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Change to Witchbrew.

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Posts: 538

Re: Change to Witchbrew.

Post#11 » Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:45 am

Zxul wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:24 am
reynor007 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:50 am
Zxul wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:08 pm Since with all the nerf cries Witchbrew will eventually likely get nerfed anyway, trying to think instead about some change, which will also give it synergies which WE abilities in general lack.

How about this one? Instead of current dmg version, how about Witchbrew putting a 10 sec corp debuff on target, 100 debuff per Blood Lust point, so 100 corp debuff for 1 point Witchbrew to 500 corp debuff for 5 points Witchbrew? This way from one hand no more dmg without investing into str which the complains are about, from other hand it will get a synergy with WE abilities such as Envenomed Blade and Wracking Pains, which do scale with str.
and this is a surprisingly sound idea, but I think you shouldn’t go beyond 378 resist weakening, which is considered the maximum, it’s better to also add 150 corp damage for any attack with a cd of 1 sec
Not sure if adding extra dmg to it won't make it too good. WE mid tree is dot/ survival tree, so the idea was to turn Witchbrew into something which enhances the tree and synergies with other abilities in the tree, in addition to solving the no str problem which the complains are about- instead of the current version which doesn't synergies with anything and is pretty much "ignore whatever else you do just press Witchbrew once per 10 sec" (besides the uploading all Witchbrew charges into target with 1 point RA I guess).

One thing which would probably needed though is to make the ability to not deal with parry in some way, because since the mid tree build will be based around it having a 10 sec cd ability needing to bypass a 60-70% parry rate would make the entire build not working.
WE has only 3 abilities that cause corp damage Envenomed Blade, but only damage from dot first attack physical damage, Enfeebling Strike, and kisses, Wracking Pains also became a corp after the recent patch, but these are still too weak abilities for it to be a full-fledged finisher , it should at least increase all damage dealt to the enemy by 4% per 1 bloodlust, then it would be a really good finisher
WH - mdpv 80+
WE - Witchrage 80+

Posts: 1430

Re: Change to Witchbrew.

Post#12 » Sat Mar 16, 2024 8:22 pm

reynor007 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:45 am WE has only 3 abilities that cause corp damage Envenomed Blade, but only damage from dot first attack physical damage, Enfeebling Strike, and kisses, Wracking Pains also became a corp after the recent patch, but these are still too weak abilities for it to be a full-fledged finisher , it should at least increase all damage dealt to the enemy by 4% per 1 bloodlust, then it would be a really good finisher
Personally think I would prefer something a bit more interacting between abilities- possibly a BLB getting extra something off Witchbrew, or say one of dots getting extra stacking when Witchbrew is active- but the 4% dmg increase per bloodlust will work too.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh

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