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War Report (Population Spread too thin)

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War Report (Population Spread too thin)

Post#1 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:11 pm

I'd love to see War Report added, if it's possible and not a complected addition. If it's too hard to add, would it be possible to add a server wide announcement (not just zone) when keeps/bos are under attack.

I think this is important to add with the change over to 3 zones open at a time. Since the change i've felt that finding fights has become a lot harder.

My group and myself are having to go zone to zone to try and find the small amount of the opposite faction that exists. We are spending a lot more time looking for the enemy, than actually fighting the enemy. It feels like the population, is spread too thin across the 3 maps to currently support this.

Full disclosure, this may have to do with my NA playtimes. This may not be as big of an issue for EU players.

I think a War Report would be a solution to this problem.

TLDR: With 3 Zones Open, We need War Report, Please.

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Re: War Report (Population Spread too thin)

Post#2 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:02 pm

I used to agree, mainly because when I logged on, it was difficult to discern what zone was open. It would still be a nice feature to figure out where your realm is upon login.

But I also think it should keep info off that would clue in where the underdog is. I.e. "Enemy has been spotted in Ostland." messages. Just give Keep info only imho.

My reasoning is, it should never be made easier for groups like yours or other premades to find targets to kill. That is part of the hunt and you will have to earn it, not given it. Longer pvp gaps between fights for premades in RvR isn't really a good reason to add War Report. Technically, you should have just left all of that out and used my reasonings. Asking for crap is a big game in itself. Don't reveal your hand!
Last edited by Mez on Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: War Report (Population Spread too thin)

Post#3 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:06 pm

Mez wrote:I used to agree, mainly because when I logged on, it was difficult to discern what zone was open. It would still be a nice feature to figure out where your realm is upon login.

But I also think it should keep info off that would clue in where the underdog is. I.e. "Enemy has been spotted in Ostland." messages. Just keep it to keep info only imho. My reasoning is, it should never be made easier for groups like yours or other premades to find targets to kill. That is part of the hunt and you will have to earn it, not given it. Less and less pvp gaps between fights for premades in RvR isn't really a good reason to add War Report. Technically, you should have just left all of that out and used my reasonings. Asking for crap is a big game in itself. Don't reveal your hand!

From a really quick chat with Aza, in IRC it sounds like War Report would be a huge pain to add anyway. So I completely understand.

Instead, I'd just like to see Keep Under Attack messages be Global instead of just in zone. If at all possible a BO under attack message would be nice too, tho I'd imagine it would be harder to add.

I do get what your saying about there being a hunt, I agree there, I enjoy that about Orvr. The only problem is, the populations, at least in NA feels a bit spread thin. When the hunt takes 45 minutes and results in finding maybe a couple people to fight. It makes people either que SCs or log off.

With the 1 zone system, there were always people to fight.

Your right tho, I look at things from the standpoint of a 4 - 6 man, looking for people to fight. Not from the PoV of someone logging on just looking to zerg and maybe take a keep or two. I try to have full disclosure, because when I ask for things, I want it to be for the betterment of the game, not just myself. lol
Last edited by Azuzu on Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: War Report (Population Spread too thin)

Post#4 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:10 pm

I miss early on Live when you could claim a keep, and your guild would be given info on how many enemies were in the area when your keep got lit up. "78 enemies in the area of Mandred's Hold."

It would be then your guild's decision what to do with the information. That was 1 thing taken from DAOC they used, but got rid of I think when guards went away, since technically it was the guards who reported the info. I miss that.
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Re: War Report (Population Spread too thin)

Post#5 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:15 pm

Mez wrote:I miss early on Live when you could claim a keep, and your guild would be given info on how many enemies were in the area when your keep got lit up. "78 enemies in the area of Mandred's Hold."

It would be then your guild's decision what to do with the information. That was 1 thing taken from DAOC they used, but got rid of I think when guards went away, since technically it was the guards who reported the info. I miss that.

I remember that, your guild's heraldry would hang from the keep's walls as well. You can still see the heraldry in the keeps, it's just the default one tho.

Weren't you also able to upgrade the keeps? (In WAR)

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Re: War Report (Population Spread too thin)

Post#6 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:27 pm

Yep, the upgrades came later but I thought it was kind of cool. There used to be chatter before claiming as to who would pay for upgrades etc, so you could let that guild claim. It definitely increased the realm pride aspect.
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Re: War Report (Population Spread too thin)

Post#7 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:28 pm

You could upgrade doors, so 7lvl keep door was some kind of big problem :D
also additional guards and something else but cant remember it

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Re: War Report (Population Spread too thin)

Post#8 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:29 pm

The banner buffs were the best. I used to love ganking near keeps that had renown bonus, or thorn banner etc.
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Re: War Report (Population Spread too thin)

Post#9 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:03 pm

Yes I sad earlier, 2 little thing are very important WAR REPORT and Guild banner/flags (res with flag and gain more morale)

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Re: War Report (Population Spread too thin)

Post#10 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:12 pm

Maybe a chat command that would tell you which zones are open and which are locked.
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