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Dev restart the balance to the beginning

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Posts: 21

Re: Dev restart the balance to the beginning

Post#71 » Sat Mar 09, 2024 6:05 am

Lisutaris wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:32 pm
Nameless wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:18 pm After ability patch orders are doing way better esp at wb level play. Just check last 5-6 lotd. Replacing pull meta with proc meta changed so many things.
These macro changes favouring orders realm more. Individual balance got his up and downs but that is process that is not over yet
True and completely agreed. (LOTD winning comparison). LOTD functions differently to city though.
While in city funneling and stacking gets rewarded in LOTD it gets punished by debuff.
In city you have to attack a specific point and no real surpise is possible. In LOTD you can do some fancy BO stuff to surprise the enemy and also have the neutral faction taking back BOs.

I don't think we have enough data as also player activity has to be taken into accoung (active organized warbands each time, ~equipment level, classes and much more). But yes, at first glance it looks like order got stronger on open fields compared to before. I wouldn't bet on it tho' as long as I dont have stats/data that can really confirm this.
You are good in reading signs where there aren't any.
LOTD: Who cares? I never go in this blobwars with Formula 1 feeling cause you run around like an Ape and blob up whenever you get near the Enemy. This is nothing where you can find balance. It's just: Blob. But i hear from Players who go into: Destro WB who won all not there. Why is this a balance thing for you? CAuse you want the Destrobuffs? Or more buffs? My Main charakter gets nerfed hard and is no fun anymore. Thank you dev's. Useless Peoples....
RvR? Who cares if your Skills make 50% dmg more dmg or heal? You get blobbed in the Spaltageddon with Shamannado. You can do whatever you want. You get blobbed. And as every Destro class who is not a tank who Guard spaltas, a healer who heals spaltas or a spalta who spalts: You are Useless. Noone needs you but feel happy that spaltageddon leads the Way and feel important.

Get rid of this stupid Spalta and Slayerwars. Its just booring. My playtime gets down every week cause its boring.... Run around, Run from stupid flag to flag and at the end the Fight ist 30 seconds where one side rushes into the other.... Keeps are so boring that Order wont defend them. Close Quarter Combat? This feels like SPALTAGEDDON!!!!!!!!!! Why stand against it? They just rush through and don't even notice the defend.....

At the Devs: Check your numbers. Playerbase goes down: You failed hard. Maybe rethink your decissions. You cannot nerf one side the whole time and hope it works.


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