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Re: Rampage

Post#11 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:11 pm

Acidic wrote: Sat Nov 07, 2020 7:41 pm Rampage is an incredibly badly designed skill.
Having an ability that completely nullifies defensive tank complete gearing and skills is wrong. Defensive tanks hit like noodles and sacrifice huge amount of thier stats and skills for block and parry, this skill just nullifies it and when blowed , stacked slayers , ther is limited options against this.

This should never be given to another class , but we have seen that if this was ever given to a Destro class it would be removed instantly due to order whine train.
Sad but true..

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Re: Rampage

Post#12 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:29 pm

"Being able to negate all of this at the click of a button simply takes the fun out of the game."
You do realize that this isn't a reaction based game, right?
This game, like every old school mmo, is based on sheer luck, or rock/paper/scissors.

Furthermore, if you are going to argue against Rampage, then you must do the same for the reverse, i.e. Flame's Kiss tactic, Repel Blasphemy, Elixir of the Cauldron/Shroud of Magnus, and can even be extended to the prolonged stealth and vanish abilities.

You can argue that every class has an "I win" button in specific situation, and these complaints or "suggestions" are, almost exclusively, about 1v1 situations, but the dedicated 1v1 players know how to counter these things.
24v24 cities are also all about luck. Not with regards to how the die roll, but who you are paired against.
No amount of nerfs is going to help you against a dedicated 12 or 24. Unless they (devs) decide to pair pug vs pug, premade vs premade, people will always find one isolated ability to fault.

"This should never be given to another class , but we have seen that if this was ever given to a Destro class it would be removed instantly due to order whine train."

the same has been said about multiple Destro abilities and classes.

Posts: 77

Re: Rampage

Post#13 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:38 pm

I can give you guys the Dev response to this thread: "We have no plans to change Rampage."
And I can give you the Order response too: "Just shatter it."


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Re: Rampage

Post#14 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:06 pm

can't wait for the next 69 pages of this thread.
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Re: Rampage

Post#15 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:15 pm

Ok reality check, Rampage is an exhaust so if you want the full 20 seconds of it in a prolonged fight you usually need to exhaust twice, once to get rage back down and the second for Rampage itself, and if you haven't noticed a non enraged Slayer doesn't hit particularly hard, so there is a tradeoff. You can use the tactic to remove exhaust but that is glass cannon risk, half armour and resists then likely 10 sec Rampage.

Secondly you guys don't even seem to know what it is that combines with Rampage that puts out the good damage, a Slayer popping Rampage than spamming Flurry, onslaught and even ID isn't going to be what melts packed groups. Giving away the obvious secret here but Slayer has no morale bomb so the sweet spot is when you have rampage, immunity and then channel Retribution, then the aoe stacks up with a bunch of Slayers doing the same thing at the same time. For a group of Slayers to hit the peak damage with this all need to have similar immunity timer, so when they all channel they aren't likely to be interrupted, the chances of them all having the same immunity isn't that likely so some of the Slayers can be cc'd , then the other simple counter to any channel is Taunt, which all tanks have. So it isn't only shatter which can remove the Rampage you can also use Taunt, knockback, stun to interrupt the damage Retribution channel.

Any organised group could look out for this and prevent this, but if Black Orks are aoe knockbacking groups of Slayers giving them all the same immunity and wasting their Taunts on useless things then they are going to get hit with mass Retribution.

Posts: 65

Re: Rampage

Post#16 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:17 pm

How come 6 point mastery ability can negate moral ability?

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Re: Rampage

Post#17 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:20 pm

See the thing is people like to just focus on 1 ability with a microscope and not look at the larger picture.

Can rampage be countered? Yes.
You can track Rampage with buffhead, so in a 24v24 you make sure to keep up the challenges and use distracting bellow (tank m2). Have tanks tracking it and TAKE TURNS using distracting bellow during the rampage up time. The more slayers there is that will blob up to train a target the easier it is to counter it.

And yes in 6v6 double slayers gets Beaten.

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Re: Rampage

Post#18 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:23 pm

Giv the strongest skill to the ugliest class of the game .... i call it balance.

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Re: Rampage

Post#19 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:32 pm

catholicism198 wrote: Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:29 pm ...

Furthermore, if you are going to argue against Rampage, then you must do the same for the reverse, i.e. Flame's Kiss tactic, Repel Blasphemy, Elixir of the Cauldron/Shroud of Magnus, and can even be extended to the prolonged stealth and vanish abilities.

You can argue that every class has an "I win" button in specific situation, and these complaints or "suggestions" are, almost exclusively, about 1v1 situations, but the dedicated 1v1 players know how to counter these things.
I generally agree with you, except on Flames Kiss, as this is a tactic and I think everyone is decently tactic starved (so the magus would have to give up other competing tactics). I just got my magus to 76 and have been trying to abuse Flames Kiss, and its okay, but no where near the pressure slayer with Rampage brings as all the magus gains with this is for 2 single target attacks, one 2s and the other 1s but hits in 3 parts so pretty weak. Both of those attacks (Flickering Red Fire and Rend Winds) can be bolstered to make them hit harder, but as I mentioned before, this requires additional tactics; again eating into tactics.

On Elixirs and Shrouds, here I think is the right thinking, in that we should reduce the time Rampage is up; 10s > 7s, and 20s > 14s. This keeps Rampage still useful and desirable but not completely OP. Maybe increase the CD to 60s as well. Currently it acts as a 30s on-demand morale, and treating it more like the WE/WH abilities would feel pretty reasonable IMO.
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Re: Rampage

Post#20 » Sat Nov 07, 2020 9:54 pm

This again.
Grimmsch Grimnirsson (Solo 2H Slayer, 40/86)
40+: 2H-CHOPPA, AM, RP, WP, SM, IB, KotBS, WL, WH, BW, ENG, SW
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