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Order is the new chaos?

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Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#151 » Thu Jan 28, 2021 6:44 am

Sponn wrote: Wed Jan 27, 2021 8:11 pm
wonshot wrote: Wed Jan 27, 2021 5:52 pm
nailinthehead wrote: Wed Jan 27, 2021 2:55 pm
Imagine a man/woman, having a regular job, kids, home duties and very little amount of free time to play the game. Do you think that person will spend this short time he/she has on being an utility bot or rather on trying to fight and actually kill something? Do you think, that average player treats this game so damn serious as some of the posters here? I don't think so. People want to have fun and do what they have the mood to do and I think it's quite natural approach. So if the gaming quality is bad because of casual players playing for fun, then there's a problem with game's mechanics not with players. Of course devs can make this game require high skills, following strict roles in a group etc but would it be attractive for a casual player?
This might actually be one of the bigger missconceptions there is out there about guilds. Being in an organized guild, or just an event-guild doesnt mean you are taking on a 2nd job. (for officers it can be, but their own choice to do so)
Ive always said that players should find guilds that fit their needs, if they just want to see a big active roster with people leveling, go get a leveling-guild. if they want casual none discord guild groups, get into those kind of guilds, if they want roleplay hit up Bitterstone or join the waaagh etc.
And for those who find themselves able to put in two hours, two times a week there are the discord warband guilds. Nothing more required than you log your class for event nights and play the game with like minded folks.

Logging in and playing when you want is still very much still available, but you have the bonus of having "event nights" where you know the guild will be on. Since this is an mmo you get the multiplayer aspect of having someone to play with, talk to while playing and if the guild's structure is solid enough you might even have those support-people who like to tank and heal.

Being in a guild on RoR should basicly just mean that someone is doing the boring organization work in the background for you, all you have to do is log on and play your role. Then let the officers and leadership handle all the recruitments, logistics, heck some guilds even give out consumeables and talis.

You would be supriced how many other family fathers are out there in organized guilds, newbaked mothers, singleladies and firsttimers. all just wanting to play the game, but in a slightly more organized and timeefficient way.

Imagine logging in on a gamenight with your guild, having fun and just getting straight to playing & chatting, instead of running around looking for a pug warband or trying to find action.
or are we assuming Destro dont have these family fathers, and they are all teenagers :roll: (because they are exactly the same as Order)
I dunno there is a whole guild of unemployed russians on Destro and not Order so

Actually they are not unemployed, they are just all hackers, working for KGB.

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Re: Order is the new chaos?

Post#152 » Thu Jan 28, 2021 8:20 am

i vote make easer pve, reduce hp. les penalty stay in fire. its good carrot or cucumber for ppl stick to order. lately mostly are 55-60 destro and 40-45% order. u basicly log in , look destro dominate u log your destro toons for some easy loot. that it all rvr lately
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