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Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

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Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#81 » Wed Jan 26, 2022 9:21 pm

Spellbound wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:08 pm...saying the game doesn't need Realm Champions...

It doesn't, just not for the reasons the OP cited. If what you say here is true:

Spellbound wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 4:08 pm...and Realm Champions don't balance, the Dev team does.

Then what actual function do the Realm Champions serve? Other than to occupy a private Discord and sit around in a self-congratulatory circle-jerk taking over six months (a figure provided on one of the current Realm Champoins) to hammer out one change which 90% of the server won't ever even be aware of?

On a server hosting the aggregate average of players present here, if the Devs wish to "ask for suggestions on certain topics they'd like feedback on," nothing beyond these very forums are necessary. The players at large can provide this feedback and suggestion without suppression, without the default assertion their opinions are not as valued as some other player because 'realm champion.' The entire notion of choosing realm champions is counter-productive to maintaining the interest level of the player-base at large, counter-intuitive to promoting and maintaining the overall health of the server and given who some of the realm champions are, Spell, an absolute joke.
Blame It On My ADD Baby...

Posts: 73

Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#82 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:13 am

stop focusing on how to punish xrealm, focus on rewarding who don't.

create a really simple, a very basic loyalty system that maturates over time the longer you fight for your current faction and reset each time you swap the side you fight for.

what the loyalty system gives you, can be anything...propose something

Posts: 404

Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#83 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:27 am

Seems that normal service has been resumed

EU prime time order pushing two forts at the same time (wasn't on so someone kindly sent me the picture)

Today pushing a 1 star IC

Also ranked stats showing all the top dps, heals and tanks are order

What a time to be alive
Garamore - Chosen Garamar - Marauder Garachop - Choppa Garamor - Slayer

Warband leader for Hand of Blood

Posts: 13

Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#84 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:50 am

Very nice original post by Melianna. I agree with the sentiment. I wouldn't say it's that bad with the numbers (i.e. above 60% population), but it's mostly guaranteed that destro Warbands/Vanguard will push "easy" zones with 20-60% AAO for order side EU time.
A problem overlooked and not mentioned by the original author and another reason why destruction seems overwhelmingly strong is that order during EU time lacks good warbands and warband leaders. This fact alone makes the zones "easy" for destro to take.
FMJ or Brodda, the ones right now running almost every time an organized wb from my perspective, almost never face an organized WB opposing them on order.
When Forced Entry or Gimle do run a WB, keep defenses or zones takes do happen for order though. They just don't run as regularly as destros.
Add to these facts that destro in ORVR during CET is overall "better equipped" or run less twinks and you get a destruction side that seems overpowered.

My point is that, yes there's a population issue, but order is also lacking on their side with the fact that they're most of the time more or less unorganized because of no ORVR leaders.
What i secretly do cry about is the WL vs Mara pull though ;-) come on... that lion is useless right now
bradbury111 wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:13 am stop focusing on how to punish xrealm, focus on rewarding who don't.

create a really simple, a very basic loyalty system that maturates over time the longer you fight for your current faction and reset each time you swap the side you fight for.

what the loyalty system gives you, can be anything...propose something
Exactly! Give me a REASON to defend the fort and not let city happen.
I'm a big fan of upping the rewards already in ORVR zones. This game is all about the lakes, forts and cities (which you can't sign up for, no regular time happening) aren't reliable for most people.
Though no ideas come to my mind right now, i think that should be a way to go.

Posts: 177

Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#85 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:50 am

bradbury111 wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:13 am stop focusing on how to punish xrealm, focus on rewarding who don't.

create a really simple, a very basic loyalty system that maturates over time the longer you fight for your current faction and reset each time you swap the side you fight for.

what the loyalty system gives you, can be anything...propose something
Sounds like a good idea

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Posts: 57

Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#86 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:56 am

bradbury111 wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:13 am stop focusing on how to punish xrealm, focus on rewarding who don't.

create a really simple, a very basic loyalty system that maturates over time the longer you fight for your current faction and reset each time you swap the side you fight for.

what the loyalty system gives you, can be anything...propose something
This would be my preferred solution as well. Incentivizing better gameplay instead of forcing it. But as I said before. There comes a point where we have to accept incentivizing has failed. I would argue they tried over the last years and it didn't fix anything. Incentivizing, especially with a server population like RoRs, is doomed to fail imo, cause so many players already have everything. What could you possibly give someone who sits on his multiple chars in full sov? You would have to find an incentive that is attractive to those players. And not just some of them, most of them, for it to work. I doubt it's possible, so the next best thing is soft forcing the matter.


Posts: 1295

Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#87 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:02 am

bradbury111 wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:13 am stop focusing on how to punish xrealm, focus on rewarding who don't.

create a really simple, a very basic loyalty system that maturates over time the longer you fight for your current faction and reset each time you swap the side you fight for.

what the loyalty system gives you, can be anything...propose something
THIS!!! Totally this.

Also AAO need a rework....getting +% RP is absolute BS if you are fighting 10 Vs 100

Posts: 1295

Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#88 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:06 am

Garamore wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:27 am
Also ranked stats showing all the top dps, heals and tanks are order

What a time to be alive

Top6 are order classes....looks like game is finally balanced.... ... hp?t=42663

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Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#89 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:46 pm

bradbury111 wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:13 am stop focusing on how to punish xrealm, focus on rewarding who don't.

create a really simple, a very basic loyalty system that maturates over time the longer you fight for your current faction and reset each time you swap the side you fight for.

i kinda like this idea, as long as the rewards dont directly effect combat

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Posts: 1226

Re: Realm Champions not needed, we need Time Zone Champions

Post#90 » Thu Jan 27, 2022 12:54 pm

bradbury111 wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 8:13 am stop focusing on how to punish xrealm, focus on rewarding who don't.

create a really simple, a very basic loyalty system that maturates over time the longer you fight for your current faction and reset each time you swap the side you fight for.

i kinda like this idea, as long as the rewards dont directly effect combat

provide wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 9:56 am What could you possibly give someone who sits on his multiple chars in full sov? You would have to find an incentive that is attractive to those players.

bragging rights mostly. titles, trophies, more visible orvr leaderboards (statues are too janky and tucked away.) hell throw their names in everyones face as a proclamation once an hour like when some dings 80. a sum of "loyalty" + contrib, "x, x and x are the current order/destro champions." people will go to the wall for that

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