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Important: Regarding downtime 03/10/23.

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Posts: 18

Re: Important: Regarding downtime 03/10/23.

Post#61 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 6:58 am

Duck out the game for a year , Hit a compulsive urge to come back , Play for 2 weeks , farmed 3k crests , half rr84, flotsam cloaks and other nifty bits for 6 chars & finished bloodlord on one , tbh , the pve bit is whatever , thats not even a time sink , just a mild irritation. (obviously time sensitive stuff is piss annoying like the pirate event)

Now back at work till Tuesday. Mint. What a shitshow of luck. You couldnt make it up.

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Re: Important: Regarding downtime 03/10/23.

Post#62 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 7:03 am

I rarely want to srsly involve myself into this forums due to earlier experiences with staff but honestly majority of us are grownups, and honest feedback should be given and recieved in a mature manner.

**** can happen. But this **** was dealt with is a very poor way. I am trying keep a mild expression in my opinion.

Giving 1-2 week of 2x bullshit is not a way to redeem a **** where ppl lost thousands of crests, rr, xp, and most important their time.

You give that on a routine basis couple time a year. It's not a compensation. Its taking the piss, trying shrug off the impact this has on your playerbase. You seem to think your players grow on trees or something.

Imagine working for your paycheck, then its about to come and your boss calls you saying "sry man your paycheck got lost,but dont worry you can work for another week to recover."

Its not that hard to figure out what the upset side of your playerbase need right now.

I honestly dont understand what there is to hesitate about.

Posts: 2

Re: Important: Regarding downtime 03/10/23.

Post#63 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 7:04 am

Shortly about the situation.

Server administration can go forward and make a small compensation for players. To lose a week progress for 5 days of double smth is a bad change. Someone hasn't one more week to spend it in a game again. We lost tons of Crest and stuff. I am not speaking about the time... So I kindly ask for Crest as compensation. This will cost nothing for server. No disbalance, no consequences.

This server holds on old players. "Fresh blood" is coming rarely to this modern game.
So don't lose old players. Support them.


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Re: Important: Regarding downtime 03/10/23.

Post#64 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 7:40 am

Thank you devs for all the hard work you have put in.
Few hundred crests (I think) were lost but that's life and at least I'm playing this for fun, not out of necessity.

Would it be possible to get more in detail description of what happened at some point? Asking just out of general curiosity

Posts: 26

Re: Important: Regarding downtime 03/10/23.

Post#65 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 7:47 am

Solution for new/not maxed chars : Wards progress and fragments were saved , amount of fragments earned pre/post present/x date times y amount of crests . That should be enough to get all our earned gear back, i personaly lost ruin, redeye, beastlord, conc, full sentinel and full wale walker sets. that is 6 full sets in 7 days.
Double rr does nothing for me as i was going for bloodlord , and it does nothing for max rr players that want crests. For them same solution may not apply as they already have max wards forever , but there must be some data that indicates the change in something thatcan be used to determent aprox crests earned.

Posts: 26

Re: Important: Regarding downtime 03/10/23.

Post#66 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 7:54 am

HaxPax wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 10:49 pm Just a quick suggestion:

Since RR is preserved, you can easily calculate the renown gained by each character last week against the backup. I'm sure you also have a fairly good idea of how many War/Genesis Crests are typically being acquired on average per amount of renown, so you could send out a statistically appropriate amount of keep bags to each character. This would roughly (and instantly) cover the losses everyone has had in terms of Crests and PvP equipment.

As for PQ/dungeon gear: since wards are preserved, too, just send everyone the PvE gear unlocked within the past week according to their wards (and yes, that wouldn't help people who just got new PvE gear but didn't wear it yet, but hey).

Of course, if you manage to recover the lost data somehow, all of the above is moot, but if not, this could be a fairly workable solution to help calm the waves :)

Posts: 581

Re: Important: Regarding downtime 03/10/23.

Post#67 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:24 am

Thanks for the extra spent time to bring the Server up again.

Unfortunately half of the server population had vacation the last week and could play 23/7 (1 hour of sleep) to level toons from 1-40(rr80) full souv. All this progress is now gone and they need a full restore or they will quit the game and never talk about it to anyone!

Are you guys for real? I got it, we all lost some kind of progress, it's sad, but it is not dramatic, you loose the chance to progress while you spent time here complaining about bullshit. As mentioned by Wargrimmir, there will be more steps, this is nothing that happens all few weeks and it costs all involved team members free, as well as work time to fix this for you!

Instead of putting effort in compensating a few crests for unthankful people that can just farm them again in one or two weeks, time could be spend in real problems caused by this reset like the mentioned bestial token bug.

I lost crests too and be happy that at least some progress could be saved. Again, thank you for the extra time you spent!

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

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Re: Important: Regarding downtime 03/10/23.

Post#68 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:31 am

Kaelang wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:26 pm
Specialpatrol wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:15 pm
Kaelang wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 5:24 pm Given the disruption this will evidently cause the community we have made the decision to extend the Live Event once more through until 09/10/23, please note that progress made throughout the event, as well as the Ironclad Weekend Warfront has been preserved, and any outstanding rewards can still be claimed.

This bit doesn't seem to hold true, sadly. I at least lost all Live Event progress on multiple toons, including completed ones. I assume it's because it was all done during the last weekend and therefore after the 26th - but the above phrasing did make it sound like that particular progress had been preserved regardless of the rollback date. A minor quibble, but still a bummer.
It's been noted, as our initial plan was to bring the server backup we'll see what we can do as it's been reported by a few people.
Oi !
Just like everyone else, I lost Renown, crests and rewards, but the strange part is I still have the Ironclad SC rewards to claim, but not the Seas of Slaughter Event. I might not be the only one .

Nobody seems to notice, but I also lost all the Twitch rewards, so no more guild coins, potions of acclaim and... the Exotic Pet, wich is not grindable back :(

Anyway, thank you for your time and dedication in those dark times !
Last edited by Krazbag on Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 177

Re: Important: Regarding downtime 03/10/23.

Post#69 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:00 am

As expected ungrateful people demanding crests, this and that and whining is unbelievable.

Thank you devs for the hard work that is allways forgotten by the majority of people playing this FREE game!

Yall better be happy that RoR is here!

Very sad indeed that this bug set us all back but things happen...

From my calculations id make all the crests back whit this x2 week( if id have the free time i had past week) but id lose the crests that i would of gotten this week if it wasent for this bug soooo
Id like to suggest considering extending x2 event(xp,rr, inf and crests) for 2 weeks instead of 1 week so people could get the crest they would of had or even abit more for some.

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Re: Important: Regarding downtime 03/10/23.

Post#70 » Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:19 am

Tesq wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 10:10 pm hello, idk how much the backup save in gb/tb but maybe a daily or every 2 day back up regarding the inventory would be appreciate for future, as you stated it happen very arely like once every 2 years but it did happened in past and rng god will make it happen in future, so well....more frequent backup? cost/energy whatever allowed ofc...if the problem hitted also the more recent backup **** the rng god then we truly are unlicky.
Our system backs up frequently, this isn't really related to the lack of backups, more a data issue with backups post 26/09.

I play around with Social Media, troll our players on Discord and officially hate anyone who plays a dwarf.

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