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Patchnotes 07/10/16

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Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#141 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:24 am

Torquemadra wrote:
ToXoS wrote:People are complaining but I don't think they even tried to play magus/engie and how restrictive it is.
Because its always "some else got something, wahh wahh wahh", this doesnt do anything to depose BW/Sorcs from their position of kings of rdps, it add utility and increases the annoyance factor and puts them in a better place.
You are dreaming mate. I spent 12 hr's dying yesterday and will NOT be logging my sorc on again. That's the better place. I don't care if people say L2p comments or get good. Sorry but it's out of control. Engies were op live and are even more op now and can't even don't a AM now. On AM's it's almost like they've been taken back to T1 op lvl. They were meant to receive there balance at T4 lvl. Take away there armor put parry and dodge in the red and take away heal keg and you can start to justify the experimental buff that they received. IMO instead of playing around with abilities etc you guys should look at a new set as in invader armor. That set seemed to bring balance in the game on live.

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Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#142 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:35 am

xxxslayerxxx wrote:
Torquemadra wrote:
ToXoS wrote:People are complaining but I don't think they even tried to play magus/engie and how restrictive it is.
Because its always "some else got something, wahh wahh wahh", this doesnt do anything to depose BW/Sorcs from their position of kings of rdps, it add utility and increases the annoyance factor and puts them in a better place.
You are dreaming mate. I spent 12 hr's dying yesterday and will NOT be logging my sorc on again. That's the better place. I don't care if people say L2p comments or get good. Sorry but it's out of control. Engies were op live and are even more op now and can't even damage a AM now. On AM's it's almost like they've been taken back to T1 op lvl. They were meant to receive there balance at T4 lvl. Take away there armor put parry and dodge in the red and take away heal keg and you can start to justify the experimental buff that they received. IMO instead of playing around with abilities etc you guys should look at a new set as in invader armor. That set seemed to bring balance in the game on live.

That's cool, there's still plenty of sorcerers who actually know how to play the class logging on regularly. Also when a sorcerer argues that an engineer is OP it's kinda cute.

Posts: 671

Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#143 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:55 am

Even with this range and damage buff, BW/sorc still are the best in terms of raw damage output.
They still have the best burst damage of the game, as intended.
I'm sorry to tell you that, but yes, L2P mate.

Posts: 166

Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#144 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:03 am

xxxslayerxxx wrote:
Torquemadra wrote:
ToXoS wrote:People are complaining but I don't think they even tried to play magus/engie and how restrictive it is.
Because its always "some else got something, wahh wahh wahh", this doesnt do anything to depose BW/Sorcs from their position of kings of rdps, it add utility and increases the annoyance factor and puts them in a better place.
You are dreaming mate. I spent 12 hr's dying yesterday and will NOT be logging my sorc on again. That's the better place. I don't care if people say L2p comments or get good. Sorry but it's out of control. Engies were op live and are even more op now and can't even damage a AM now. On AM's it's almost like they've been taken back to T1 op lvl. They were meant to receive there balance at T4 lvl. Take away there armor put parry and dodge in the red and take away heal keg and you can start to justify the experimental buff that they received. IMO instead of playing around with abilities etc you guys should look at a new set as in invader armor. That set seemed to bring balance in the game on live.
BW/Sorc can get 100% critt damage bonus and Engie/Magus can get 40% damage bonus......that' 60% more damage for BW/Sorc.
Its not feasible for Magus/Engie to have more constant spike damage then BW/Sorc.

Posts: 4

Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#145 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:06 am

put down your engie roll a sorc and play destro for awhile and find your proof. You taking about balance and then leaving it to the community to tell you and then shoot anyone down that voices it and says where your proof. All good I'm done. peace

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Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#146 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:12 am

xxxslayerxxx wrote:
Torquemadra wrote:
ToXoS wrote:People are complaining but I don't think they even tried to play magus/engie and how restrictive it is.
Because its always "some else got something, wahh wahh wahh", this doesnt do anything to depose BW/Sorcs from their position of kings of rdps, it add utility and increases the annoyance factor and puts them in a better place.
You are dreaming mate. I spent 12 hr's dying yesterday and will NOT be logging my sorc on again. That's the better place. I don't care if people say L2p comments or get good. Sorry but it's out of control. Engies were op live and are even more op now and can't even damage a AM now. On AM's it's almost like they've been taken back to T1 op lvl. They were meant to receive there balance at T4 lvl. Take away there armor put parry and dodge in the red and take away heal keg and you can start to justify the experimental buff that they received. IMO instead of playing around with abilities etc you guys should look at a new set as in invader armor. That set seemed to bring balance in the game on live.
You made my day, thx mate!

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Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#147 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:14 am

One person's experiences do not equate to class X under-performing/over-performing.

Posts: 166

Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#148 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:16 am

xxxslayerxxx wrote:put down your engie roll a sorc and play destro for awhile and find your proof. You taking about balance and then leaving it to the community to tell you and then shoot anyone down that voices it and says where your proof. All good I'm done. peace
I recommend you see a MMO psychologist asap

Posts: 2249

Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#149 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 4:58 am

How is asking for proof being shot down... Lol. God I love the ends of these threads sometimes. After about page 11 or so, the real fun begins...

I really like the change. Currently, other than using Engi to counter magus, we don't really have an answer(other than basic, don't let them be a turret and free-cast/break LoS). But the change is a day old. People will adapt.

Edit: Coolest part of this change, shows that even w/o the balance forum open, or being "actively seeking to improve balance" i guess, the team is still making, and obviously discussing amongst themselves, class changes. Which is awesome.

I don't have the rose colored glasses about Live. I quit that game twice. Yes, it was awesome, but it had some truly glaring balance, blend, and general fun issues. I don't care if the "perfect fix" is input today. Tryin out stuff is the way to go. And the entire reason we, the players, are allowed to be here is for that reason. To test.

Thanks for keeping us "employed" around here:P
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#150 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:11 am

I think the main problem is that engi/magus needed either the range or the damage, both at the same time makes them obnoxious anti-siege machines.

There doesn't seem to be a downside to the Engi/Magus mechanic to justify +50% range and +40% damage. Perhaps adding a slow or some sort of defensive debuff as the engi/magus scale towards this powerful artillery level would balance thing out?

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