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Implement the 50% xp scrolls for those of us who like to quest/PvE

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Posts: 3

Re: Implement the 50% xp scrolls for those of us who like to quest/PvE

Post#31 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:23 am

Nameless wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 2:37 pm Why everyone pretends that exp scrolls will be used by new players. New players didnt know the game and almost for sure they wont even notice this feature. These scrolls are for twinks primarily, nothing wrong with that but dont pretent it is for new players.

Imo devs could reintroduce them with some new questline at lvl 10ish or so only if at the account doesnt have lvl 40 rr50+ char. So mainly will be used by new players instead of twinks (not like it cannot be made new account to be used by oldtimer but it is not so convenient).
I see your point and about this you are right, a new player is rushing to 40 because he believes he will be competitive at that level but does not know the requirements to actually be so.

xp scrolls, at least for PVE, would save seals for more advanced sets (even 4000+ considering many ORVR bags).

This, apart from the xp scroll yes/no talk, needs to be communicated to new players, maybe with the hints on the loading page (if you have a slow pc like mine you end up memorizing them like in school), or with one topic in the forum, a message in email account confirmation, a pop up at logging like tutorial, explaining in addition to game tactics also the strategy to develop the character and how to approach the endgame

In any case, twinks (superior stats toons) are not a real problem, CozyFren explained it clearly. Then it's obvious that a player with years of play has a distinct advantage against one who still doesn't quite know what skills to use or what synergies are possible with their teammates.

And here the real problem comes back, we need new players. But we know very well that this is the problem with all niche games

Posts: 7227

Re: Implement the 50% xp scrolls for those of us who like to quest/PvE

Post#32 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:29 am

shrredhn wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 12:12 pm The only way to be above rr60 when hitting 40 right now is to do quite a bit of orvr. You simply cannot do it in scenarios without scrolls.

Add the scenario quests back for xp only. Then if people don't want the xp they don't turn it in.

Problem solved.
Especially new people want the coin rewards from those quests. If you excude the XP bonus and return the quests, give the coin reward automatically after sc win.
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Re: Implement the 50% xp scrolls for those of us who like to quest/PvE

Post#33 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:35 am

Nameless wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 2:37 pm Why everyone pretends that exp scrolls will be used by new players. New players didnt know the game and almost for sure they wont even notice this feature. These scrolls are for twinks primarily, nothing wrong with that but dont pretent it is for new players.

Imo devs could reintroduce them with some new questline at lvl 10ish or so only if at the account doesnt have lvl 40 rr50+ char. So mainly will be used by new players instead of twinks (not like it cannot be made new account to be used by oldtimer but it is not so convenient).
Scrolls never been a problem. It was solution for tons of exp u get as lowbie compared to renown points. Veterans didnt want to fell into prevanq set before entering t4, thats why they used it, same as me. Not to farm other lowbies in scenarios, to farm very needed renown points.
So while we have no scrolls anymore problem is bigger now, more prevanq characters enter t4, they melt in rvr or scs, afk cause of no impact, no matter what they do vs geared players, join pug warbands (lol) and die over and over for nothing vs org warbands, eventually call for balance or quit - game or scenario.

We just need some adjustment of ratio exp to renown is gained in low tiers.

Posts: 7227

Re: Implement the 50% xp scrolls for those of us who like to quest/PvE

Post#34 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:50 am

Nameless wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 2:37 pm Why everyone pretends that exp scrolls will be used by new players. New players didnt know the game and almost for sure they wont even notice this feature. These scrolls are for twinks primarily, nothing wrong with that but dont pretent it is for new players.
When new players don't ask on their own and get to know about "proper" progression, those information should be added to the new player guide quest at rank 16.
From experience with a new player (Hi, when you read this :D ) I know first hand, that people new to the game who want to learn and ask questions make a huge progress as a player, when receiving guidance.

Be it crafting, itemization and general awareness in fights. They are still no long year veteran player but they don't have to be one, they are able to fulfill their class role.
First and foremost they should develop a mindset of blaming oneself for losses, not blaming others (boo premades, boo realm balance, boo xrealmer).

The new player mailing quest guide, could have been extended to progression.
Hell, if anything there could be a +XP scroll behind half a dozen warning prompts and a general reduction of XP gains, especially for SC.
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Posts: 333

Re: Implement the 50% xp scrolls for those of us who like to quest/PvE

Post#35 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:02 am

Phantasm wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 8:35 am Not to farm other lowbies in scenarios, to farm very needed renown points.
Its not like you can't do both while having "fun". Just add this scrolls pls...

Posts: 4

Re: Implement the 50% xp scrolls for those of us who like to quest/PvE

Post#36 » Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:05 pm

As a relatively new player I think that the removal of the xp scrolls was negative for the new players perspective but for the game as a whole also.
Imho best way for a new player to learn the game is by lvling through sc. (No offence I like orvr too but I don’t think it’s the place to learn the game).
In sc and generally in small scale 6vs6 up to 12vs12 or even close to 18vs18 you can learn about positioning, battle awareness, your character skills and role in party, teamplay and coordination. Things that I think cannot be learned in orvr battles with lots of warbands around and massive numbers of players colliding each other, which is the case especially when you hit rank16 and you join T2 to T4 orvr (although that kind of play has its own fun for sure). Also in sc you have at least numerical equality between the 2 sides. In that sense in my opinion new players should be motivated to join sc.
Now by removing the xp scroll you either have to abandon sc and at some point reach rank 40 with a good renown rank but with a not so good idea about the game, or else stick to sc but reach rank40 (at which point you loose the bolster effect) with a very low rr with a great disadvantage against other rank40 characters with much higher rr.
Also xp scrolls helped to keep my gear lvl close to my rank lvl and get the full benefit of the bolstering effect, as it was possible to gather the resources needed (crests, gold for talismans) or even grow my trade skills via pve due to slower xp gain.
I think if we want new players to stay around, but most importantly to start learning the game, xp scrolls was a good idea, at least it worked for me.

P.S. Greetings my dear Sulorie. I feel really lucky for meeting you in Nordland fields some time ago.

Posts: 571

Re: Implement the 50% xp scrolls for those of us who like to quest/PvE

Post#37 » Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:06 am

With the scrolls, new players would see what awaits them in the endgame (getting stomped by the same premades) and:

a) Leave and play Hello Kitty Online
b) Learn and progress and getting better before they reach t4 (like often mentioned before, there is no gear advantage for veterans in t2-t3)

Without the scrolls, new players see what awaits them in the endgame (getting stomped by the same premades on different characters) and:

a) Leave and play Hello Kitty Online
b) Learn and progress and getting better before they reach t4 and while they are in t4

People here are all mad and insult bad veterans for their own failure and lack of competence in this game, trying to find excuses why the r36 Mercenary geared player on the opposite is better then his own r36 Mercenary geard toon.

If there really are a big number of this veterans that can't compete in t4, what do you think they do without scrolls? Correct, playing new toons.

Somewhere between r1 and rr80 players must learn how to compete with others or beeing sturdy enough to handle defeats. No scrolls change this...

“A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

― John Burroughs

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Re: Implement the 50% xp scrolls for those of us who like to quest/PvE

Post#38 » Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:25 am

There where and always will be premades stomping in SCs.
The more evolved form of that is in skirmishees where people that are not premades and recognize each other join discords.
If you are new and not part of any community/guild/friendcircle you will have problems winning SCs, that's just a fact, because the game is intended for coordinated group play.

The instructors boon Scroll was great in many ways.
  • It enabled an individual to rank up insane RR level in low level to stomp anyone, who was not using it by purely spamming SCs and getting to RR 40+ within the lvl 20 zone.
  • You could balance PvE(questing) and PvP and not be to far behind other players in terms of RR.
  • When playing as a set premade with for example 5 friends and everyone uses it you can prolong the low level experience for quite a bit.
But as previously mentioned, if you are not utilizing it because you don't know about it or don't see the point in using it, you most probably end up getting beaten up. And that for the entirety of Mid Tier, which if you don't have a lot of time on your hands to play the game might result in you loosing interest in the game due to frustration. The incentive NOT to use the scroll to farm low level players or pugs is not given and even if will not be uphold by a big margin of the playerbase.

Eternal 39 scroll would be even worse. Becasue it would mean the above points but amplified because now you get farmed by bis groups fully decked in talismans, potions etc. vreated with only one goal and that is to "farm" lowbies.
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Posts: 333

Re: Implement the 50% xp scrolls for those of us who like to quest/PvE

Post#39 » Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:49 am

Templa wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:25 am There where and always will be premades stomping in SCs.
The more evolved form of that is in skirmishees where people that are not premades and recognize each other join discords.
If you are new and not part of any community/guild/friendcircle you will have problems winning SCs, that's just a fact, because the game is intended for coordinated group play.

The instructors boon Scroll was great in many ways.
  • It enabled an individual to rank up insane RR level in low level to stomp anyone, who was not using it by purely spamming SCs and getting to RR 40+ within the lvl 20 zone.
  • You could balance PvE(questing) and PvP and not be to far behind other players in terms of RR.
  • When playing as a set premade with for example 5 friends and everyone uses it you can prolong the low level experience for quite a bit.
But as previously mentioned, if you are not utilizing it because you don't know about it or don't see the point in using it, you most probably end up getting beaten up. And that for the entirety of Mid Tier, which if you don't have a lot of time on your hands to play the game might result in you loosing interest in the game due to frustration. The incentive NOT to use the scroll to farm low level players or pugs is not given and even if will not be uphold by a big margin of the playerbase.

Eternal 39 scroll would be even worse. Becasue it would mean the above points but amplified because now you get farmed by bis groups fully decked in talismans, potions etc. vreated with only one goal and that is to "farm" lowbies.
Yep, you are completely right.
You are new here? Let our 15lvl bis group welcome you, we gonna have so much fun together! Oh, 16+ already? Don't worry we are still here,still ready to have fun together! What do you mean you are leaving?! You still have t4 (and we can have fun here TOO!) Oh dammit, they left again...well, at least , that was fun right?

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Re: Implement the 50% xp scrolls for those of us who like to quest/PvE

Post#40 » Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:53 am

Templa wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:25 am
  • You could balance PvE(questing) and PvP and not be to far behind other players in terms of RR.
Without the scroll low level PvE will remain dead and anyone who does not really care about oRvR will be driven from the game. That's not a good thing to do in a game that has PvE quests as well as PvP/oRvR.
RoR needs these players as well as the pure RvR/PvP players. If you're interested in questing or pre-40 PvE (or even if you prefer scenarios to oRvR) you lag so far behind in regards to RR, you might as well not play.

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