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AM/Shaman and General Balance.

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Re: AM/Shaman and General Balance.

Post#11 » Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:07 pm

Healers in the game are fine. But i want the oldschool eeek! for my shaman! The version with the selfpunt that got allready changed on live.

Need a random selfpunt!

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Re: AM/Shaman and General Balance.

Post#12 » Sat Nov 03, 2018 10:20 pm

so..the priority list did only worked for choppas ?

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Re: AM/Shaman and General Balance.

Post#13 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:19 am

bryo1er wrote: Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:47 pm
DanielWinner wrote: Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:20 pm The thread has being renamed.

Due to bad structure and probably poor game knowledge, I doubt, that any of these complaints could have any effect but go for it, boy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
lol poorly game knowledge that why destro dont post in here,all we do is get bashed , also we don't all have English has 1st language its my 3rd one actually , so yeah grammar police much
Not sure if you are serious or trolling but for orvr

Destro is okay mechanically across the board with only choppa, sh (low dps) and to lesser extent witch elf and blackguard (superior at small scale is the trade off) ... melee or bomb is good

Order is a bit more rigid, BW is their main source of dmg others do not come close in terms of dps/mix of utility... so order can only bomb good, harder for them to run other setups optimally. So order dps (besides BW) need a bit of tinkering to improve their choice in my opinion and give them the option of a melee train like destro has had

The bigger issues are player made issues... lack of organisation, over stacking of useless classes or just bad imbalanced compositions... I.e Order usually healer or dps heavy, never enough tanks and the lack of melee train option doesn't help them beef up a little bit...

Also not that many guilds run optimal bomb setup... so basically order is not playing to their strengths that much, they have tools that just are not being used optimally, where destro play to their strengths.

So any complaints from either side are pretty invalid besides orders overlooked non bw dps if you are not using what is already available properly... best example is I hear cries about morale all the time and nobody was on phalanx level of using morale pumps on order side...

Order has lost strong guild's havent replaced them properly yet... destro pugs evolved into semi organised forces...

Bitterstones is orders strongest guild and they are racial only which limits their synergy... but what they lack in synergy they make up in spirit and numbers, no other guild i've seen come close to them so far. They have improved alot and doing good things and tactics.

But you can't expect them to stand up to TUP/NRM/PNP (if they work together) and others from destro when they don't get as much help as is required from rest of realm.

That is the state of balance, both sides have alot of casual - fairweathers who quit when going gets tough, just order run around like headless chicken generally more than Destro due to lack of leaders/organised... although that being said, you need a more rigid setup on order side and more discipline so its only partially their fault although they should of setup stronger guilds/alliances/pugs by now to combat what destro's been doing for a long time...
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
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Re: AM/Shaman and General Balance.

Post#14 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:49 am

oh mate i feel ur pain, but hey, i've tried shaman dps and it's really gud right now im lovin' it, kinda need to work on those survival and kitin' techniques to make it 'appen, cya in da lakes git!
Kabuterimon RR 109
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Re: AM/Shaman and General Balance.

Post#15 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:37 am

Kreb wrote: Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:07 pm i want the oldschool eeek! for my shaman! The version with the selfpunt that got allready changed on live.

Need a random selfpunt!
Yeah i was so mad when that happened - was such a fun ability :D
Grimmsch Grimnirsson (Solo 2H Slayer, 40/86)
40+: 2H-CHOPPA, AM, RP, WP, SM, IB, KotBS, WL, WH, BW, ENG, SW
Alts in T4: SHA, SH, BO, BG, CHO, MAR, WE

Posts: 8

Re: AM/Shaman and General Balance.

Post#16 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:14 am

peterthepan3 wrote: Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:34 pm
It's from an ability in Rifleman. 13-pts. It actually is needed because Rifleman Engi (along with SW and SH) suffer greatly against targets with high levels of armor. The ability itself is balanced in that it actually doesn't really do anything against squishy targets, but helps quite considerably against armor stacking healers/tanks/Medium armor, i.e. targets Rifleman Engineer was struggling against.
So what should a tank use to fight against an engi in 1v1 sistuation now
, may I ask ? Wait and die ?

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Re: AM/Shaman and General Balance.

Post#17 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:50 am

ndnuzik88 wrote: Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:14 am
peterthepan3 wrote: Sat Nov 03, 2018 12:34 pm
It's from an ability in Rifleman. 13-pts. It actually is needed because Rifleman Engi (along with SW and SH) suffer greatly against targets with high levels of armor. The ability itself is balanced in that it actually doesn't really do anything against squishy targets, but helps quite considerably against armor stacking healers/tanks/Medium armor, i.e. targets Rifleman Engineer was struggling against.
So what should a tank use to fight against an engi in 1v1 sistuation now
, may I ask ? Wait and die ?

...1v1 situation...
Ripliel - Shadow Warrior.
Riphael - Black Guard.

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Posts: 8

Re: AM/Shaman and General Balance.

Post#18 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:58 am

So my english is bad, not my native language, sorry about it, but you get what I mean, so can I get an answer for my question now ?

Posts: 7227

Re: AM/Shaman and General Balance.

Post#19 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:27 am

ndnuzik88 wrote: Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:58 am So my english is bad, not my native language, sorry about it, but you get what I mean, so can I get an answer for my question now ?
You got your answer.
There is no balance for 1vs1 and the moment you get a healer, that engi can do nothing.
Stop running alone as a tank, when you fear you might die in rvr.
Dying is no option.

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Re: AM/Shaman and General Balance.

Post#20 » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:19 am

Telen wrote: Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:24 pm So in smallscale when you lack heals or guard they are very effective because it take into account that healers will have reacted or a mitigation method has been used. If none of this is present and you dont need damage within a window that dot damage becomes effective. Pug being the prime place.
If that is the case (it is) balance has to explain why other classes have to bring in teamplay (sustain, mitigation, debuff combinations) while 1 archetype/class can combine everything in itself.

Take a look at dps-WP/DoK or -Zealots wich are totally locked out of their hybrid role by mechanic or beeing able to be locked down while beeing able to dps.

RoR beeing a teamgame doesn't justify overbuffing a 1on1 class with the anyway most op 1on1 class mechanic/setup.

Hopefully they do some changes like they said in their priority list before the server consists of 40% AM/Shami population. It's not empirical but i have taken a look over the last few weeks... AM/Shami pop ~ +400%.

From another Thread: Just perfectly describes the problem
Korhadreth wrote: Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:30 am
Cortrillion wrote: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:36 am I was out in rvr and ran across an AM.

It was a good fight, all 9 seconds of it, i did not get enough furry to KD him.

He is a RR60 AM and im a level 45 Ch so he dos have the advantage. I have capped Str with potion and 550Ws, RR points are in perry/disrupt and crit. i got 8% crit from gear, 2% from rr.

The thing is, he out damages me. I do 5341dmg and 2789 midigated/absorbed for a total of 904 dps, he dos 8258dmg 880midigated for a total of 1015dps.

This is ofcause fine, because I heal better than him....

So my question is. How do you guys do Damage, im thinking that a full dps spec dps should be atleast 75% more dmg than a heal in dps spec, at the very very least 50% more. So im missing 600dps - 800dps or about 100%.


Below is a SS of the fight. ... p.png?dl=0

Edit: We have about the same level of gear him and me.
Hello Ork, I'm a High Elf Mage its nice to meet you. I can halve your damage, lower your strength, lower your toughness, lower your movement speed, lower your spirit resistance, lower your initiative, lower your crit chance, lower your hit points, absorb your damage, heal my damage and not to mention heal myself by damaging you. You have no chance of ever beating me 1v1. PS I can bring back the dead.
It's not about losing... it's about losing to what and how. Ofc a Choppa will lose against an AM.

But he's asking the right questions... like: why does the AM more dps? why can he heal himself while doing that? and so on.

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