Weekend event solo/duo queue like Discordant Skirmish

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Posts: 21

Re: Weekend event solo/duo queue like Discordant Skirmish

Post#51 » Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:12 pm

Everdin wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:02 am There is a big gap between what you all call "premade".

While If there are two fully geard and good coordinated groups in the one side, there may be some guild premade that just picked up what they found on guild/ally and 6 pugs. What you see is the single group trying one or two times and then realizing they fought 12 man alone and giving up.

The important fact comes now:
They que again, and try again instead of crying in the forum that the pugs destroy their experience.

Most of you also don't want fair fights, but easy rewards for yourself, as soon as pugs would have their own weekend warfront, the crying would go on there about "premades that bug their way" into this mode, cause you cant accept other people just winning cause they play better.

Same as discordant, which I highly recommend, if weekend warfront has to much premades for you.
Yes. Exactly THIS is the elitary bs that ruins a lot of games. Cause elitists like you only see what the elitist wants.
And all say the same: We want good fights. Infact you all mean: We want farm pugs. Cause without Pugs you are not the elite of the game..... When noone remembers your Names you are just a number like everyone else.
I never see the Grp players say that they want a grp only queue... You know why? Cause Pugs don't destroy the games for them. Pugs are the game for this players :).
Discordant is funny. Mabe the soloplayers wannt the Event. But it seems they don't deserve it. They only deserve the sharp end from the Axes.
All Solo players should boycot SC for 4 weeks. The grp players would loose interest cause they have no easy targets anymore. Seen this so often :).

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Re: Weekend event solo/duo queue like Discordant Skirmish

Post#52 » Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:44 pm

Dackjanielz wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:44 pm
shoelessHN wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:27 pm
jazzhandss wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:49 am Why isn't there an option for this when it's an option for every other scenario? Every weekend event is just premades from both sides farming pugs who are allured by the 50% bonus renown or are forced to doing the event for the rewards. Of course there's always the option to form a 2/2/2 party yourself, but sometimes you only have time for a few matches and don't want to bother forming a team. Also as a tank and rdps player, it is considerably harder to find an SC party as an RDPS so the whole "just make your own premade" doesn't apply equally to all classes. Let the premades battle it out amongst themselves and the pugs battle amongst themselves in these event SCs, you already can't control what happens in open RvR so at least give us that option in SCs.
They made ranked so premades could fight other premades. None of them wanted to do it. They want to farm random pugs.

You're gonna hear the tired old "it's a group game" comments from people nonstop bringing this up.

Sad truth.
Its a very silly point of view to preach, do these people really think Mythic entertainment and EA games set out of their way when they built this game to NOT appeal to the mass audience of casual solo players all playing world of warcraft and instead focus on the top 20% of competitive folks?

Makes me laugh.
Top 20% of competitive folks? More like 5% - 10% in healthy games.

Posts: 581

Re: Weekend event solo/duo queue like Discordant Skirmish

Post#53 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:32 am

Shalanor wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:12 pm
Everdin wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:02 am There is a big gap between what you all call "premade".

While If there are two fully geard and good coordinated groups in the one side, there may be some guild premade that just picked up what they found on guild/ally and 6 pugs. What you see is the single group trying one or two times and then realizing they fought 12 man alone and giving up.

The important fact comes now:
They que again, and try again instead of crying in the forum that the pugs destroy their experience.

Most of you also don't want fair fights, but easy rewards for yourself, as soon as pugs would have their own weekend warfront, the crying would go on there about "premades that bug their way" into this mode, cause you cant accept other people just winning cause they play better.

Same as discordant, which I highly recommend, if weekend warfront has to much premades for you.
Yes. Exactly THIS is the elitary bs that ruins a lot of games. Cause elitists like you only see what the elitist wants.
And all say the same: We want good fights. Infact you all mean: We want farm pugs. Cause without Pugs you are not the elite of the game..... When noone remembers your Names you are just a number like everyone else.
I never see the Grp players say that they want a grp only queue... You know why? Cause Pugs don't destroy the games for them. Pugs are the game for this players :).
Discordant is funny. Mabe the soloplayers wannt the Event. But it seems they don't deserve it. They only deserve the sharp end from the Axes.
All Solo players should boycot SC for 4 weeks. The grp players would loose interest cause they have no easy targets anymore. Seen this so often :).
Yep, good thing you know me! I bet I play more discordant and less weekend warfront then you, exactly for this reason. IF I go for weekend warfront, I join a group, otherwise I pass on the reward, it's that easy.

I would be totaly fine to have a group only que for weekend warfront, without giving a solo que so there is a reason for people to go for group content. This game has warband content like ch22, group content and solo content, it's that easy, would you try solo Bastion Stairs and cry if you won't get pass the first group of mobs? You not even loose something, it's two stacks of warcrest less, if you play and win discordants instead of wiping through ww, you propably would get more crests ...
Last edited by Everdin on Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

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Re: Weekend event solo/duo queue like Discordant Skirmish

Post#54 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:50 am

All this posts just for 75 War Crests that you can have with +- 5 wins in Discordant (you can have the other rewards with Dungeons Weekly - in 2 runs - so 1h for 2 GB).

The forum will never stop surprising me.

Posts: 233

Re: Weekend event solo/duo queue like Discordant Skirmish

Post#55 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:12 pm

lol yeah go on - delete skirmish - make SCs group only - i triple dare you.

Ill get the popcorn and prepare my clapping hands.

Posts: 581

Re: Weekend event solo/duo queue like Discordant Skirmish

Post#56 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:14 pm

Dackjanielz wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:12 pm lol yeah go on - delete skirmish - make SCs group only - i triple dare you.

Ill get the popcorn and prepare my clapping hands.


I would be totaly fine to have a group only que for weekend warfront...
I concretize the information in my post so even you will not fail to understand, sorry for the inconvenience!

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

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Re: Weekend event solo/duo queue like Discordant Skirmish

Post#57 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:55 pm

The Problem for me is that the weekend SC is often mandatory for the Events.
Most time you have 2 SCs as Event Sc and the second SC starts at Friday and Monday is 12:00 the Event is finished. This means you have to get your 10 Participations and 5 Wins over the Weekend.
Which is a Pain when Premades are on. Because you are not able to compete with them even if you build a group. Most of the time when you build a group you get total crap as second group. (Not the players, the class composition.)
Why do you want to force players to play in one way?
Make the weekend SC as discordant queue and as grp queue and let everybody choose how they want to play. Maybe lower the influence for the single player SC and try do build a 2/2/2 and open the SC every 10 Minutes. Normally the Playerpool should be so big that premades seldom play together.

Yes I know that the developers working on this issue. But this server is actively loosing players because of this issue. I would prefer an imperfect interim solution now over one in 3 Months. In 3 Months is summer. And with the Number of Players now and the yearly cycle if things continue like this, it will be really thrilling to see whether the server will recover from the summer slump this year.

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