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Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

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Posts: 631

Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#11 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:44 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:40 pm People immediately brigade the forums to demand easier/faster ways to get the gear without having to do the content. We have consistently responded the same way we've responded in the past. If you want the gear, you do the content. We will continue fine tuning how accessible the content itself is. But if you think for a minute we're going to turn end-game BIS gear into a kill-farmable set, you're craaaazy.
I thought most gripes were that people can go to city siege without doing anything prior, and those fighting in the lakes and pushing multiple zones for hours have no guarantee of entry. That's my main takeaway from the feedback on the forums, and why I have resigned myself to not being able to be in a city siege.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#12 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:48 pm

Altarion4 wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:11 pm The game sentenced with the forts, and now they are still the worst of the game, it makes the funniest part of the game (the cities) slow and boring, in the original game they removed the forts because they were crap, 2 zones rvr, city siege and ready, the problem for those of us from Europe when we go to the city, today I could have gone to the siege of the city, but because of the CD I could not, what did I do, I disconnected, my end of the game is the forts, wow good ¬ ¬, I would have preferred land of the dead coof coof
forts are good now, at least this is the best of all tried systems, maybe the third stage still needs some rework ...
but what i can agree with is that the game process from T2 to city sieges is really too long, and can be long 12 (over) hours. Of course almost no one has so much free time to play, even on weekends.
Therefore, I proposed to consider the option of city sieges as some event that is launched under certain conditions.
15th orks on a dead elf's chest
yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

Posts: 631

Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#13 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:53 pm

Alfa1986 wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:48 pm
Altarion4 wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:11 pm The game sentenced with the forts, and now they are still the worst of the game, it makes the funniest part of the game (the cities) slow and boring, in the original game they removed the forts because they were crap, 2 zones rvr, city siege and ready, the problem for those of us from Europe when we go to the city, today I could have gone to the siege of the city, but because of the CD I could not, what did I do, I disconnected, my end of the game is the forts, wow good ¬ ¬, I would have preferred land of the dead coof coof
forts are good now, at least this is the best of all tried systems, maybe the third stage still needs some rework ...
but what i can agree with is that the game process from T2 to city sieges is really too long, and can be long 12 (over) hours. Of course almost no one has so much free time to play, even on weekends.
Therefore, I proposed to consider the option of city sieges as some event that is launched under certain conditions.
I always thought it would be fun if the mechanics from T1 rvr were applied to T2 zones, and scrap the outer doors in T3. Would be an interesting experiment to run for a couple weeks. Presumably it is easy enough to do?

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#14 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:03 pm

BeautfulToad wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:44 pm
wargrimnir wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:40 pm People immediately brigade the forums to demand easier/faster ways to get the gear without having to do the content. We have consistently responded the same way we've responded in the past. If you want the gear, you do the content. We will continue fine tuning how accessible the content itself is. But if you think for a minute we're going to turn end-game BIS gear into a kill-farmable set, you're craaaazy.
I thought most gripes were that people can go to city siege without doing anything prior, and those fighting in the lakes and pushing multiple zones for hours have no guarantee of entry. That's my main takeaway from the feedback on the forums, and why I have resigned myself to not being able to be in a city siege.
I dont think there are a lot of people getting in without contributing. Im sure there are some, but a meaningful amount? There are a lot of people pushing the zones. But for the sake of argument let say that's true.

So if someone doesnt get on 2 hours or whatever before a push to get the neccessary contribution, why would they even bother playing?

It sucks that not everyone can get in, but being able to get on at the right time and spend a large chunk of time playing shouldnt entitle you to play the game more than someone who cant.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#15 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:58 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:40 pm This happens literally every single time we release new content or gear. It is not a surprise, not remotely.

People immediately brigade the forums to demand easier/faster ways to get the gear without having to do the content. We have consistently responded the same way we've responded in the past. If you want the gear, you do the content. We will continue fine tuning how accessible the content itself is. But if you think for a minute we're going to turn end-game BIS gear into a kill-farmable set, you're craaaazy.
None wants an easy way to get the end-game gear and i dont think this is the purpose of this thread. Something else that was not mentioned is the problem with the time that City sieges happens in EU. It's not possible for ALL ppl to play until 2-3 am or even worse to wake up at 5-6 am to see if there is a City siege on the works, cause i've heard that too! Personally, all those 4 years im playing in this server, i always had in mind the moment where i will be able to play City Sieges in order to get my beloved sets BUT as things are atm ppl in EU have extremely small chances to do a City siege at a logical time during the day. So, another problem for many of us is not being lazy farming end-game items (most of us have spend tons of hours in other mmos aswell farming stuff so this is not the issue here), BUT the fact that we do not have the chance to farm them, which is quite a problem and you cannot ignore it.
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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#16 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:06 pm

UltraPrimarch wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:58 pm
wargrimnir wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:40 pm This happens literally every single time we release new content or gear. It is not a surprise, not remotely.

People immediately brigade the forums to demand easier/faster ways to get the gear without having to do the content. We have consistently responded the same way we've responded in the past. If you want the gear, you do the content. We will continue fine tuning how accessible the content itself is. But if you think for a minute we're going to turn end-game BIS gear into a kill-farmable set, you're craaaazy.
So, another problem for many of us is not being lazy farming end-game items (most of us have spend tons of hours in other mmos aswell farming stuff so this is not the issue here), BUT the fact that we do not have the chance to farm them, which is quite a problem and you cannot ignore it.
101% agree, we want to have our chance!
lider of Da fat squigs guild

Posts: 631

Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#17 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:15 pm

adamthelc wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:03 pm
BeautfulToad wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:44 pm
wargrimnir wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:40 pm People immediately brigade the forums to demand easier/faster ways to get the gear without having to do the content. We have consistently responded the same way we've responded in the past. If you want the gear, you do the content. We will continue fine tuning how accessible the content itself is. But if you think for a minute we're going to turn end-game BIS gear into a kill-farmable set, you're craaaazy.
I thought most gripes were that people can go to city siege without doing anything prior, and those fighting in the lakes and pushing multiple zones for hours have no guarantee of entry. That's my main takeaway from the feedback on the forums, and why I have resigned myself to not being able to be in a city siege.
I dont think there are a lot of people getting in without contributing. Im sure there are some, but a meaningful amount? There are a lot of people pushing the zones. But for the sake of argument let say that's true.

So if someone doesnt get on 2 hours or whatever before a push to get the neccessary contribution, why would they even bother playing?

It sucks that not everyone can get in, but being able to get on at the right time and spend a large chunk of time playing shouldnt entitle you to play the game more than someone who cant.
Last guy complaining was under impression it was RNG, and in some cases people pushing final zone had least chance to make seige as they needed to get to portal. IDK

I just think there should be a credit system that you can "cash in" for city seige reservations, we do it for bags at close of rvr. You might save up credits over 2-3 rvr matches, over a couple days or over weeks.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#18 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:29 pm

Yeah I dont know. The way it's set up there are going to be people left out. I cant really think of a good system that chooses what people get to play and what people are left out.

Maybe allow for there to be empty instances for the overpopulated realm, but dont allow bags to drop in those instances?

I think there is the potential for city sieges to be really fun, but it sounds like a large part of the population is having a bad experience instead of a good one. I have been lucky enough to have had a pretty good experience with them so far.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#19 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:01 pm

BeautfulToad wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:53 pm
Alfa1986 wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:48 pm
Altarion4 wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:11 pm The game sentenced with the forts, and now they are still the worst of the game, it makes the funniest part of the game (the cities) slow and boring, in the original game they removed the forts because they were crap, 2 zones rvr, city siege and ready, the problem for those of us from Europe when we go to the city, today I could have gone to the siege of the city, but because of the CD I could not, what did I do, I disconnected, my end of the game is the forts, wow good ¬ ¬, I would have preferred land of the dead coof coof
forts are good now, at least this is the best of all tried systems, maybe the third stage still needs some rework ...
but what i can agree with is that the game process from T2 to city sieges is really too long, and can be long 12 (over) hours. Of course almost no one has so much free time to play, even on weekends.
Therefore, I proposed to consider the option of city sieges as some event that is launched under certain conditions.
I always thought it would be fun if the mechanics from T1 rvr were applied to T2 zones, and scrap the outer doors in T3. Would be an interesting experiment to run for a couple weeks. Presumably it is easy enough to do?
everything has its own solution if you look for it. how many systems were used to block the zones before the current one appeared ?! Yes, perhaps, it’s a little boring (the delivery simulator), but it works and it works well. how many times did the forts system change that did the forts somehow work? Unfortunately, very often only by trying something you can finally understand how it will work or not.
15th orks on a dead elf's chest
yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#20 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:23 pm

Open as many Instance as potential full WBs have got contribution to even get to the city.
(have taken part at at least one essential last zone lock/fort)
So if there have been for example 144 Order and 144 desto in Kadrin before fort deff/attack,
they would need at least 6 Instances. Double it for possible split Zone population, so open
12 Instances. And then add at least 2 for all the others who just happend to lock in or decided to suddenly feel the need to take part in the fights now.

So that we have Number of 24 blocks of players on the last zone lock for city x2 +2

Cooldown for City's to be safe from siege after lost deff: 6 hours.
Cooldown for City's to be safe from siege after won deff:12 hours.

personal cooldown from LOOTROLL on City siege lost: 1 day
personal cooldown from LOOTROLL on City siege won: 2 days
(don't remember the right ammount of time/days, but that was the case as i remember it
from live (1-3 days loot CD)

And maybe the new Medals should be dropable by killed rr80+ players at extream slow rates again like in the old days.

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