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How many crests at rr 80?

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How many crests at rr 80?

Post#1 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 4:50 am

So i ve been told quite a few times that the basic gear path is smthing like= Rvr Gear till 35 (except for keep set) then farm ruin pq and at 40 you go pve to get wards (Gb+BB/Be+Bs) and from there straight to Sov or whatever is Bis for your class.

So the question is how many crest (approx) do you get by rr80 going this way? or maybe a better question 'd be can u buy Sov at 80 if you actually dont go pve route but rather buy pvp gear? Im not taking the ring into the math. Just the set.

I just like making alts and doing all that Pve on each one of them is starting to get tiresome (its around 25 hrs if u add beastlord, and thats assuming you get "standard" time runs and that they dont straight fail because someone dc or whatever. Also not adding HV which for example is super good on healers) but at the same time dont wanna screw myself. Any numbers 'd help. Maybe its posible by just doing BS to skip invader?

Posts: 11

Re: How many crests at rr 80?

Post#2 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:09 am

Iam rr77 on my slayer now and have 17k+ crests.

Posts: 21

Re: How many crests at rr 80?

Post#3 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:10 am

Full sov is about 10300 crests i think. Usually you minmax sov with triumph, so it gets a little cheaper, lets say 9K without ring. Some classes pick up fortress weapon, its 800 crests a piece, lets say we need only one 1h fortress weapon. In sum, it is around 10K still.

I leveled up 5 toons to 70+ and i have 3 with RR78+. I can say with certainty, if you buy at least one set, even conq which is only 800 crests, you may still run into the problem of not having enough crests for sov-triumph+fortress. My latest toon bought only vanq belt. He is RR76 with 9.1K crests (healer DoK).

Crest gain depends on your playstyle though. I always do org WBs + SCs, never pug WBs, never solo roam. You might be getting better results with the amount of crests you have at RR78 then me, but the fastest way to lvl up RR is to win SCs/cities and do org WBs. Solo roam/leeching of a blob might yield more crests, if you know what you are doing.

One more way to get more crests - box run in every zone, then leech on keep siege. It's miserable amount of RR, but you always get bags from locks, which is a lot of crests. Better time to do that is late NA/early AU. Zones are empty and 1 side heavily dominates the other. It's boring, it's not fun, but i suppose that is how one gentleman can get 17K crests at RR77.

I would advise you to spend crests carefully, vanq set for example is extremely solid, mDPS should strongly consider buying it. Never buy invader though, waste of crests.

Posts: 11

Re: How many crests at rr 80?

Post#4 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:27 am

Well..i soloroam and do org wb plus weekend scs, do the rvr weekly and never run suplies. buy some vanq pieces aswell. sorry for not explaining :roll:
I expect a toxic answer in this forum... :)

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Re: How many crests at rr 80?

Post#5 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:08 am

Had around 13k on my lastest R78, 500 spent on pre-BIS, probably 60/40 SC/RVR.
Rarely completing the RvR Weekly, also did 68-77 during the 2 2X events, so could have gotten probably 2-3k more.

But yeah, enough for 1 full BIS set without 10k ring.
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Re: How many crests at rr 80?

Post#6 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:30 am

Recently leveled out alt from 50 (~1k crests it had and vanq in bags) to 78 thru SCs. Combination of pugging/various groups, mainly i was playing with friends in not fully optimized groups/setups, did few cities, some orvr once in a blue moon (no reliance on orvr weekly, did it like 3-4 times ocasionally due to roaming under huge aao). Ended up with 9,6k crests. If i'd focus more on attending cities i could farm more i believe.
If i'd now create a new char and level it out properly i believe alot more then 10k crests would be reached by 78rr. But on average i suppose 9-10k by 78 is easily achieved by anyone with just pugging around (assuming you dont buy anything other then <30 stuff with crests). Best way to get crests solo like mentioned is to actively farm contribution with BO taking/box running in different zones for orvr bags and if grouped then farm SCs. oRvR only benefit highly organised WB with lots of kills (to the point that i consider pugging orvr as an absolute waste of time, even roaming solo is much more profitable), also you need to be in a party doing most dmg so its not a general "path of least resistance".
I would be absolutely happy if crests gains were increased somehow. At the moment you are shoehorned into 1 spec you need to choose beforehand (literally since the start then you create char). And on top of that leveling is absolutely none linear and counterintuitive, like "only pvp but dont buy pvp gear and do pve instead". Lame design imo.

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Re: How many crests at rr 80?

Post#7 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:29 pm

Mmmm so it doesn't give me too much hope to be honest. I generally do weekly Rvr (with whatever alt I'm into that week lol) but weekend sc it's hell and I don't waste time there anymore.

Solo definitely gives more crest. My chosen that lveled full solo (+a couple siegues/pug wb) to 40 ended up 40/52 with 3.5k crest which seems very decent numbers if u get around 9k at 76. Also way better than my AM which has 1.4k at rr54 (tho I did buy mercenary on this one tho) But this ain't gonna work for my Choppa...or zealot lol

I 'd really like to just expend the crest at whatever set I can buy at the time without worrying if I'll be poor at 80 lol. Don't even know if I'm gonna have the patience to get one toon there. At the same time being rr80 and not having Sov feels dumb

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Re: How many crests at rr 80?

Post#8 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:44 pm

francomes wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:29 pm I 'd really like to just expend the crest at whatever set I can buy at the time without worrying if I'll be poor at 80 lol. Don't even know if I'm gonna have the patience to get one toon there. At the same time being rr80 and not having Sov feels dumb
If you want to do that just do it. I don't play that much anymore and dislike the pve in general so I'm doing just that when leveling my SM. RR60 with about 1800 crests and full conq and vanq (old character so only bought 1-2 pieces per set, rest from ah and bags).
Nekkma / Hjortron

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Re: How many crests at rr 80?

Post#9 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:49 pm

Well, in regards to choppa (same goes for slayer) its indeed very frustrating to level one without group support. Awful pug experience both in sc and orvr. Best option is to ensure yourself a dps spot in a group and farm SCs or leech orvr in organised wb. Doomed to only play it grouped.
Chosen and zealot are easily puggable and doing just fine in any environment tho either solo or in group. I see absolutely 0 problems with leveling them out. Sadly no more SnB PvE set after VW rework, but you can do just fine as utility 2h.
AM starts to really shine with sov in general, so being 54 with 1,4k crests is not cool, alot of efforts would be needed to gear it up. Maybe someone could advice some shortcuts or not so obvious gear mixes soothing the issue. Also take into account its a bad idea to go as DPS on AM being that undergeared and low rr, so you are pretty much forced to heal.

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Re: How many crests at rr 80?

Post#10 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:02 pm

The quick answer to the question is:

At RR 80, you will (probably) not have enough crests for full SOV to buy.

To use Vanquisher set is wise.
To get necessary wards form PvE (Bloodlord included) is wise too.
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