Feast of Shoika


The summer sun has reached its zenith and Dazh smiles down upon his worshippers below. All throughout Kislev pyres are lit, from the smallest village to the largest cities, in honor of Dazh who gave the world the gift of sunlight and fire. These pyres are fueled by sacrifices of mighty beasts, and small scraps of paper upon which the faithful write their prayers, hoping the flames will carry them to the heavens and reach the generous hands of Dazh. The summer season in Kislev is not only the celebration of Dazh, for it also honors Shoika, the powerful Tsarina who established Kislev. It is a time of celebrating in a manner most fitting of the Old World, with fire and blood.

The Feast of Shoika is celebrated beyond the borders of Kislev. Its festivities reach Altdorf as a sign of the lasting alliance between the Empire of Sigmar and the Bear Kingdom. The Feast of Shoika is a dual celebration of the founding of Kislev and the start of the Kislevite New Year, and the onset of summer and season of the harvest which rely heavily on the blessings of Dazh. Kislevite Boyars, Priests of Dazh, and mysterious hag mothers celebrate in Altdorf. Meanwhile, Dolgans and goblins from the east join the Raven Host as the forces of Chaos seek to raze Kislev and turn its lands into one massive pyre honoring the Lord of Change. Head to Altdorf and the Inevitable City to learn how you can help during the Feast of Shoika.

The Feast of Shoika will start on June 16th at 12:00 Altdorf time and last until June 26th 12:00 Altdorf time.

Basic reward: [Kossar's Helm] or The Feast of Shoika Alcohol Sampler
Advanced reward: Your very own orphaned Oblast Elk Fawn or Lynsk Bear Cub, or The Feast of Shoika Dye Satchel containing four random dyes from the Feast of Shoika
Elite reward: [Potion of Acclaim], the Oblast Elk Saddle, or Lynsk Bear Saddle / Bound Ice Daemon (these items can be traded for a mount at a vendor in your capital) Mount previews are available here, and discs here.

Completing the Event Quest - An event slot item; and depending on the path you take/choices you make the new Kislevite capes: the ermine-fur-lined Druzhina's Korzna , or fur cloak fit for winter - the Kislevite Kozhukhi, or a ragged hide fit for a soldier - the Pulkowa Palatka. Cloak previews are available here.

All Live Event rewards are only available from the associated heralds: Konstanty Tarnowsky in the Altdorf Market, or Chief Zhan'daq in the Inevitable City Apex.

We thank our artists for their continued help, allowing us to add a magus disc to the Witch of the North PQ, and a cloak to the PvP storyline; and of course we thank our iconographer.

Pyre Blessings
Journey to Altdorf or the Inevitable City to speak with your local pyromaniac, the Priest of Dazh or Cultist of Flames respectively. Slay Kislevite bulls and be rewarded with Prayers to the Pyre, which you can write your most sincere prayers upon before casting them into the pyre and waiting for your god's reply. Be careful, for the gods know the value of your prayers, and not all are worthy of a blessing.

The Ancient Widow ORvR PQ
A spirit as old as the land of Kislev has reappeared in Kislev during this Feast of Shoika, a powerful being bent on cleansing the land of all those who do not respect it. Needless to say, that is everyone. Join your realm in battling the Ancient Widow in the streets of Praag, while you hold back the opposing realm. This PQ will include a handful of rewards exclusive to the PQ.

Live Event Shoppe
Collect Pyre Offerings by killing players in ORvR or Scenarios and trade them in with merchants in your Empire/Chaos capital cities - Baba Tsvana in Altdorf or Baba Drozdzowka in the Inevitable City. Note: the Pyre Offerings are a BLUE currency, so check your auto-rolls. These merchants will offer you foods and drinks from the northern lands, and are required for the new specular dyes. Feast while you can, because after the feast comes the famine.

Twenty rare dyes are available only during this live event, for those who wish to expand their colorful horizons. Six dyes from last year's Feast of Shoika have been made permanently available at a new vendor in Altdorf/the Inevitable City, while six new dyes have been added to the Live Event vendor, including two specular dyes. Dye previews are available here, but please be aware that the colors may apply differently on different base armor colors. These colors were drawn from the Warhammer Armies: Kislev 6th Ed., WFRP The Realm of the Ice Queen 2nd Ed., and other sources such as Warhammer Online's Praag assets. We hope to continue to introduce new dyes based on inspiration from the source material in the Live Events to come.

Feast of Shoika Epic Branching Quest
During the Feast of Shoika, players will have the opportunity to take part in a new questline built with our new branching quest system, The Tainted Child for Order, or Death On The Steppes for Destruction. Each questline has three endings, depending on the path you took and the decisions you made - and don't worry, there is a route focused on PvP for the PvE-shy players.

Weekend Warfront: The Siege of Praag


These are dark times for the city of Praag. The Raven Host have summoned a daemon and are planning on feeding the innocent souls of the townsfolk to the foul beast! For generations, the sons and daughters of Kislev have fought and died to protect their lands from Chaos invasions. Can they hold Praag once again?

This weekend the Battle for Praag will be the weekend warfront from 12:00 on Friday to 12:00 on Monday Altdorf time. You get +50% XP and Renown in this scenario, and extra rewards from completing the event tasks.

Realm versus Realm
Land of the Dead

The number of points needed for a win has been reduced from 4000 to 3000.

The reservation system has been tweaked to never allow more than 6 players more than the opposing realm to allow for more equal numbers when one side isn't filling up.

The patrols start spawning a bit later than previously.

City Siege

The preparation time between each stage has been reduced from 5 minutes to 2.5 minutes, reducing the total time for city siege by 7.5 minutes.

The renown rewards have been generally increased and also added for completing various objectives in the sieges. All these rewards are given to all players of the realm in the instance.

Stage 1:
- Capturing a flag: 500 renown
- Defending a flag: 500 renown
- Winning stage: 5000 renown
- Losing stage: 1000 renown

Stage 2:
- Making lords pass a flag: 500 renown
- Defeating an enemy lord: 1000 renown
- Defending your realm lords until the end: 1000 renown each
- Winning stage: 5000 renown
- Losing stage: 1000 renown

Stage 3:
- Defeating enemy champions: 500 renown each
- Keeping your champions alive: 500 renown each
- Winning stage: 10000 renown
- Losing stage: 2000 renown


- The stack-size of War Tokens has increased from 999 to 9999

- A new vendor selling some previously-Live-Event-exclusive dyes has been added near the Dungeon-Weekly Herald. Dyes sell for War Tokens. These dyes for now include the original Mythic colors that were never released, which debuted during the Feast of Shoika. Other dyes introduced during Live Events that are taken from Mythic's original pool of colors will be added to War-Token vendors over time.

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Re: Patch Notes 16/06/2023

Post#2 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 1:06 pm

Best event EVER! :)
Kpihuss -- WP 88
Kpithrogrim -- IB 83
Kpigaragrim -- Slayer 81
Kpikossar -- SW 77
Kpirmedes -- RP 68+
Kpiboris -- KOTBS 65+

Posts: 73

Re: Patch Notes 16/06/2023

Post#3 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 1:37 pm

More renown for attending cities? Dont want to sound blunt but...who cares...

Cities/Forts should be where players' progression and earnings pay out.

It's during campaign and other activities (dungeons, rvr, scenarios) players progress their character in both renown, warcrest and wartokens.

City and forts is where players arrive, full of crests and expectations. Expectations can be broken by many reasons, but bags are never empty either you're renown 1 or 80.

Let players being eligible to access merchants after forts/cities to buy the spoils of war, where you can buy event mounts, items of previous events, discounted piece of gear (maybe with mixed cost 50% warcrest 50% wartoken) and if you're lucky you can also find the most costly piece of gear discounted.

If you win you have even more crests to spend, if you lose you can still spend your earnings and buy something usefull, even if you rolled white bag and being farmed for 2 hours.

The question is who's eligible?
For sure appearing just before fort and city isn't enough neither waiting at spawn for 2h.

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Re: Patch Notes 16/06/2023

Post#4 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 2:09 pm

These increased city rewards are still favouring stomping side and are far from incentivizing loosing side to not leave the instance. I know, this will take a lot of time, efforts and a solid idea but cities require general overhaul. They should be more dynamic with decentralized skirmishes rather than boring blob fights where after one or two attempts result can be easly predicted.

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Re: Patch Notes 16/06/2023

Post#5 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:13 pm

How would you do it? Give the loosing side more renown than winning side?

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Re: Patch Notes 16/06/2023

Post#6 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:36 pm

A whole 500 renown?

Once you get in the 80s renown is just purple numbers after that. It is the killing, the rewards, the bragging that you look forward too, imo.

I say tie Fashionhammer to cities. You want me to go into another city, you put a low level piece of gear in a bag with the coolest fashion I have ever seen for an appearance item. I will 24v24 that thing up.

Of course if it comes already dyed molten yellow and then that is just a plus *hint* *hint*

Always love the event and making it where I don't have to pve certain things is even better. Thank you
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Re: Patch Notes 16/06/2023

Post#7 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:55 pm

Would have loved to see the limiting sides to closer to equal be on fort as this is where the worst cases of imbalance actually is.

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Re: Patch Notes 16/06/2023

Post#8 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:09 pm

Nice LotD changes! No more excuses for Order now :lol:

For city not sure they will change much in terms of incentives but still appreciated :)
Cities took way too long, 7.5 mins off is going to make it a lot more fluid.
Renown is half the progress equation, getting nothing for losing intense fights always felt very salty to me, getting ~10k is definitely better (not as good as 30k for stomping pug in sc for 10 mins, but eh)

Are these baseline bonuses on top of old system or do you always get a precise amount now?
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Re: Patch Notes 16/06/2023

Post#9 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:24 pm

Just get over it? Make solo queue only, fill up groups with archetypes, that way we get better fights and incentives to even go non80 to city. Or you still will get sweaty premade warbands farming lowbies. Right now even small group leaders wont queue city because of danger of ban.

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Re: Patch Notes 16/06/2023

Post#10 » Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:43 pm

Phantasm wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:24 pm Just get over it? Make solo queue only, fill up groups with archetypes, that way we get better fights and incentives to even go non80 to city. Or you still will get sweaty premade warbands farming lowbies.
Good idea actually. Though won't happen, considering all the whining this likely to cause.
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