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Opinions on Time To Kill

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Re: Opinions on Time To Kill

Post#11 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:13 pm

CountTalabecland wrote: Wed Apr 24, 2024 3:22 pm Fights are generally too short in Wb v. Wb. It just turns into spam AoE and hope your damage is better than theirs. Usually over in a few seconds.

I would propose adjusting AoE cap. Feels like more than 9 but less than 24 would have a sweetspot in there somewhere.
Well the concept of aoe to be more viable than singletarget for warbanding, is that you stack more aoe pressure on an enemy warband so that the strength of funneling all 8 healers' singletarget heals, hots and absorbs into the same target will be spreadout and overcome the healingpersecond.

So for example if Order wb figths a destro warband in 2-2-2 setups;
8 damagedealers will stress and overcome the othersides 8 healers as groupheal have a party limmitation and aoedmg can hit all of the four groups so it will be 8dps against 2 healers per group and the aoe DPS will be stronger than 2healer's Healingpersecond (+available crossheals and prehots) This is what criticalmass is, and what determins if a warbands aoe punch can overcome the enemy healers. Added on top is ofcause tank mitigations such as guard, chellenge, Bellow etc so make it an armsrace where incomeing damage taken against healingpersecond is almost equal and little things such as crowdcontrol or debuffs, or singletarget pressure will flip the fight in either sides favor as there will be higher pressure focused to a singletarget or a party will have a healer crowdcontrole and that group will fall behind in HPS and kills & snowball effect can occure.
More or less thats the concept of Warband TTK and balance :roll:

Now if aoe ability scaling is touched, grouphealing, guard or other things then the TTK can increase or decrease naturally.
Other factors such as increasing aoe range, width, cooldowns will also impact.
And then AoE-cap in some situations. On the old RoR 9aoecap tanks could soak more of the aoe damage because of the collision in the game, so damagedealers were bodyblocked reaching better positions were they would hit some of the enemy tanks and they would soak some of the aoecap making it more safe to ball-up or run several people together as the incoming aoe damage would be spread out between more players/warbands. So aoe cap changing hardly did anything in terms of player behavior, there was also blobbing before it got increased to 24 from 9.

Could warband/zerg/orvr TTK get changed. Probably but it is such a fine line because of the many layers of impact between all archtypes, geardifferences, compositions and playstyles. One example of an indirect change to the meta would be that Slayers and Shattered limb was good against spamable classes, when the GCD was increased more of the warband burst came then from Channeled attackes and less spammy DPS. Leading to slayer getting pushed somewhat behind WL with it's aoe interupt and "ondemand" burst instead of a ramp-up from slayer.

To return to the initial comment, about fights being over too fast. That might simply be more of a gear,skill, composition & experience difference in some cases. There is a reacon city 24v24 meta started with 4aoe groups and because that led to no kills in evenly matched fights the meta followed Live-like meta from 4aoe groups to 3aoe1ST and later on some 2-2. But overall 4 aoe groups hardly just onepumps equal warbands without some serious advantages on gear, skill, flankadvantage or experience imo.
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Re: Opinions on Time To Kill

Post#12 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:43 pm

WB fights do seem to functionally end immediately. One side will hold the W key and not let go until the other is all dead.
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Re: Opinions on Time To Kill

Post#13 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:11 pm

Agreed that TTK is too fast and I basically never see anyone claiming that the enjoy the quick TTK in ORvR

Personally, as a healer, fast TTK makes the game far less interesting for me

Posts: 337

Re: Opinions on Time To Kill

Post#14 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:08 pm

TTK is too fast.

1.Bring back 180 armour talismans
2.Restore CW and RD
3.Give back snb tanks 10 sec cd on super punts

If anyone thinks TTK is too long then let them play a MOBA and not an MMO
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Re: Opinions on Time To Kill

Post#15 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 1:48 pm

TTK got faster since ability patch.

General range of all attacks including AOE increased as range is calculated differently (from edge of player's 5ft area "bubble" rather than from centre). It's like buying a 12" pizza instead of 9" one.

Cone of Fire for Challenge was reduced a lot also.

This means tanks challenging hits less people and gets stripped off quicker.

Compound effect : more AOE damage + Less damage reduction = >> faster time to kill.

I am hopeful this gets addressed in next balance patch as it seems some time has been spent looking into it rather then just knee-jerk changing - for example - range of Whirling Axe. Hamzy said on the latest Realm Watch regarding AOE radius that changes to DPS landscape was coming.
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Posts: 128

Re: Opinions on Time To Kill

Post#16 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:07 pm

My biggest fear is the knee-jerk reactions prompted by individual complaints, instead of considering all ramification of changes. Imo that is why we are stuck with 4 viable dps classes in oRvR.

"Riposte is too strong" - It was doing 10% of a Slayer/Choppa Kill Damage, which is in line with EVERY other "extra dmg" tactic, but it gave those classes a proper morale with M1. Someone died in a 1v1 against a Choppa and It got nerfed down to 7%, now those classes lost a play.

"Chop Fasta/WWs is too strong" - Yeah but it enabled mSH, Barrage SW, ID Spam, EoV/FotG and WE/WH WB Spec. It got nerfed without changes to the classes and now they died.

"Rampage is too strong" - Yeah it needed a nerf, but it came along with even more nerfs to Slayer and now a BiS Slayer with BW procs does less dmg then a Vanq WL without procs.

I'm afraid that whenever they address TTK, they will do it by only nerfing dmg, which will cause shift to a Morale Meta. And then its gonna be Destro dominating because they originally had less AoE M2s then they do now, to balance the fact their tanks have faster Bellows. We will go from boring "spin to win" meta to boring "nobody dies untill Destro has their Morales" meta, which won't help make the game more fun.

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Re: Opinions on Time To Kill

Post#17 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 5:31 pm

Rotgut wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 3:07 pm My biggest fear is the knee-jerk reactions prompted by individual complaints, instead of considering all ramification of changes. Imo that is why we are stuck with 4 viable dps classes in oRvR.

"Riposte is too strong" - It was doing 10% of a Slayer/Choppa Kill Damage, which is in line with EVERY other "extra dmg" tactic, but it gave those classes a proper morale with M1. Someone died in a 1v1 against a Choppa and It got nerfed down to 7%, now those classes lost a play.

"Chop Fasta/WWs is too strong" - Yeah but it enabled mSH, Barrage SW, ID Spam, EoV/FotG and WE/WH WB Spec. It got nerfed without changes to the classes and now they died.

"Rampage is too strong" - Yeah it needed a nerf, but it came along with even more nerfs to Slayer and now a BiS Slayer with BW procs does less dmg then a Vanq WL without procs.

I'm afraid that whenever they address TTK, they will do it by only nerfing dmg, which will cause shift to a Morale Meta. And then its gonna be Destro dominating because they originally had less AoE M2s then they do now, to balance the fact their tanks have faster Bellows. We will go from boring "spin to win" meta to boring "nobody dies untill Destro has their Morales" meta, which won't help make the game more fun.
I hope that most of the point you addressed will be fixed with the dps patch. A lot of builds died with recent patches, like the 2H build for Slayer/Choppa.

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