WP - off Smuggler weapons

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Posts: 3

WP - off Smuggler weapons

Post#1 » Thu Jan 04, 2024 3:29 pm

Some months ago, the devs added Smugglers weapons to the Ruin-gear merchant. - And that's great, I think!
Even more so, since the last big patch dropped, I decided to continue one of my older, more pve-focused, characters - a WP.
Now, given that I very likely won't engage as much in RvR with this one, I came back to this bit and checked out the merchant. - Well, turns out that WP won't be able to get any offensive weapons for War Tokens. However, DoK on the flipside, can get an offensive 1h sword. (both BG and DoK are able to use it)

Now, don't get this as whining or the likes. I just thought this might've been an oversight. As, in theory, cost would be the same. 2x1h = 2x500 tokens =1k, the same cost as 2hand weapongs.
For comparison, AM and Shaman get both, off and def staves as healers. And given that some of WPs skills (just like DoKs) heal through damage, I think it'd be great if they could (at least) get an off 2hander.
Also, yes I know some might say that offensive WP is underwhelming, that Subjugator weapons are easy to acquire and that this games main focus is rvr. While this is all true, not everyone wants to spent genesis tokens on these weapons or run out in the open/zerg (past 40/40) with a pve-character. ;)

However, if this is indeed an oversight, I'll put in on the bugtracker next.

edit: wording/typos


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