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Solo/small group queue for cities similar to SCs

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Posts: 45

Solo/small group queue for cities similar to SCs

Post#1 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:01 pm

I'm a solo/small group player and my experience with city so far has been pretty unfun. I/We can do alright for ourselves in oRvR or SCs, but very time I've joined city thus far(solo or with a friend) it's been just an absolute stomp. Every time it's been a mismatched pug group up against a full premade and it's just a free crests session for the opposing team.

I have no interest in joining a serious guild right now. I have stuff I like to do other than game or sometimes just want to do my own thing. I don't like feeling tied to what a serious group of players wants to do or having to adhere to some schedule or be kicked. I've tried advertising for /5 WBs, but since I'm off meta I don't get invites and end up having to pug it.

Would it be possible to get a separate solo/duo queue for city, similar to how it's done for SCs? It would make it a lot more fun for both sides, make sure the premades actually have to work for their crests and normalize crest/gear gain(possibly also reduce the number of complaints about invader medallions too :P)

Solo/small grouping is viable in SCs and oRvR, so why should city be any different?

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Re: Solo/small group queue for cities similar to SCs

Post#2 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:17 pm

City is the culmination of a massive RvR campaign set forth by your entire realm. It is not a mini-game that you participate in to pass time mindlessly. If you want to be competitive in the City, you need to bring the same or greater dedication to a battle that your enemy does. If you don't have the time or willpower to invest into the end-state of the RvR campaign, that's a you-problem, not a design-problem.
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Re: Solo/small group queue for cities similar to SCs

Post#3 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:27 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:17 pm City is the culmination of a massive RvR campaign set forth by your entire realm. It is not a mini-game that you participate in to pass time mindlessly. If you want to be competitive in the City, you need to bring the same or greater dedication to a battle that your enemy does. If you don't have the time or willpower to invest into the end-state of the RvR campaign, that's a you-problem, not a design-problem.
Even if you get random extra 23 people you still get wofl stomped, only top of the top of the premades can actually compete vs the other order premades, why not adjust it just slightly to get it more balanced?

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Re: Solo/small group queue for cities similar to SCs

Post#4 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:28 pm

thedonkeykong332 wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:27 pm
wargrimnir wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:17 pm City is the culmination of a massive RvR campaign set forth by your entire realm. It is not a mini-game that you participate in to pass time mindlessly. If you want to be competitive in the City, you need to bring the same or greater dedication to a battle that your enemy does. If you don't have the time or willpower to invest into the end-state of the RvR campaign, that's a you-problem, not a design-problem.
Even if you get random extra 23 people you still get wofl stomped, only top of the top of the premades can actually compete vs the other order premades, why not adjust it just slightly to get it more balanced?
Why don't you adjust your warband to compete instead of asking for the intended design to change to fit your pug mentality? The options are available to you like everyone else. If you choose to go into a city fight unprepared, you should expect to lose more often than you win.
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Re: Solo/small group queue for cities similar to SCs

Post#5 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:32 pm

thedonkeykong332 wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:27 pm
wargrimnir wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:17 pm City is the culmination of a massive RvR campaign set forth by your entire realm. It is not a mini-game that you participate in to pass time mindlessly. If you want to be competitive in the City, you need to bring the same or greater dedication to a battle that your enemy does. If you don't have the time or willpower to invest into the end-state of the RvR campaign, that's a you-problem, not a design-problem.
Even if you get random extra 23 people you still get wofl stomped, only top of the top of the premades can actually compete vs the other order premades, why not adjust it just slightly to get it more balanced?
Build your own 12 or warband with people, who are looking for city wb and hope for the best.
Don't solo or duo queue.
Dying is no option.

Posts: 170

Re: Solo/small group queue for cities similar to SCs

Post#6 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:37 pm

Sulorie wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:32 pm
thedonkeykong332 wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:27 pm
wargrimnir wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:17 pm City is the culmination of a massive RvR campaign set forth by your entire realm. It is not a mini-game that you participate in to pass time mindlessly. If you want to be competitive in the City, you need to bring the same or greater dedication to a battle that your enemy does. If you don't have the time or willpower to invest into the end-state of the RvR campaign, that's a you-problem, not a design-problem.
Even if you get random extra 23 people you still get wofl stomped, only top of the top of the premades can actually compete vs the other order premades, why not adjust it just slightly to get it more balanced?
Build your own 12 or warband with people, who are looking for city wb and hope for the best.
Don't solo or duo queue.
But that is what I am saying, I am making my own warbands either 12/24, and in the last 5 cities I lost, actually I only won 1 in my whole experience and we got a complete order pug. so even if you get a premade you still get stomped, that what I think a flaw is. I am not talking about equal games at least fighting etc and you lost because lack of communication and so on. its just a complete stomp, nothing you can do.

Posts: 337

Re: Solo/small group queue for cities similar to SCs

Post#7 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:09 pm

Tbh, solo/duo will not solve much.
If there was such thing i would rather join that as duo instead of making wb. Just because just like pug sc, im more likely to win as duo vs soloquers than making a pug wb.
I dont think im the only one who would do that and you would have same problem.
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Re: Solo/small group queue for cities similar to SCs

Post#8 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:09 pm

thedonkeykong332 wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:37 pm

But that is what I am saying, I am making my own warbands either 12/24, and in the last 5 cities I lost, actually I only won 1 in my whole experience and we got a complete order pug. so even if you get a premade you still get stomped, that what I think a flaw is. I am not talking about equal games at least fighting etc and you lost because lack of communication and so on. its just a complete stomp, nothing you can do.
When you really want to get the highest tier gear set in the game, which is not needed, unless you want to play competitive, which requires more time investment, you have to put in more effort.
This doesn't mean, that you need a guild. But building a warband with appropriate classes and having luck does the trick.
Close games are always rare and no MM can enforce it.
Dying is no option.

Posts: 45

Re: Solo/small group queue for cities similar to SCs

Post#9 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 8:07 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:17 pm City is the culmination of a massive RvR campaign set forth by your entire realm. It is not a mini-game that you participate in to pass time mindlessly. If you want to be competitive in the City, you need to bring the same or greater dedication to a battle that your enemy does. If you don't have the time or willpower to invest into the end-state of the RvR campaign, that's a you-problem, not a design-problem.
Easy my friend, I was just expressing an ìdea I thought might make city more fun for a certain part of the population

If that's the vision you guys have for the game then that's cool too

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Re: Solo/small group queue for cities similar to SCs

Post#10 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 8:12 pm

Being in a guild wont help. Few guilds recruit with RvR warbands as the end result. Best thing for you to do is create your own war band, using the 2-2-2 method.
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