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[FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#11 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:04 pm

lyncher12 wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:20 pm waste of bandwidth, was one pair of goggle for an entire account too much to ask for?
That's the exact type of reply no one is interested in.

Posts: 21

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#12 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:04 pm

Considering that most of the drops were focused on new players, my only suggestion is to make the chance of drops for the rng ones, improved with time spent watching. I got super lucky with my Goggles drop, but there are people that got nothing and they watched for the entirety of the event.

RNG Drops - Chance increases with your time spent watching streams.

Thank you for the event and hopefully there will be more to come.

Regards, Bashmasta.

Posts: 9

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#13 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:13 pm

Generally was a good event, but I want to answer only on point no. 4 Streamers:

- Do you think there were a lot of streamers? Is it bad/good?
A lot of streamers, yes, and I think it was good to make this server popular but wasn't good in terms of rules, some of the streamers were having the ingame chat clearly readible especially during RvR assault, the defensive faction was knowing exactly when the attackers was moving and when.

- Was the streamer's quest item annoying?
Good in avarage.

- Did you have any issue with a streamer (do not write any names)?
No issue at all, some of them are really friendly and open to talk.

- Have you watched more than one streamer?

- Have you met new streamers?
Yes, as I said some streamers "streaming" other games every day was recording on RoR

I want to add some more here, I know it has been discussed a lot of time and is not RnG or whining, but I would suggest sometimes to add some more incentive to play Destro, is becaming quite boring to play on this faction and by looking at population numbers during prime time, the majority were on Order side. I'm not saying forcing Order people to play Destro, but I'm saying making skilled Destro player that left by returing with good reasons. It's still a 2 factions game, right?

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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#14 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:22 pm

MetalWrath666 wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:13 pm some of the streamers were having the ingame chat clearly readible especially during RvR assault, the defensive faction was knowing exactly when the attackers was moving and when.
Good point for next event. The only downside is that I cannot enforce a streamer to hide his chat, although it's better for him as well since it protects him from any infringements of Twitch's policy.
MetalWrath666 wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:13 pm I would suggest sometimes to add some more incentive to play Destro
Since you're replying here I assume you mean something related to streamers. Most streamers were playing on Destruction side, which was nice as it needs more players (arguable). Personally I watched 3 streamers playing on Destruction with their own community, pumping more players to that faction.

I got your point tho and I'm transparent of what next moves could be, so to directly give you an answer from now: I will not push the Twitch Drops event into the "Faction war" trap, I think this topic is better handled by the devs team and the balance team with in-game changes.

Posts: 54

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#15 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:23 pm

1. Rewards:
- Where the rewards fair?
Some of the reward seemed good/fair for the hours required watching but others not so much, like others but my main two dissapointments was in the talisman department and the title, once i got the title and saw it had a timer on it i instantly said oh thats a shame.
- Is the RNG fair? We're taking about intended rare rewards.
I've never really been a fan of rng but i understand it gives a level of excitement if your one of the lucky ones but for the rest of us you just leave dissapointed, myself like others really hoped the rng gods was on my side and i would be the one who gets picked for the googles but sadly that never happened. Over the course of the weekend i tuned into twitch around 4 hours after the event started and finally closed my computer down midnight on sunday and to get only one random reward i was a little dissapoint, would i do that again for the next future event proberly not.
- Would a Bind on Pickup (BoP) system suit you for the rewards? They won't be sellable anymore and you might get stuck with them.
If this means we would get better potions and talismans for future rewards i would be all for a bind on pickup rewards.

2. Hours required:
- Where the hours required fair?
I would suggest reducing the hours to around 30, most players including myself just afk farmed the hours while i was sleeping.
- Which method pleased you more: Watching 1 streamer or watch any/multiple streamers?
I enjoyed both methods, i normally listen to Zarbix and Fixxer's stream for a long anyways while playing ror.

3. Quests:
- Were the quests engaging/new/challenging?
I believe the quest was done on a pure rng bases, the only quest i recieved was the one for 5 scenario wins.
- Were the quests' rewards fair?
For 5 scenario wins 20 conq emblems didnt seem like a bad reward.
- Were the quests too long/too short?
Didnt have enough quests to make a fair judgement on this question.

4. Streamers:
- Do you think there were a lot of streamers? Is it bad/good?
Seeing a lot more streamers stream this game can only be a good thing, streamers will only spread the word of what a great server we have and hopefully we might see a slight rise in population again( hopefully not as much as the lazy peon hype)
- Was the streamer's quest item annoying?
Didnt know there was such a thing.
- Did you have any issue with a streamer (do not write any names)?
No issues with streamers, the streams i watched all seemed hyped and friendly about the event.
- Have you watched more than one streamer?
I believe over the course of the weekend i actively watched 5 streams and i guess lots more while afk farming hours.
- Have you met new streamers?
I've always enjoyed watching Zarbix, fixxers, Svarz and maunz streams but over the course of the weekend i watched others streams (via raids) who i normally wouldnt of watched but i found myself spending hours in the chat just talking with them and giving advice if needed.

Posts: 9

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#16 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:37 pm

GamesBond wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:22 pm Since you're replying here I assume you mean something related to streamers. Most streamers were playing on Destruction side, which was nice as it needs more players (arguable). Personally I watched 3 streamers playing on Destruction with their own community, pumping more players to that faction.

I got your point tho and I'm transparent of what next moves could be, so to directly give you an answer from now: I will not push the Twitch Drops event into the "Faction war" trap, I think this topic is better handled by the devs team and the balance team with in-game changes.
My suggestion wasn't actually in relation to the Twitch drops, I know that is not fair and it would be an absolute disaster, the Twitch event you did was great and I think it should be done with more frequencies, a lot of gamers are actually unaware that this server exist and Warhammer Age of Reckoning is still alive and better than it was.

Anyway I appreciate your consideration, again I don't want a button to press to easy win, I returned to play 1 week ago and since then I haven't won a single RvR map, in Scenario I have a win ratio of 1 to 4. Of course I'm speaking about Destro.


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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#17 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:38 pm

Never once got the RNG portion to be catapulted. Only the quest for the group duels. Didn't get any of the RNG rewards except that and I watched from the beginning of drops til the end. I got all of the hourly based rewards but pretty upset that I didn't get the goggles.

For future events I don't think streamers should be required to stop what they're actively doing to go to a spot in the world to click an item so players can do a step of a quest.

The rewards were fantastic. Just not pleased with not getting the RNG rewards at all.

I do think that Docgotgame should be removed as one of the drop streamers. He streamed for maybe 2 hours of the entire event and then abandoned it for Guild Wars 2.

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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#18 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:47 pm

1. Rewards:
Great, select which toon to claim gives more flexibility to use the reward.
Bind on Equip is better.

2. Hours required:
Not certain if hours calculation is stacked or accumulated.
Sleep time is needed for both watcher and streamers (multiple)

3. Quests:
Only did part of the Quests.

4. Streamers:
Generally, Streamers are okay, both des side and order side.
Do not have problems with Streamers.
They are enjoying to play the game too.

Posts: 524

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#19 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:15 pm

1. Rewards:
- Where the rewards fair? Some were great, like the cosmetic items. Some of the other drops need to be adjusted, i.e. things that are basically useless at 40. Gold was fine, those talismans were vendor trash though, armor pots were bad, etc.. Pet/Mount/Event item great. You guys had about 50/50 on this one. I highly recommend scaling rewards to level. If you have an armor potion drop, 40s should be getting 660s, whereas 35s the 594s, etc...
- Is the RNG fair? We're taking about intended rare rewards. Yea.
- Would a Bind on Pickup (BoP) system suit you for the rewards? They won't be sellable anymore and you might get stuck with them. Yep.

2. Hours required:
- Where the hours required fair? I'd scale it with the number of days, excepting people to you know, sleep. So roughly 12 hours for a 24 hour day, or maybe 16. So a 2 day event should be roughly 24-32 hours of content, a 3 day can be 36-48, etc..
- Which method pleased you more: Watching 1 streamer or watch any/multiple streamers? Definitely multiple. I'd just remove the "one streamer" stuff, as it leads to just a few streams having the majority of the viewers.

3. Quests:
- Were the quests engaging/new/challenging? I hate quests.
- Were the quests' rewards fair? Only did the emblem one, was fine.
- Were the quests too long/too short? One I did was pretty short, but thats good cause I'm not a fan of this reward/

4. Streamers:
- Do you think there were a lot of streamers? Is it bad/good? This was good and yes.
- Was the streamer's quest item annoying? Yes.
- Did you have any issue with a streamer (do not write any names)? No they were great.
- Have you watched more than one streamer? I watched a bunch.
- Have you met new streamers? Yep!

Posts: 1

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#20 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:48 pm

hate being forced to be on twitch
dislike watching streams I never watch streamers
So for me this was pure torture just to get some items

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