Healing RR gains

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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#41 » Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:57 am

On top of the points already made: healing anyone outside your party in ORVR (in most situations) is actually counter productive to you gaining the best rewards.

As a healer you are better off letting everyone die around you, apart from your group, to maximize the chance of your party members getting the death blow - and therefore the medals/seals.

It feels bad that it works this way. It would be cool if there were better rewards for actually helping people as a healer - but its probably not feasible.
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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#42 » Tue Sep 05, 2017 1:10 pm

It seems odd to me that there is a acceptance of solo dps getting rewards in form of killing blows and rr but the mention of a solo healer getting rr is considered a cancer.
I liked my healer and he was my main but I got so irritated with the combination of rr, killing blows and contribution system (includes rr I strongly believe) I rolled a tank.
Surprise the tank in a short time (compared with shammy healer) out rr'ed and got full conq quite painlessly.
The system should change to help healers even if not a full rollback to the old. There should be some middle ground.

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