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Unstable convulsions

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Re: Unstable convulsions

Post#21 » Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:55 pm

Foofmonger wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 11:07 pm
Omegus wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 10:44 pm
Foofmonger wrote: Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:46 pm
Thank you for testing :). That's not how I expected it to work!!

edit: in a perfect world this could be used to spike opponents instead. Get an AA swing (queued up) along with the 3rd tick from channel cancelled into something like Guillotine for 3 hits in 0.2-0.3 seconds. Might be better on something like a Black Orc using the channel to queue up a big slow AA tick into Shut Yer Mouth to get 3 big hits all going on the same timestamp.
That's how we tend to use it normally. :-)
Can you tell I haven't played melee since live? I understood so little about the mechanics back then :lol: :lol: :lol:
Zomega: RR8x Zealot


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