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Simple idea on how to fix player numbers

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Posts: 13

Simple idea on how to fix player numbers

Post#1 » Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:26 pm

Hey guys. I just joined this server and I see there aren't as many players as we'd like to keep the action up.

As WAR is heavily dependant on having a decent number of players, I'd like to suggest the following - give the ability to stop leveling and stay in T1, and the ability to instantly get r40. It's a simple, but elegant solution - there will never be enough palyers to spread over all four tiers, which will just mean they're all dead. Plus leveling in t2 and t3 will be absolutely dead, since you will have to solo quest.

Obviously you keep RRs down, but possibly increase the amount of renown you get in tier 1 - so it's possible to get your RR up BEFORE reaching 40 (possibly limit it to 20?25?). I'm sure that can be worked on, but it's secondary.

What do you folks think?

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Re: Simple idea on how to fix player numbers

Post#2 » Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:53 pm

Server usually gets busy around the evening (European time). I disagree with the "Rank 40 instantly" blah blah blah. It opens up pandora's box of issues, since mechanics, abilities, tactics, renown tactics and morals aren't working.

Containing the game in a more stable state will keep people in the game. So keeping T1 open and the rest closed will be much better, than letting people run around, alone, not seeing another face since everyone will be spread out.

Beside, people are already crying about the small percentage of bugs that are in effect currently.

Posts: 13

Re: Simple idea on how to fix player numbers

Post#3 » Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:05 pm

Oh yes, I completely agree about containing people to T1. You must have misunderstood me, it was what I implied in the first place.

The instant r40 was an idea for when T1 and mechanics are fine, if they ever get there.

Yes, it's the far (and one which will possibly never occur) future, but I just have a phobia with everything Warhammer related concerning biting off more than one can chew. Because if the people dealing with this start coding T2 and T3....

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Re: Simple idea on how to fix player numbers

Post#4 » Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:06 pm

Since tomorrow I have started coding T4 directly, that's the most fun.

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Re: Simple idea on how to fix player numbers

Post#5 » Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:24 pm

Maybe a small exp boost can be done when r40 can be reached :)

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Re: Simple idea on how to fix player numbers

Post#6 » Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:17 pm

Loans wrote:Maybe a small exp boost can be done when r40 can be reached :)
This I would be okay with, but not the instant r40 once it's available. If everyone has the option to get there instantly, who is going to test everything in between?

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Re: Simple idea on how to fix player numbers

Post#7 » Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:22 pm

Loans and Kei seem to be talking about different things hmmm...

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Re: Simple idea on how to fix player numbers

Post#8 » Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:37 pm

JeFawk wrote:Loans and Kei seem to be talking about different things hmmm...
That's entirely possible, JeFawk. I haven't been awake all that long and it's likely I've misunderstood. :oops:

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Re: Simple idea on how to fix player numbers

Post#9 » Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:44 pm

Either way talking about r40 isn't too helpful as that will happen in quite a long time from now :\

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