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Minor improvements to T1- 3, not 4 cap points

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Posts: 5

Minor improvements to T1- 3, not 4 cap points

Post#1 » Mon May 13, 2024 9:07 am

I could be wrong but I think it's pretty universally felt that Nordland is the best T1 RvR lake. I think that's for two reasons, beyond the fact that it's just the nicest to look at: 1. It's small, you can see every point from every other point and you don't spend 40 minutes riding around doing nothing, and 3. it's better designed because there are 3 flags instead of 4.

Having 4 points is bad, because both teams often just capture their own side's 2 and then mindlessly deliver boxes until 100%. It's a stalemate where neither side is incentivized to actually go pick a fight, so you get situations where there are plenty of players on both sides but nobody is actually fighting. Having 3 points means one side is always going to have more supplies coming in than the other, so there's a direct incentive to go break the stalemate and try to get the edge. I think Ekrund and Blighted Isle would feel a lot less sloggy if this was changed, changing the points from 4 to 3 in a more localized space to encourage more action.

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Re: Minor improvements to T1- 3, not 4 cap points

Post#2 » Mon May 13, 2024 9:17 am

IvanWarhammer wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 9:07 am I could be wrong but I think it's pretty universally felt that Nordland is the best T1 RvR lake. I think that's for two reasons, beyond the fact that it's just the nicest to look at: 1. It's small, you can see every point from every other point and you don't spend 40 minutes riding around doing nothing, and 3. it's better designed because there are 3 flags instead of 4.

Having 4 points is bad, because both teams often just capture their own side's 2 and then mindlessly deliver boxes until 100%. It's a stalemate where neither side is incentivized to actually go pick a fight, so you get situations where there are plenty of players on both sides but nobody is actually fighting. Having 3 points means one side is always going to have more supplies coming in than the other, so there's a direct incentive to go break the stalemate and try to get the edge. I think Ekrund and Blighted Isle would feel a lot less sloggy if this was changed, changing the points from 4 to 3 in a more localized space to encourage more action.
the problem is making rvr lakes in amazon delivery simulator. a solution would be add npcs in rvr lakes and on BO make them carry supply for faction while you leave ppl more pvp focused. Feels janky being 3 hoiurs in a RVR lake just deliverying boxes.
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Re: Minor improvements to T1- 3, not 4 cap points

Post#3 » Mon May 13, 2024 2:12 pm

Everybody's experience seems to be different than mine. I always try to get some box running in for contribution and I get jumped a lot. Its rare that I can even get one box to keep or wc to turn in without incident.

Posts: 1

Re: Minor improvements to T1- 3, not 4 cap points

Post#4 » Mon May 13, 2024 2:17 pm

make BOs in RVR work like Gromgril crossing(sc)!

The reason so many dont know how to play is because RvR is basically flankland.
There is very little to no fighting over any objectives ever. Even keep fights is not actually fighting, its usually waiting around 30 minutes and then turtling on bottom or top.

We never fight over resource, we never fight over BOs. thats the problem.

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