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Killboard KDR should be removed!

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Re: Killboard KDR should be removed!

Post#11 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:10 am

reynor007 wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:55 pm and let's remove armory so that people come up with builds themselves and don't look at armory and ctrl+c ctrl+v
If people really want to hide their builds, then they can take the pitiful route of unequipping their gear before they log out - but the killboard armoury bypassing the hide inspection feature is a good thing imo.

The barrier to entry in RoR is already mega high, and lack of reliable information on good builds and gear setups is very common. I remember when I first started this game on my Engi and was trying to figure out wtf I was doing, and almost every good Engineer player I inspected had their gear hidden and ignored my PMs asking for gear advice, and most of the well meaning Engineer players that were willing to help me had (respectfully) no clue about quite a lot of things that they were very confident about and would have sent me in the wrong direction entirely - I'm glad new players now don't have that same issue, or at the very least that it's not as bad.

Also, RE: KDAs and the killboard, I see no real reason that players shouldn't be allowed to hide their deaths if they want to. If it helps them enjoy the game more and they don't like the fact that the killboard is tracking all of their deaths, then it seems like a good feature to me. I can see this turning into an issue with tracking other peoples kills, but I'm sure there's a solution in there that can work for everyone
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Re: Killboard KDR should be removed!

Post#12 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 2:31 am

Minisynn wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:10 am
reynor007 wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:55 pm and let's remove armory so that people come up with builds themselves and don't look at armory and ctrl+c ctrl+v
If people really want to hide their builds, then they can take the pitiful route of unequipping their gear before they log out - but the killboard armoury bypassing the hide inspection feature is a good thing imo.

The barrier to entry in RoR is already mega high, and lack of reliable information on good builds and gear setups is very common. I remember when I first started this game on my Engi and was trying to figure out wtf I was doing, and almost every good Engineer player I inspected had their gear hidden and ignored my PMs asking for gear advice, and most of the well meaning Engineer players that were willing to help me had (respectfully) no clue about quite a lot of things that they were very confident about and would have sent me in the wrong direction entirely - I'm glad new players now don't have that same issue, or at the very least that it's not as bad.

Also, RE: KDAs and the killboard, I see no real reason that players shouldn't be allowed to hide their deaths if they want to. If it helps them enjoy the game more and they don't like the fact that the killboard is tracking all of their deaths, then it seems like a good feature to me. I can see this turning into an issue with tracking other peoples kills, but I'm sure there's a solution in there that can work for everyone
I can agree with this. People should have the option to hide their K/D.
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Re: Killboard KDR should be removed!

Post#13 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 4:06 am

Here is my anecdote. You can use this as an argument for and against it.

A few months ago I looked at my lifetime KDR for my eponymously named SM and saw it was less than one and went about trying to figure out why. Didn't take long to figure out that joining a warband made it go down (regardless of spec) and soloing (carefully with a 2H) made it go up.

So, being RR85 at the time I set a goal for myself to bring it back above 1.0 at least and it has definitely changed my behavior. I am much more circumspect about charging into fights (for better and worse) and I almost never join a warband or a group because it will drop my rating i.e. Order has one less high RR (WW) tank for warbands.

OTOH, it gives me a goal of sorts to keep playing my SM, I still wander around helping out when it isn't 100% suicide and it has made me more aware of the battlefield in general.

TL;DR it has changed the way I play such that I'm probably a better player overall for paying attention to it BUT I also don't help out the realm to the fullest of my ability because that number offers a disincentive to do so on a non-dps character.

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Re: Killboard KDR should be removed!

Post#14 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:28 am

please remove it, the KDR warriors are so toxic to either team with or against, if everybody play like that game will die in no time.

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Re: Killboard KDR should be removed!

Post#15 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:32 am

remember it doesn't just track kills but wins and losses for every type of sc. i play almost exclusively tanks so my kdr is eternally garbage but I really like being able to track discordant w/l. it would be nice if it showed skirmish w/l too, if such a thing was trackable

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Re: Killboard KDR should be removed!

Post#16 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 7:44 am

I dont mind it, I enjoy to track my scen w/l ratio. But there are ppl that take it quite seriously and by removing it you just make them quit. Past 80 there are not much things to aim for, so k/d ratio is one of the few which motivates ppl to play their mains after bis
Mostly harmless

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Re: Killboard KDR should be removed!

Post#17 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:11 am

I agree with most points OP raises.
I would suggest hidding only deaths, mandatorily, instead of the whole KDR.

- Discourages people from fighting less (OP describes in depth how that happens)
- Still leaves a goal up for people to aim for (max. kills, weekly top kills, etc.)
- Dissuades toxic behaviors due to being mandatory;
e.g. "Why are you hidding your KDR bro? Are you afraid of showing your pathetic numbers ;-) "

- Harder to gauge your performance, players may not improve (see Aethilmar's comment above)
- KDA addicts may quit (Some may not view it as negative)
- Could be possibly recreated by third parties scraping the data.
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Re: Killboard KDR should be removed!

Post#18 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:25 am

I really like the killboard, I don't care at all about K:D however the skirmishes part of it is really interesting when doing small scale and useful to review to see how you are doing and consider what could be better.

Anyone who brings up K:D with regards to someone being good/bad is just showing they are an idiot anyway.

Realistically I do not think removing it will change peoples attitudes. Most of the time I find myself with people who are refusing to fight in mildly uneven circumstances cite feeding as the reason instead of K:D, it's as though the other side getting renown from them is unacceptible.

Additionally people generally prefer not to die and if outnumbered or outclassed there is a small victory in getting away. Some classes/builds are just significantly better at doing this than others and that is not going to change with the removal of the killboard.

I don't care if they show lifetime K:D stats or not
The killboard itself is great
I don't think removing will achieve anything in terms of peoples gameplay

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Re: Killboard KDR should be removed!

Post#19 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:35 am

fontin wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2024 5:28 am please remove it, the KDR warriors are so toxic to either team with or against, if everybody play like that game will die in no time.

The only time I saw people mention the k/d of others in a negativ way, those others we're very toxic themself and flamed others in public chat for their playstyle. So it was... lets say a "reality check". I never saw someone mention a k/d outside these situation. Nobody cares for it in a normal conversation or check it to build a group based on it.

I can highly recommend, before you let some other dps tell you how to play your class, check their ratio. While you cant say If a 10:1 Player ist better then a 9:1 Player, i wouldn't trust a active dps with negativ k/d in regards of playstyle.

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Re: Killboard KDR should be removed!

Post#20 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 11:21 am

u can coppy paste gear from players, byt u cant coppy paste their skills. so k/d thread is just numbers. u can see in what direction u can gear up. rest is up to u.
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