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Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#21 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:35 pm

Again, most of these scenarios were thought about during live. This is one of the main reasons they chose to use a Ward system, rather than gear score. The Ward System (implemented differently now) is in the TOK and has multiple paths to all levels gear, not just one path. Now it's not really a ward but they use the term, it's really just a linear path. Wards have multiple paths. They should be properly implemented although it will not be easy.

Futhermore, nobody likes the idea, but I feel like once the campaign has been somewhat solidified, its time for a WIPE, that will make SOV gear that much prettier!
Last edited by Dackle on Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#22 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:35 pm

One of the biggest issues is that not everyone can stay up to 3 AM or wake up at 5 AM to see if they can get inside a city. Players from all around the world are having this issue.
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#23 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:46 pm

I just logged in and got another patch. I don't see any patch notes for additional changes, only one is 2/8. Is there anyway to find out what was changed?

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#24 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:57 pm

There are several issues with this implementation of City

1) 12 hour lock out being too generous to some, inconvenient for rest. Premade guilds are farming the **** out city and rolling through pugs, they'll get their gears soon where as 12 hour lock is too limiting for people with real life responsibilities

Adding an account based lockout of 4 days per faction (like pve lock out, one for order and one for dest character)

I would assume most ppl xrealm but you won't necessarily have rr70 on BOTH side (though some do of course)

This slows down gear progression for hardcore and equalize the gear progression across the board more evenly so casual have a way to catch up.

Let's not kid ourselves, order is throwing fort like **** candy. No one will defend fort now city has all the shiny new loot and even with longer cooldown city would be "invaded" on daily basis

2) End game progression is tied EXCLUSIVELY to city, which player can't planned around.

Add land of the dead or an alternate means to earn royal crest doing open rvr. Or say have a weekly quest to kill 1000 opposite team players in orvr for 2 royal crest... so people can "progress" even if they can't get into city at 3am in the morning.

Ultimately city should be relatively rare occurrence and not loot pony like it is today. Progression shouldn't be tied to a server wide event that players have little control over. I mean talk about progression blocker

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#25 » Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:27 pm

wpc56 wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:57 pm
Let's not kid ourselves, order is throwing fort like **** candy. No one will defend fort now city has all the shiny new loot and even with longer cooldown city would be "invaded" on daily basis

2) End game progression is tied EXCLUSIVELY to city, which player can't planned around.

Add land of the dead or an alternate means to earn royal crest doing open rvr. Or say have a weekly quest to kill 1000 opposite team players in orvr for 2 royal crest... so people can "progress" even if they can't get into city at 3am in the morning.

Ultimately city should be relatively rare occurrence and not loot pony like it is today. Progression shouldn't be tied to a server wide event that players have little control over. I mean talk about progression blocker
Exactly what im affraid of, Order started first giving up zones for the sake of playing City, eventually Destruction will start doing the same. The game will loose the sense of WAR just for the shiny new gear.
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#26 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:13 am

adamthelc wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:29 pm
I think there is the potential for city sieges to be really fun, but it sounds like a large part of the population is having a bad experience instead of a good one. I have been lucky enough to have had a pretty good experience with them so far.
Yeah, city siege should be fun. People should not experience stress when playing a game :roll:

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#27 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:25 am

kottonai wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:13 am
adamthelc wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:29 pm
I think there is the potential for city sieges to be really fun, but it sounds like a large part of the population is having a bad experience instead of a good one. I have been lucky enough to have had a pretty good experience with them so far.
Yeah, city siege should be fun. People should not experience stress when playing a game :roll:
Who said stress boss? I was referring to a lack of fun. Arent games supposed to be fun? Why else would you play them?

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#28 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:44 am

Adding so many ways to get crests kind deflate their value and the satisfaction of getting them.

It's fine if forts drop one, to incentivize them but making every zone drop them? That's overkill.

The problem with cities isn't the amount of crests given, it's the complete lack of accessibility. It REQUIRES for a faction to zerg to get there and then cucks you for having done so. The entire system is flawed at it's core.

As i've said in another thread, make cities joinable from the scenario panel for the entire 12hrs cooldown. This is an MMO, content has to be accessible by as many people as possible.
They done stole my character's names. Can't have **** in RoR.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#29 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:38 am

Nefarian78 wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:44 am Adding so many ways to get crests kind deflate their value and the satisfaction of getting them.

It's fine if forts drop one, to incentivize them but making every zone drop them? That's overkill.

The problem with cities isn't the amount of crests given, it's the complete lack of accessibility. It REQUIRES for a faction to zerg to get there and then cucks you for having done so. The entire system is flawed at it's core.

As i've said in another thread, make cities joinable from the scenario panel for the entire 12hrs cooldown. This is an MMO, content has to be accessible by as many people as possible.
Yeah you are right. Not all of the ways i mentioned should be implemented, i like the idea of just Forts giving atleast 1 crest.

Anyways, there's already too many people with 2, 3 even 4 pieces already, Gold Bags are craaaaaazy.
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#30 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:38 am

Nefarian78 wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:44 am This is an MMO, content has to be accessible by as many people as possible.
It absolutely doesn't need to be accessible to as many people as possible. Although modern MMO theory certainly embraces this concept and runs with it, a lot of old school MMO's did not. This was not an accident. Some things are harder to get into than others. Put in the effort, learn the systems, adjust your tactics. This clearly isn't impossible, but it certainly isn't holding any hands either.

If you're looking for a watered down soulless MMO with mass market appeal and accessibility at every turn (usually for sale one might note), we're not that. City sieges are THE end game. That's it. nothing else coming afterward. It makes no sense to simply hand it out on a schedule for everyone to consume. Go do the work, get lucky, and enjoy the journey. Yes it will be frustrating at times, but that pain is the distinct contrast to the joys of accomplishment you'll feel when you reach your goals.

If you just want accessibility and some mindless pug activity you can do with minimal time investment, play scenarios or something.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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