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Add a System Message that accompanies an Auto Mod Mute

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Posts: 107

Add a System Message that accompanies an Auto Mod Mute

Post#1 » Sat Dec 23, 2023 4:16 pm

The Auto Mod is a good feature to manage chat.

It has the downside of being very frustrating to deal with if you do not understand why you are getting muted.

Since GMs do not always have time to respond and address every auto mod mute - the auto mod should explain itself to the player.

Suggestion: Have a player receive a system message from the auto mod when they get muted saying:

1. Why the mute occurred (just indicated language, spamming etc)
2. How long the mute is for
3. How to appeal it if there has been a mistake
4. Any escalating penalties that have been applied

A regular NA warband lead got caught by the auto mod the other day - I suspect for being a bit heavy on the WB chat commands. While stopping spammers is great, NA cant afford to lose a WB lead and kill the lakes because the auto mod is muting them and they cant give commands anymore.


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