The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#51 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:22 pm

Permakappa wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:59 pm make a thread with screenshots to shame them,
Don't do this. Shaming threads aren't allowed on the forums.
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#52 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:28 pm

Permakappa wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:59 pm This is an issue with "big guilds" mentality; nothing to do with balance, xrealming, drop rate or anything. They want to win trade to have it easy so they can pve their way to end game. We as players must take actions and start having pug with banlist and kick people that are just city loging or leeching or throwing and most of all we should stop supply them with people when they want to do 24men organized groups; if you join them or accept them you'r also part of the problem. It's our own fault if we let people join us without even question their motiv and it's evryone fault to not wanting to lead pugs and just waiting for someone else to push the zones. Having people say "let them push the zone" or "it's Sc time till city" while pugs struggle to deal with coordinated pushes, well we should call people for this and let evryone know the reality, maybe they'll have to play the game eventually due to bad reputation. Seeing them say "we got CW, go elsewhere" is funnier than it looks, they are using a 24 organized raid to ninja push a zone defended by 4 randoms dudes that don't even know what's happening, and ask pugs to "hold on"? while they win trade with their order boyfriends; only to chat warrior for 10min after a loss blaming anything but strategy and skill (blaming balance, blaming pugs, blaming gear, blaming the sun in their eyes and what not).
Very true! Gonna be hard to banlist/kick them from pugs though, that's what pugs are for. I believe working together gets things done faster and more efficiently - in most of the cases.

My solution for city-loggers would be: if you weren't present in the RVR campaign for up to a threshold, you can't get in the city. U wanna get some progress on your order char and quickly log on destro to get in the city? Well, tough luck. As I've said before, maybe it's time to decide which one you're gonna play. This combined with an increased faction lock timer might make ppl decide what they're gonna play for the day.
Might be a bit of a too excessive measure, but still.
Klindor - 83 - retired
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#53 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 10:46 pm

Sometimes you lose a battle to win the war. Fighting only for keeps is very shortsighted... To lose a keep battle is a sacrifice that must be made in order to win the war. The ultimate destruction of Order will be imminent, once the Destruction wields the power of Sovereign.

To throw keeps in order to farm Order in cities is the ultimate victory for once and for all.

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#54 » Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:57 am

Hey guys, mind to take a look into pairing script in less busy time? Thanks!

Posts: 121

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#55 » Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:40 pm

Permakappa wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:59 pm This is an issue with "big guilds" mentality; nothing to do with balance, xrealming, drop rate or anything. They want to win trade to have it easy so they can pve their way to end game. We as players must take actions and start having pug with banlist and kick people that are just city loging or leeching or throwing and most of all we should stop supply them with people when they want to do 24men organized groups; if you join them or accept them you'r also part of the problem. It's our own fault if we let people join us without even question their motiv and it's evryone fault to not wanting to lead pugs and just waiting for someone else to push the zones. Having people say "let them push the zone" or "it's Sc time till city" while pugs struggle to deal with coordinated pushes, well we should call people for this and let evryone know the reality, maybe they'll have to play the game eventually due to bad reputation. Seeing them say "we got CW, go elsewhere" is funnier than it looks, they are using a 24 organized raid to ninja push a zone defended by 4 randoms dudes that don't even know what's happening, and ask pugs to "hold on"? while they win trade with their order boyfriends; only to chat warrior for 10min after a loss blaming anything but strategy and skill (blaming balance, blaming pugs, blaming gear, blaming the sun in their eyes and what not).

so in other Words you want the big Guilds to be in organized Warbands so they can help out when you struggle with your pug WB but do nothing else and you also want that Players only spend their Time ingame with actions you have approved? :roll:
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#56 » Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:33 pm

Kloaner wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:40 pm so in other Words you want the big Guilds to be in organized Warbands so they can help out when you struggle with your pug WB but do nothing else and you also want that Players only spend their Time ingame with actions you have approved? :roll:
No, we want big guilds to city log, that's why we need xrealming to keep going on forever! /sarcasm off.

Maybe big guilds would be more tempted in participating in RVR rather than xrealming.

I still can't wrap my head around ppl loggin on opposite faction to push for a city just to login back to the other faction to do a city. Does this seem "cool" to you? Or a better time investment?
Klindor - 83 - retired
Iprotecc - 82 - holding doors
Isushi - pugging

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#57 » Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:33 pm

So - win trade/using and manipulating fellow gamers as useful idiots to accomplish your own goals is ok? You drive players away with this toxic behaviour. A few bad apples can spoil the whole barrel...

Posts: 542

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#58 » Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:42 pm

more people than you think aren't city loggers but don't invest a lot of time because they don't have anything to gain out of it if they have invader already or maybe they just can't play all day and have to sneak away to do a city because its very important for gear progression. people even log in at work to do a city if their circumstances allow for it. the city logger doesn't care if you defend the fort for no more reward than you would get if you lost, they will go back to what they were doing when they weren't playing ror. its the people who still are invested in the game that you are screwing over.

to address the others who say there is no rush to get sovereign because what would you play for then? gee i don't know, its almost like the whole actual point of the game is pvp? or maybe make another character afterwards? i know when your world view is the size of the keep door you are funneling in you might not comprehend that but here i am to enlighten you.

the system is flawed and they have no intention of adding alternatives to city so far so this is what we are stuck with. my only hope is they make forts easier for attackers so we have daily cities.


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