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Solo Ranked

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Re: Solo Ranked

Post#51 » Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:40 am

This is why Group queue is here, if you're looking to shape your own group, pick your own team mates and climb up the leaderboard together, then group up. You'll get better rewards anyway.

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Re: Solo Ranked

Post#52 » Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:53 pm

Parallell86 wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:22 pm All I heard is that the pretend-pro's are toxic people and quickly made people stop queue'ing ranked. I can see that. I quit League of Legends a decade ago because of the toxicity.

But for this game, vast majority of the server already despise the ranked scenarios or simply dont like it. How are you going to get the community back on it? If you spend all this time and energy perfecting something you should atleast know people will be playing the content.

In my opinion the triumphant/victorious sets may be good for some classes for mixture, while useless to others. They should be high-end scenario sets Invader/Warlord leveled.

If you wanna make them hard to get, make it warded by Oppressor. I can do regular scenarios. I won't deal with ranked community. It attracts pretender-pro's who cant see their own flaws, plays the blame game and creating bad atmosphere.
It's been repeated here many times. Certain classes just aren't good in the small ranked scenarios in the hands of most players, with some notable exceptions. On the order side those classes are really popular...
primary IB 8X, EN8X, WP7X, SL7X, KOTBS6X, and a bunch of under rr60 toons on order and destro with other classes.

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