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New player question

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Posts: 2

New player question

Post#1 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:51 am

Hey guys, just wondering if there were some classes to stay away from or if you get good at anything you’ll be needed. As someone who always played WoW, I’m starting to realize how many options I have and I’m not sure what to roll. 0 idea how each class race and spec performs.

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Re: New player question

Post#2 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:34 am

Kotbs/Chosen is the most begginer friendly due to their mechanics and high survivability them being tanks. That said they are one of the most boring ones as well.

Recent patch has thrown everything into disarray as to which classes perform best and there's changes to be made so I guess you should just go with what feels like you'd enjoy. Are you a tank or healer guy? Go for those, these are pretty much always needed.

Oh and unlike wow if you're playing tank/healer class you won't be able to spec into pure dps that can rival real dps classes. You'll always have lower dmg output than the purist dps (considering same skill, equipment etc.)

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Re: New player question

Post#3 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:25 am

Good Players are always needed, regardless of the class - the question is more about what content you are interested in as lots of answers are usually biased towards RvR or Scenarios.

Tanks and Healers are easiest to be "needed" with since they are a minimum requirement for teams to function, especially Chosen, Knight of the Blazing Sun, Zealot and Rune Priest. These classes bring Auras and Buffs to each party and so they are a must to take.

There is no class I'd say anyone should stay away from, like I said all of them are good if you dedicate time to learning them and becoming good with - and good & social players who find themselves friends and guilds will never play alone.

If you don't plan on making social contacts, then you will be at the mercy of Pugs and Public Opinion that changes depending on the person what they think is Meta or Viable which can be funnily very random, if you just read the forums.

My recommendation is choose a Class you like the look of or the gameplay of and find yourself a friendly guild that let's you play it and you'll have fun. The only thing I recommend deciding on is what content you are most interested in, small scale or large scale PvP or Both.

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Re: New player question

Post#4 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:48 pm

babeskawn wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:51 am Hey guys, just wondering if there were some classes to stay away from or if you get good at anything you’ll be needed. As someone who always played WoW, I’m starting to realize how many options I have and I’m not sure what to roll. 0 idea how each class race and spec performs.
I would recommend looking up some infos/builds of classes that look interesting to you. Maybe also check the career builder which skills are available for that class and if its to your liking.
If you play it ... around lvl 10+ it starts to feel unique... WE/WH get their sneak, healers can ressurect and tanks can guard, .... :).

With the current balance patching I would say there is no "stay away class". Give your favorite 1-3 classes a try.
I played a sorceress in the beginning and swapped to DoK because I fell in love with the class and gameplay. I can just say, out of experience, I should have invested more time in trying out the different classes instead of sticking to my best guess as a new player.
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Posts: 2

Re: New player question

Post#5 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:08 pm

babeskawn wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:51 am Hey guys, just wondering if there were some classes to stay away from or if you get good at anything you’ll be needed. As someone who always played WoW, I’m starting to realize how many options I have and I’m not sure what to roll. 0 idea how each class race and spec performs. null

I got this,..

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Posts: 146

Re: New player question

Post#6 » Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:32 pm

There are 6 dps classes, 3 tank and 3 heal classes for each side. So be a tank or healer first. You'll always be needed.
Nihrandil [SM] 84, Arendollus [WL] 83, Caelroran [SW] 56, Thaler [WH] 83, Tionac [AM] 54, Hocke [Kotbs] 51
Gilgamash [BO] 82, Kaylor [Mara] 82, Gobsmack [Sham] 63 Jockitch [SH] 55

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