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Da nite befor Squigmas

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Da nite befor Squigmas

Post#1 » Sun Dec 24, 2023 8:46 pm

Twoz da nite befor Squigmas, an' all froo da WAAAGH!
Not a gobbo woz stirrin', not even da runtz
Da trofeez woz 'ung on da bosspole wiv kare
In 'ope dat da warboss soon wud be dere

Da squigiez woz sleepin' all down in dung pitz
Wile big dreemz of slorta ran froo all da gitz
Da boss in iz big tent, an' me wiv me booze
Woz just settlin' down fer a long winta snooze

Wen outta da darkniss dere woz a lowd clatta
I lukked up an woched az sum 'umie went splatta
Away wiv sum gubbinz I ran like da flash
Tore opun me lootbox tu add ta me stash

Da moon shinin' down on da bludd-staind snow
Woz hidin' da korpsis wot rottid below
Wen up in da sky I see doin' iz roundz
Da littul red gobbo wiv hiz eight squig houndz

Dat sneeky lil gobbo, so lively an' kwik
I knew in da moment it must be saint Nikk
Mor farsta dan wartukkz wiv red paint dey came
Den 'e wipped'em, an' kursed'em, an' called'em by name

"Now Slasha! now Nasha! now Chompa an' Stikka!
On Bommit! On Stoopid! On Stinka an' Blitza!
Tu da topp'a da porch! strait froo dat wall!
Now smash away! Smash away! Smash em'up all!"

Now farsta 'n' farsta da squig hounds dey run
When dey meetz wiv a obstikle, smash it an' dunn
So up to da rooftopz da monsters dey jump
An' dere dey duz wait, sum takin' a dump

And den wiv a cackle I 'eard up on top
Da gruntin' an' skweekin' az da gitz all did stop
Az I drew in me 'ead, an' ajustid me 'at
Down froo da chimmny Nikk fell wiv a splat!

'E woz dressd all in ragz from iz 'ead to iz foot
Iz gear woz all nasty an' 'e woz koffin up soot
A bag markd "swag" woz fulla hiz loot
An' 'e kikked in me shinz, da littul green broot!

Iz eyz dey woz glowin'! On shroomz 'e woz chewin'!
Da majik ov Squigmas, in 'im it woz brewin'!
Iz toofy lil mouf woz drawn up in a smile
Da beard on iz chin woz dun stuntie style

Da stump ov a cig 'e 'eld tite in iz teef
It woz givin' off smoke like six munf old beef
'E woz skinny an' green like a bag fulla stixx
But 'e smakkd like a trukk wot woz all fulla brixx!

'E grinnd big an' cheezy, a rite jolly lil fief
'E pulld owt a mallit an' smashed owt me teef!
A wink ov iz eye, a twich ov iz 'ead
Soon gave me ta no I ad reasun ta dredd

'E sedd not a werd az 'e went round da room
Dat runt stole evryfing, 'an 'e grinnd like a loon
Den shuvvin' a finga all up in iz nose
'E pulld owt a rokkit, up da chimmny 'e roze!

'E jumpt in iz trukk, at da squigz 'e just kurst
Dey sprang inta akshun, all tryin ta be furst
But I 'eard 'im showt az 'e vanisht from site
"I kumz fer ya loot, yu betta not fite!"

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Posts: 994

Re: Da nite befor Squigmas

Post#2 » Mon Dec 25, 2023 12:14 am

:lol: fantastic, man. Gave me a real good chuckle :lol:
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Re: Da nite befor Squigmas

Post#3 » Mon Dec 25, 2023 3:38 am

lol !

Posts: 702

Re: Da nite befor Squigmas

Post#4 » Mon Dec 25, 2023 5:18 pm

Da Orkz are best in fighting and singing!!!!

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