2h talisman slots

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2h talisman slots

Post#1 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 8:58 am

Did not find any changes from live or subjects in general on that topic so try to ask/discuss here. Occassionally there are 2h-Weapons with 2 Talisman for the same stat like 2 +strength (1 +23 and 1 +21). I just remember that was not possible earlier but from time to time you can see it now. Only restriction seems to be that they have not the exact same name.
Is it new to ror or not right at all?
Ofc we can discuss to let restrictions down anyway. On 2 one-hand weapons you can slot 2x24 talis of the same stat so why restrict on 2h-weapons when +23 and +21 already works?


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