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Rewards, what should they be?

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#11 » Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:41 pm

but currently you can t do nothing with renown poinst? So why is it a reward to get some?
Shauree - Zealot

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#12 » Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:16 pm

hi there winning sc with 500 points in t4 was 600 renown, winning with less points - equal to points. thats too much for t1 i suppose, dunno bout exp, just make it reasonable numbers. loosing sc renown was also equal to point gained in sc. for exp like 10-20% of current rank when winning would be ok.

nothing for capturing objective definetly, only zone lock but good idea is written above, give renown for kill quests instead to avoid afkers and leechers.

PQ dropped loot- chest spawned after u complete it, goldbags, purplebags, greenbags, whitebags on roll system, that would be great if PQ lootable is somewhere there.

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#13 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:22 pm

Im not sure how much renown/xp u got from either winning or losing a scen, i dont think it was much compared to player kills, mayb someone has some screenshots of t1 scens showing the end outcome ?

Pq rewards were never great, rvr gear or vendor gear was generally better but right now current state being locked in t1 a good reward would be the green armor that drops from mobs,
ch1 pq's giving worked gear,ch2 pq's giving initiates gear, ch3 pq's giving wanderer from green bags and intruder from blue bags, ch4 pq's gale runner from green bags and decimator from blue bags.
Last edited by Morf on Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Morfee - Shaman / Mynnos - Kotbs / Grubod - Black Orc / Snubz - Squig Herder

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#14 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:44 pm

1. The XP/RR reward for rvr/sc is based on tier rank.

2. There was a renown pool in rvr, which went down from 100%-0% to 60%-40% within, let me lie, ~30min since last zone lock.

3. There was the AAO bonus up to 400% to motivate the underdog side.

4. Tier 1 zone lock alone gave ~500 RP with further renown bonus for each taken objective (taken = you participated in a kill in BO range). This was at least the rule for T4, really not sure about T1 but PVE locking shouldn't give extra renown beside lock bonus. 250 RP might be right per objective.

5. You got rvr influence for each taken objective. It was above 100 but below 150 if I remember right. Furthermore there was rvr influence for player kills but it was very low.

EDIT: Got old sc screenshots!

SC WIN T1 with 500 points gives 5000 XP and 600 RP.
10 XP per 1 point.
The losing team gets the same XP ratio according to their own point value, e.g. 4000 XP for 400 points.
The losing team renown reward is max 250 RP, e.g. 200 RP for 400 points.

The SC XP reward scales with tier. But it seems like lower ranked chars (like below 10) get less than 5000 XP for a 500pts win.

Rewards for player kills in sc depend on the lvl-difference between both players and possible assisting team-members, this should be discussed in a different topic but you hardly get any numbers for it.

I have many end-result screenshots from rank 1-40, almost all ranks in between, but often with XP bonus buffs.
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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#15 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 4:39 pm

This is stupid.
Natharyn (sw)/Umatharil (sm)/Jillian (doc)

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#16 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:33 pm

SC rewards for 500 win in T4
Includes lil personal record)

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Post#17 » Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:54 am

If you guys need SS's from SC's I've got a **** ton in my Sexy Boot videos. Hell I have them from T1 even too; in my "Booties" series I videoed from 21mins old to level 10 through SC's. There's like five or six scoreboards in there I think, might have some for a zealot in T1 as well but I'd have to look through them all. All patch 1.3.6 though I believe.


I scanned through the lower level videos I have for a 'loss' scoreboard but the best I could come up with was a level 15 Zealot loss, not sure if that helps or not...


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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#18 » Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:15 am

What we need are really old screenshots without influences from server-wide renown bonus or other event/item bonus buffs. For one of my chars I have sc results for almost all ranks up to 40 but often with those renown bonus buffs.
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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#19 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:27 am

uf... I can't remember if I had the buff on or not... Do you happen to remember what the icon looked like for the event/items? These SS's are from videos that have my buffs showing so we could check. The SW SC is from ... B9&index=2 (buffs are at the bottom next to the chat window) and the Zealot is ... NC&index=4 (buffs under the char name window at the top left)

As for the server wide buffs, I have no idea how to find that out... I suppose we could hunt for patch notes maybe? I know the SW one was patch 1.3.5 before SW's had min range removed.

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Re: Rewards, what should they be?

Post#20 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:09 am

Anything that gets players back into fighting instead of farming. Capping RvR lake area gets a nce chunk of Renown and have the npc's drop medallions. This way players can buy the Decimator gear available. Renown is just something to horde at the moment :).
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