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Macro to instantly trigger the War Report teleport

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Macro to instantly trigger the War Report teleport

Post#1 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:48 pm

Allows you to instantly trigger the war report teleport with a single button press by putting the macro on your action bar. You do not need to open up the War Report window at any point for this to work.

What it is

Code: Select all

/script CurrentEventsUpdate() EA_Window_CurrentEvents.SetCurrentTier(4) CurrentEventsJumpToEvent(WindowGetId("EA_Window_CurrentEventsHeadlineEvent"))
What it does

1) CurrentEventsUpdate()
Updates the War Report system with the current war report options (this works even if the War Report window is currently hidden).

2) EA_Window_CurrentEvents.SetCurrentTier(4)
Changes the War Report window to tier 4 (also works if the window is hidden), which will load the five active tier 4 events into the window.

3) CurrentEventsJumpToEvent(WindowGetId("EA_Window_CurrentEventsHeadlineEvent"))
Triggers the War Report teleport for the event at the top of the window (the headline tier 4 event). This is always a PVP event so will take you to a warcamp... somewhere.


Q1) Does this macro does let you trigger the teleport while in combat?
A1) No. The server also checks and won't trigger the teleport if you are in combat.

Q2) Does it work if there are no teleport events in tier 4?
A2) If... somehow... there's no War Report events for tier 4 then no it won't work. You can try extending the macro so it sets tier 4 and triggers, then sets tier 3 and triggers, then 2 and trigger, then 1 and trigger, but I have not tested this.

A3) A while ago someone asked me if it was possible and it was, so I made the macro for them. I very much doubt I am the first perso to make a macro like this. They've had enough time to have their fun with it :D. Not something I use myself.

A4) I don't like instant war reports while RvR flagged, regardless of whether it takes 1 button or 3-4 clicks. Sometimes you have to put something out there to get it changed...
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: Macro to instantly trigger the War Report teleport

Post#2 » Thu Dec 28, 2023 12:47 am

Weird that it got no attention compared to the retribution alert, interesting macro that will save those precious 2s when doing pve.
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Re: Macro to instantly trigger the War Report teleport

Post#3 » Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:05 am

That's pretty awesome! Thanks! I'm gonna call it "Nope out" or "Not today" :lol:

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