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Solo Ranked

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Posts: 246

Re: Solo Ranked

Post#11 » Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:06 pm

gebajger wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:53 pm Is there anything keeping people from hopping on discord and Q-ing together for solo ranked?
If there isn't, why is it called solo ranked?
Thats why we should allow mixed teams with order and destro in same party.

This is only way to fix ranked.

Posts: 208

Re: Solo Ranked

Post#12 » Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:22 pm

Mergrim wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:06 pm
gebajger wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:53 pm Is there anything keeping people from hopping on discord and Q-ing together for solo ranked?
If there isn't, why is it called solo ranked?
Thats why we should allow mixed teams with order and destro in same party.

This is only way to fix ranked.
by far the best suggestion to help out solo ranked
team stacking is very real
this server just doesnt have the population to support realm vs realm

lets be honest though ranked is nothing more than a dream that only a few people actually care for war/ror has always been a mindless zerg game where you go to spam 3-4 buttons and its only gotten worse

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Re: Solo Ranked

Post#13 » Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:23 pm

Mergrim wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:06 pm
gebajger wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:53 pm Is there anything keeping people from hopping on discord and Q-ing together for solo ranked?
If there isn't, why is it called solo ranked?
Thats why we should allow mixed teams with order and destro in same party.

This is only way to fix ranked.
Imagine the ammount of Salt it would create...

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Posts: 241

Re: Solo Ranked

Post#14 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:06 am

Mergrim wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:06 pm
gebajger wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:53 pm Is there anything keeping people from hopping on discord and Q-ing together for solo ranked?
If there isn't, why is it called solo ranked?
Thats why we should allow mixed teams with order and destro in same party.

This is only way to fix ranked.
No ty.

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Posts: 97

Re: Solo Ranked

Post#15 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:38 am

Casual players don't care and never will regardless the rewards. So the best hope for this game mod to survive is to better maintain and utilize current population.

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Re: Solo Ranked

Post#16 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:01 am

Neflak wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 5:01 am What is going on with ranked? I basically never see games popping anymore even during EU prime time. As a ranged dps main I can't even get 10 games a week in a reasonable time, much less 10 wins. Are the incentives not good enough for people to que this or there is just no reason to que right now? I don't understand, I thought this was end game pvp for small scale fighting... seems like nobody cares...?
The “Best patch in RoR history” claim with the NB change did the opposite of helping ranked pop.

Large population don’t care for ranked and it’s only meant for certain classes.

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Re: Solo Ranked

Post#17 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:49 am

I never cared for ranked and never will, just isn’t my environment or content I like.
First RR90 Slayer working towards the top of the mountain.I still solo, still run riposte.

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Re: Solo Ranked

Post#18 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:29 am

Neflak wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 5:01 am What is going on with ranked? I basically never see games popping anymore even during EU prime time. As a ranged dps main I can't even get 10 games a week in a reasonable time, much less 10 wins. Are the incentives not good enough for people to que this or there is just no reason to que right now? I don't understand, I thought this was end game pvp for small scale fighting... seems like nobody cares...?
I'd say the two glaring problems with ranked gameplay and SC's and what you label as, "endgame pvp for small scale fighting" is that no rewards come from this form of content that justify doing it. And the mode in and of itself is done pretty poorly as stated before by other posters.

Endgame BiS gear (soveriegn) comes from doing cities and because of that people are forced into doing that form of gameplay. Some people enjoy ranked SC's and those are the guys who que for it (I still que time to time) but knowing that I get a mild progression from Vanq isn't enough to halt the drive I have for getting sovereign gear on any given character.

Whenever participating in PVE, PVP, or any form of content in the game everyone stops what they are doing and does city because the demand for city is greater than all because the gear that comes from it is greater than all. If Royals came from getting kills the same way vanqs did then people might be able to fit what they enjoy doing in the game into everyday playstyle but for some reason people fail to truly acknowledge how important power progression is for the general players. Instead of being something to enjoy and be creative about you are linearly forced into a single file line of how to go forward.

Those who like certain game modes will indulge in them but most players in the game are motivated by something;

-Bragging Rights
-Role Playing

Ranked solo tends to fall short on a lot of the above motivations except maybe Fun and Self-improvement which are subjective in nature so with an already low population base it's hard to get into it.

I recommend joining a nice 6v6 guild or community and wait while the brass irons out the flaws with ranked, normal SC's when tryharded in an organized 6 can be pretty fun and often you will find competitive groups in these scenarios, not always but its better than waiting around doing nothing, which seems to be the popular alternative to some people for some reason.
A side note; to think getting into discord and communicating with your team invalidates ranked solo que is so actually dumb, It's like no one has played games with actual ranked solo scenes before like Dota or League, where you have full ability to hop into a discord as long as people are willing to do so. Motivation to win and communicate is albeit a nature of ranked solo. To think that you have to play mute and without communication is really stupid... incredibly stupid if you've ever played in 6v6 scene before it was big and to know the importance of organization and a lead MA or shotcaller.
[2 Weeks]/[Definitely Not Heretics]
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Posts: 269

Re: Solo Ranked

Post#19 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 9:10 am

Having difficulties understand the typical mmo player.
U only do fun stuff if u get rewards stuffed up your a.. ?
Soloranked is casual otherwise it wouldn't be solo and random in its setup.
I play for fun and not for rewards, the fun ends tho if i have to wait more then 5 mins to get a pop.
HAve a nice summer all!

Posts: 456

Re: Solo Ranked

Post#20 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:50 pm

Spellbound wrote: Wed Jun 16, 2021 7:01 am
Neflak wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 5:01 am What is going on with ranked? I basically never see games popping anymore even during EU prime time. As a ranged dps main I can't even get 10 games a week in a reasonable time, much less 10 wins. Are the incentives not good enough for people to que this or there is just no reason to que right now? I don't understand, I thought this was end game pvp for small scale fighting... seems like nobody cares...?
The “Best patch in RoR history” claim with the NB change did the opposite of helping ranked pop.

Large population don’t care for ranked and it’s only meant for certain classes.
Before the NB patch I could play 5-6 matches in EU off-primetime. Just after it, it went down to very few, like 1-2, and it has been zero since more than a week. This is a fact, the best patch in RoR history killed many ranked "pros"

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