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I....I....I.....I can't believe it EXISTS!!!

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Re: I....I....I.....I can't believe it EXISTS!!!

Post#21 » Sun Sep 27, 2015 1:50 am

delbo45 wrote:I missed this game since it was shutted down and I was really sad because it was a very good game and now I try to get into the Warhammer World again but the current download is not really working for me so if anyoane knows if this game will develop into a more less complicated launcher or where to ask these kinds of questions please tell me.
Help would be appreciated.
What kind of download is not working for you? The game or the Launcher? If you are talking about the game, use the Mega link and have it link to your mega account. Then sync it to your PC. So it won't disrupt your download while it sync to your pc.

For the launcher, it need a different launcher. ROR launcher is the one you are looking for.


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