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Fortress Weapons and proccs - good for future balancing if they stay the same?

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Fortress Weapons and proccs - good for future balancing if they stay the same?

Post#1 » Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:54 pm

My 2nd and last post regarding balancing stuff.
Thx again for all the work and love @devs and @balance team regarding this game.

And another idea/suggestion:

Balancing is all well and good but with the multitude of different weapon combinations and proccs, which are different, it doesn't get any easier.
I want to specifically talk about the Fortress weapons.

1-handed Offensive: On hit, 5% chance to jolt target for 360 damage.
1-handed Shield: On being hit, 3% chance to form a protective barrier that absorbs 360 damage over 5 seconds.
2-handed Offensive (One of the following):
Each time an enemy deals direct damage to you with an ability, you have a 12% chance to increase your movement speed by 20% for 5 seconds. Effect can trigger once every 5 seconds and will end once you use an ability.
Guile - On Hit: 10% Chance to lower incoming healing on target by 25 for 10 seconds.
Shock X - On hit: 5% chance to shock target for 360 Elemental Damage.

If it's like this and fortress is considered BIS for many classes and endgame equip -> there will be problems with balancing as it is right now.
White Lion has Heal Debuff on weapon as an availablity, Maurader has not. Jolting as dps boost other way round not available.

How could this be solved? Well, maybe with giving 2H weapons 2 proccs > the jolting effect too (with HD) and make the Heal debuff and jolting 1h available as a combination. (2x 1h weapons with different proccs (one hd, one jolting) but the same endgoal, procc wise).

I just want to bring some awareness to this issue and inequality. These little things will also affect the overall balancing.

The more workload solution would probably be freedom of choice and several Fortress Weapons with different proccs to choose from. To make it a players choice with same options for both factions/mirror classes. This adds more complexity to it and maybe isnt the best idea.... well... it is what it is :)

Just an idea on fortress weapon overhaul.

Feel free to disagree and roast me now :D
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