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Guard Change

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Re: Guard Change

Post#41 » Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:00 pm

It's a QoL issue, I dont really know why anyone would have an issue making it less finicky. The only argument against it that really makes sense would be it's not a big enough issue to devote resources to make better.

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Re: Guard Change

Post#42 » Thu Feb 06, 2020 9:17 pm

I agree with the original poster - it is janky. Not only do you have to press two buttons, and wait for the global cooldowns, with no guard applied, if you press guard twice on your new target too fast, it removes it (faster than the global cooldown). With a currently guarded target, If you press guard twice on your new target too quickly, it only counts the first button press. This inconsistency is honestly the biggest problem that makes it feel inconsistent. I would prefer one button to set guard on a new person (the un-guard being automatic) and a new cooldown on the skill of 2-3 seconds. That solves people being able to do it too fast, and solves the current buggy feeling, inconsistent interaction.

1. One key press to move guard
2. Add a skill cooldown to keep speed at which people can switch guard approx the same as it is now.
Bloodroote (78 DOK) | Blackroot (81 BG) | Shadowroot (73 SORC)

Posts: 8

Re: Guard Change

Post#43 » Thu Feb 06, 2020 9:57 pm

thefryinallofus wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2020 9:17 pm I agree with the original poster - it is janky. Not only do you have to press two buttons, and wait for the global cooldowns, with no guard applied, if you press guard twice on your new target too fast, it removes it (faster than the global cooldown). With a currently guarded target, If you press guard twice on your new target too quickly, it only counts the first button press. This inconsistency is honestly the biggest problem that makes it feel inconsistent. I would prefer one button to set guard on a new person (the un-guard being automatic) and a new cooldown on the skill of 2-3 seconds. That solves people being able to do it too fast, and solves the current buggy feeling, inconsistent interaction.

1. One key press to move guard
2. Add a skill cooldown to keep speed at which people can switch guard approx the same as it is now.

Sounds decent.
But I'm quite sure some people will argue that being able to endure that freaking bad animation cast/delay is part of the skill of a tank.

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