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Dev Diary : August 2017

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Re: Dev Diary : August 2017

Post#41 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:07 pm

Alfinnete wrote:
(by Wargrimnir)
Marketplace using the new class-specific PvP currency. Trading trinkets for treasures and hidden gems for various rarities of items you might not get otherwise. This will tie in with the chapter vendors, as they will be selling their influence gear for PvP currency as well. Your currency bags will be very full. Rare vendors tucked away in the corners of the city will have fluctuating sales of rare items from time to time as well.
Hello! =)

I'm a little worried about these items that we'll have the rare opportunity to get.

I'm worried about the direction the game is taking in relation to the FARM. We know that War's greatest deferential beyond rvr is not having a boring and tiring farm. How do you pretend that this system does not imply negatively?

Thank you.
If by 'grind' you mean that you can't buy every piece of gear you run across as soon as you see it, then yes. However, like most things in life you don't just get stuff because you see stuff that you want. Sometimes you only have enough money to get one of the things you want. You can't have all the things all the time, that's never been how we work here.

Considering this is merely a conceptual piece of work, whining about it being a grind at this stage... just don't. It's frustrating.
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Re: Dev Diary : August 2017

Post#42 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:09 pm

Penril wrote: Of course, there are some exceptions: I will simply post "declined, you should feel bad" if someone makes a proposal like, say, giving Pounce to a Mara. Or ranged KD to Sorc. Common sense :)
But what if they can logically justify it? :)
Orkni 85+ (in-game Grock is not me...)

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Re: Dev Diary : August 2017

Post#43 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:12 pm

Penril wrote:
It is then up to the community to discuss the proposal for 2 weeks and, if it is really that terrible, you can be sure it will be declined in the end.
And therein lies the problem, as far as I'm concerned. You can't have a democratic vote or discussion on balance issues, if a majority of people supports a shitty proposal by whatever 'arguments' have been made - it still remains a shitty proposal.

Also, I'm not so sure about the 'if it's bad it's gonna be declined' part here.

Anyway, enough derailing, movin on...
Halhammer - Gundoom - Vewywong et al. of DoE

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Re: Dev Diary : August 2017

Post#44 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:15 pm

Buran wrote:2Yaliskah:
Thank you very much for your detailed response.
I understand your difficulties in rebuilding the project and balancing. However, I will say for those whom I know well, in this project we do not need a revolution, but a feedback between you and the players and, as a consequence, the responsibility of all participants. I am sure that the feedback in the form of surveys, questions-answers, guides, etc. etc. will reduce the appearance of such topics as "Revolution" to zero.

And about responsibility. Tell me, is it possible for group leaders and warband leaders to create a separate chat, accessible only for them?
The day you find the patients running the asylum is when all work on the project will grind to a halt. You are guests here, and while we do take feedback and respond to it publicly, probably far more than most other games, you don't run the place, and popular consensus is not used to drive the game forward. We have enough capable minds on staff that are able to converse with each other, without devolving into the mudslinging that happens on the forums, to agree on direction and make decisions. Balance is a particularly thorny beast, because even with a dedicated team of "good" players, they were rarely able to form any consensus at all, which is what has us at the current state.

Also, regarding balance, don't expect much until you're using the new launcher and downloading patches. That, for a much longer time than anyone anticipated, has been the major roadblock in significant or complicated balance changes.

Private chat channels are not enabled on the server. They will likely stay this way, as certain grey-area addons require back channels to function properly.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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Re: Dev Diary : August 2017

Post#45 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:18 pm

Halhammer wrote:
Penril wrote:
It is then up to the community to discuss the proposal for 2 weeks and, if it is really that terrible, you can be sure it will be declined in the end.
And therein lies the problem, as far as I'm concerned. You can't have a democratic vote or discussion on balance issues, if a majority of people supports a shitty proposal by whatever 'arguments' have been made - it still remains a shitty proposal.

Also, I'm not so sure about the 'if it's bad it's gonna be declined' part here.

Anyway, enough derailing, movin on...
That's why we have balance moderation. It is not a democratic vote. There are rules for debunking the proposal, so if you have 1000 players saying "Yes!!! but I have no arguments!!" they will be warned/banned from the BFD. And if one guy says "No! And here is why!" (and he actually makes a LOT of sense), you can be sure we will go with NO.

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Re: Dev Diary : August 2017

Post#46 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:45 pm

Just give us 1 instance/dangeon for rest from rvr
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Re: Dev Diary : August 2017

Post#47 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 3:49 pm

Grobbok wrote:any info about city sieges?
are anyone thinking, working, wondering about this element of game?

It's been stated several times that it's being worked on/taken into account.

Posts: 2249

Re: Dev Diary : August 2017

Post#48 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:01 pm

qwerty113 wrote:Just give us 1 instance/dangeon for rest from rvr
Yaliskah wrote: [Instances] (by Grunbag)
Dungeons State :
- Fixed an issue causing GO and NPC to not spawn in dungeons .
- Sewers (3 wings), sacellum (3 wings) Gunbad, Bastion Stairs and ToVL have their NPC and GO correctly spawned .
- Sewers/sacellum doors and portals are done , and all NPC abilities are listed for those dungeons .
- All dungeons mechanics are listed
- VFX and GO animation are fixed (for exemple : ToVL trap)

- Next thing i'll look into is Gameobjects Interaction (for example : interact with a lever open a door) and bosses phases scripting.
- Fixing Dungeons PQ (Starting with Mount Gunbad)

What I am waiting for to release the first dungeons :
-Multiple Instances

Seriously... At least read the damn OP... They don't have the capability to release "just 1" yet...
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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Re: Dev Diary : August 2017

Post#49 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:08 pm

Completly unrelated and absolutely offtopic:
wargrimnir wrote: The day you find the patients running the asylum is when all work on the project will grind to a halt.
You'd be surprised what happens if patients are given a shot at leading the whole thing for a <short period> of time.
It is among the best ways to end circlejerks, bias and entitlement - it can moreso give venue for legitimate criticism and positive, appropriate change. Speaking out of experience here... while we are at it: Avoid asylums and psychatric institutions like the plague, the staff can - in most cases - not be told apart from the patients.

Abbd.: TLDR: Seeing one's own shite ideas crumble apart infront of one's very eyes is one of the best cures of stupid, and makes for a swift end of perceived unfairness and all that.
Last edited by Darosh on Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dev Diary : August 2017

Post#50 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:09 pm

I bet the first ini we release might be a very easy one without epic bossfights or a lot of scripted events (maybe sewers in ad). Things like riding eagles(hunters vale) are still out of reach. So dont be disappointed if the first versions of our inis are less complex than what you remember from live.

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