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ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#41 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:34 pm

my opinion for the new lock system is the worst need tactics to bos anymore and to fights...only need is a zerg u c the map what bo is captured and the zerg goes there... lock only the side with aao and this is very sad ..if u want the game to kill 6 man groups and raid tactics then u made it but i think this kills the game .. no point anymore to choose where to attack where to flank where to make trap the only u need is a zerg u place 1 wb to each bo and u lock ....u made with that system the game from rvr to a big scenario map!!

Posts: 30

Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#42 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:50 pm

New "Anti-Zerg" Rvr system=more zerg

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#43 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:54 pm

unreal wrote:my opinion for the new lock system is the worst need tactics to bos anymore and to fights...only need is a zerg u c the map what bo is captured and the zerg goes there... lock only the side with aao and this is very sad ..if u want the game to kill 6 man groups and raid tactics then u made it but i think this kills the game .. no point anymore to choose where to attack where to flank where to make trap the only u need is a zerg u place 1 wb to each bo and u lock ....u made with that system the game from rvr to a big scenario map!!
Have you tried it? Yes, you can zerg, but if you just jump from one BO to another you won't keep anything because it's much easier to cap a BO now. As soon as the zerg leaves BO you can basically cap it back as a solo player. In order to capture and hold it, you now need to protect that BO even more than before. That requires planning and tactics.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#44 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:02 pm

Serbiansword wrote:
unreal wrote:my opinion for the new lock system is the worst need tactics to bos anymore and to fights...only need is a zerg u c the map what bo is captured and the zerg goes there... lock only the side with aao and this is very sad ..if u want the game to kill 6 man groups and raid tactics then u made it but i think this kills the game .. no point anymore to choose where to attack where to flank where to make trap the only u need is a zerg u place 1 wb to each bo and u lock ....u made with that system the game from rvr to a big scenario map!!
Have you tried it? Yes, you can zerg, but if you just jump from one BO to another you won't keep anything because it's much easier to cap a BO now. As soon as the zerg leaves BO you can basically cap it back as a solo player. In order to capture and hold it, you now need to protect that BO even more than before. That requires planning and tactics.
As a matter of fact noone tried it because it is not implemented yet... But theoryhammer all you want if you have too much soare time.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#45 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:04 pm

unreal wrote:my opinion for the new lock system is the worst need tactics to bos anymore and to fights...only need is a zerg u c the map what bo is captured and the zerg goes there... lock only the side with aao and this is very sad ..if u want the game to kill 6 man groups and raid tactics then u made it but i think this kills the game .. no point anymore to choose where to attack where to flank where to make trap the only u need is a zerg u place 1 wb to each bo and u lock ....u made with that system the game from rvr to a big scenario map!!
In your universe the enemy has 4 warbands to cover each BO and you have not even one? The underdog can always focus at once BO at a time and clear it.
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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#46 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:30 pm


Try to assure a permanent control on the globality of the map, at any moment, inviting to divide forces to reach this goal is a zerg promotion ? really? :)

Now if you mean a realm is able to allocate important number of players -intelligently- on 5-6 differents objective in the same time means zerging, i personnally call this "organisation". I challenge you to achieve it.

Destroy is always easy, but in this particular case, it may be pointless. Keep an objective is another job. And holding is the key.

About transforming OvR in a big scenario, you missed the point unreal. Actually ORvR is a scenario. It has always been. You have a context, a purpose and objectives. If not, it is a sandbox. Is Warhammer online supposed to be a sandbox?

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#47 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:49 pm

Hargrim wrote:
Serbiansword wrote:
unreal wrote:my opinion for the new lock system is the worst need tactics to bos anymore and to fights...only need is a zerg u c the map what bo is captured and the zerg goes there... lock only the side with aao and this is very sad ..if u want the game to kill 6 man groups and raid tactics then u made it but i think this kills the game .. no point anymore to choose where to attack where to flank where to make trap the only u need is a zerg u place 1 wb to each bo and u lock ....u made with that system the game from rvr to a big scenario map!!
Have you tried it? Yes, you can zerg, but if you just jump from one BO to another you won't keep anything because it's much easier to cap a BO now. As soon as the zerg leaves BO you can basically cap it back as a solo player. In order to capture and hold it, you now need to protect that BO even more than before. That requires planning and tactics.
As a matter of fact noone tried it because it is not implemented yet... But theoryhammer all you want if you have too much soare time.
Sorry if I got something wrong, but BOs are currently working in a manner described in OP's post? No guards, you just need to stand in the BO zone to cap it and RP and INF are slowly dripping.
Unreal said that with this mechanics, there will be just zerging without much planning. Yesterday there was some action in T3, WBvsWB. We managed to divide our WB to 4 grps, and each grp was guarding or attacking 1BO. It was quite organised and interesting, at least for me.
Bottom line, zerg all you want, but if you just keep zerging around you won't be holding any BO if the other side is doing the same thing. It will just be an endless carousel. But if you make an offensive and defensive team, you could guard and attack at the same time thus keeping BOs under your control and locking the map through tactics and team play.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#48 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:56 pm

In OP : GREEN means deployed

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#49 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 4:02 pm

Serbiansword wrote: Sorry if I got something wrong, but BOs are currently working in a manner described in OP's post? No guards, you just need to stand in the BO zone to cap it and RP and INF are slowly dripping.
Unreal said that with this mechanics, there will be just zerging without much planning. Yesterday there was some action in T3, WBvsWB. We managed to divide our WB to 4 grps, and each grp was guarding or attacking 1BO. It was quite organised and interesting, at least for me.
Bottom line, zerg all you want, but if you just keep zerging around you won't be holding any BO if the other side is doing the same thing. It will just be an endless carousel. But if you make an offensive and defensive team, you could guard and attack at the same time thus keeping BOs under your control and locking the map through tactics and team play.
Proximity BOs were changed, but new lock requirements from this thread were not yet implemented - just holding X Keeps and Y BOs and you instalock.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#50 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 5:59 pm

Did a pretty thorough correction on the OP, if you had a rough time reading it initially, feel free to go over it again.
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