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Thorshafn Tribe Destro RP-Rvr

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Posts: 10

Thorshafn Tribe Destro RP-Rvr

Post#1 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:28 am

The Thorshafn Tribe is a new RP-RvR Chaos only guild based upon the starting area. We plan to do all content including RvR, dungeons, quests and just generally have fun with the community while striving towards the main goal of having full Chaos WB's at some point in the future. If interested you can contact Skialg in game with further questions you may have or send some post and Skialg will be sure to get back to you.

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Posts: 79

Re: Thorshafn Tribe Destro RP-Rvr

Post#2 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 4:31 pm

Alwas nice to see another RP Guild besides Freebootaz on Destro, after the Kar Khadath Regiment sadly ceased to exist more or less.

I don't have a chaos character yet and i am currently a tad burned out in terms of playing RoR :S

But once that changes, i will be sure to contact Skialg.

Getting a RP Guild up and running is not an easy task, goodspeed in your endeavors o7

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Posts: 79

Re: Thorshafn Tribe Destro RP-Rvr

Post#3 » Mon May 13, 2024 2:57 pm

Sent a Mail with a request to join to Skialg ingame with a bit of further info \o/

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Re: Thorshafn Tribe Destro RP-Rvr

Post#4 » Tue May 14, 2024 6:50 am

I also wish you good luck. Themed RvR is a very fun endevour, also a very daunting one as you leave some important synergies out.
But Chosen, Marauder, Zealot, Magus is a solid base for some hard Damage and Pulls.

Posts: 10

Re: Thorshafn Tribe Destro RP-Rvr

Post#5 » Wed May 15, 2024 3:53 am

Appreciate the kind words, it's going albeit very very slow but I've gotten some members and will continue the project, hopefully one day I'll amass enough members to bring out that Chaos warband.

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