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Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
Posts: 65

Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#41 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:32 pm

Why not end-game BIS gear can´t be kill-farmable set?
Make the cost 1000 crests for belt I don´t mind.
Zerging, morale bombing etc. is not for every player nor every class...

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#42 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:23 pm

i dunno, i don't have much issue with the times of city sieges or the 12 hour lock. i remember the 3 am relic raids from DAoC and the crazy stuff we'd pull during off hours. only difference is i'm a lot older now, and enjoy my sleep more...
Detangler and alts - 84 Chosen, other 40s - DoK, Zealot, SH, WE, BG, BO
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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#43 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 2:50 pm

PPl getting 2 gold bags in same City ... Pls fix it.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#44 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 5:32 pm

How to experience end-game content so far?:

Set up an alarm clock at 3 AM or 6 AM depends on where you are living. Have fun!
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#45 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:07 pm

That's right. The current meta says Zerg one zone at a time and get stonewalled when the bottleneck runs into a coordinated defensive position. Until that meta changes and people adapt to pushing multiple battlefronts, 3am might be the best you can do.

I suspect the only reason NA is reliably pushing City is because of an extra warband or two of alarm clock raiders, which is totally legitimate if their primetime warbands are incapable of getting their **** together.
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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#46 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:28 pm

Guys, just quit your job and you can be online, when forts and city siege happen on a daily basis.
It only takes some commitment like saving money beforehand to pay the rent. =)

On a different note, why there is no lockout timer on city siege bag rolls like on live?

The contribution might be bad balanced because damage and kills net more contri and are never wasted, while heals are mostly lost in overheal, especially when your side controls the battle.
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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#47 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:38 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:07 pm That's right. The current meta says Zerg one zone at a time and get stonewalled when the bottleneck runs into a coordinated defensive position. Until that meta changes and people adapt to pushing multiple battlefronts, 3am might be the best you can do.

I suspect the only reason NA is reliably pushing City is because of an extra warband or two of alarm clock raiders, which is totally legitimate if their primetime warbands are incapable of getting their **** together.
Yes, and another reason of why NA is realiably pushing City is due to Order not beeing capable or not wanting to defend zones. The numbers are there but for some misterious reason they are not defending the zones...we all know what that misterious reason is. End-game gear should not be uniquely farmed at City Sieges, this breaks the oRvR system as we knew it. We need an alternate way of getting Royal Crest that would motivate players to defend zones.
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#48 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:17 pm

adapter wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:38 pm
wargrimnir wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:07 pm That's right. The current meta says Zerg one zone at a time and get stonewalled when the bottleneck runs into a coordinated defensive position. Until that meta changes and people adapt to pushing multiple battlefronts, 3am might be the best you can do.

I suspect the only reason NA is reliably pushing City is because of an extra warband or two of alarm clock raiders, which is totally legitimate if their primetime warbands are incapable of getting their **** together.
Yes, and another reason of why NA is realiably pushing City is due to Order not beeing capable or not wanting to defend zones. The numbers are there but for some misterious reason they are not defending the zones...we all know what that misterious reason is. End-game gear should not be uniquely farmed at City Sieges, this breaks the oRvR system as we knew it. We need an alternate way of getting Royal Crest that would motivate players to defend zones.
This exact same argument was told when Invader came out, and guess what? Not true.

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#49 » Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:29 pm

Ototo wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:17 pm
adapter wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:38 pm
wargrimnir wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:07 pm That's right. The current meta says Zerg one zone at a time and get stonewalled when the bottleneck runs into a coordinated defensive position. Until that meta changes and people adapt to pushing multiple battlefronts, 3am might be the best you can do.

I suspect the only reason NA is reliably pushing City is because of an extra warband or two of alarm clock raiders, which is totally legitimate if their primetime warbands are incapable of getting their **** together.
Yes, and another reason of why NA is realiably pushing City is due to Order not beeing capable or not wanting to defend zones. The numbers are there but for some misterious reason they are not defending the zones...we all know what that misterious reason is. End-game gear should not be uniquely farmed at City Sieges, this breaks the oRvR system as we knew it. We need an alternate way of getting Royal Crest that would motivate players to defend zones.
This exact same argument was told when Invader came out, and guess what? Not true.
Why has Order allowing to get Altdorf sieged 5 times in a row? Why is that? Why is it that when I join a City Scenario i see there's an "organized" warband waiting for us when i didn't see them trying to defend Fortress and Keeps, they were no place to be spotted. They were waiting at Altdorf/AFK/Throwing off zones/setting alarm good and strong as they are as "organized" perfect composition warbands they should of been able to defend zones and fortress stopping Destru from pushing zones, because they are really good players, but no, they chose to not defend zones to get the gear, and this is an Order side behavior only. Destru has Realm Pride, we defend zones to the end of times, The Inevitable City won't be attacked! WAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!

You could claim we Zerg all the way thru all you want, truth is, both realms zerg just as much as the other, what makes the difference is that Destru don't give up that easy.

We need a fix to this issue before it gets even worse.

There's already a lot of proposal from the community members, good proposals that should be implemented.
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

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Re: Feedback: City Siege, suggestions.

Post#50 » Thu Feb 13, 2020 8:07 pm

adapter wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:29 pm
Ototo wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:17 pm
adapter wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:38 pm

Yes, and another reason of why NA is realiably pushing City is due to Order not beeing capable or not wanting to defend zones. The numbers are there but for some misterious reason they are not defending the zones...we all know what that misterious reason is. End-game gear should not be uniquely farmed at City Sieges, this breaks the oRvR system as we knew it. We need an alternate way of getting Royal Crest that would motivate players to defend zones.
This exact same argument was told when Invader came out, and guess what? Not true.
Why has Order allowing to get Altdorf sieged 5 times in a row? Why is that? Why is it that when I join a City Scenario i see there's an "organized" warband waiting for us when i didn't see them trying to defend Fortress and Keeps, they were no place to be spotted. They were waiting at Altdorf/AFK/Throwing off zones/setting alarm good and strong as they are as "organized" perfect composition warbands they should of been able to defend zones and fortress stopping Destru from pushing zones, because they are really good players, but no, they chose to not defend zones to get the gear, and this is an Order side behavior only. Destru has Realm Pride, we defend zones to the end of times, The Inevitable City won't be attacked! WAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!

You could claim we Zerg all the way thru all you want, truth is, both realms zerg just as much as the other, what makes the difference is that Destru don't give up that easy.

We need a fix to this issue before it gets even worse.

There's already a lot of proposal from the community members, good proposals that should be implemented.

I'm gonna directly quote myself in other response that I gave you:

Ototo wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 2:17 am Image

Maybe it's cause of this?
Aurandilaz wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:51 pm
flintboth wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:56 pm Why Order lose the RvR campaign and win 10 Aldorf instance and Destro only 6 ?
i dont know, a total mystery?


Destro don't defend zones, instead throw bodies to the sparse attackers until they tire, and there are no freaking strategy involved in massing numbers. Look at the usual numbers in Enemy kill counter. Having double the players and less kills is the norm. Playing overwhelmed all the time has set a very specific mentality in order players, and a huge improvement in their game play. Each one is a hardened veteran. Expect the heavy opposition that you can't find in oRvR due to lack of numbers to translate to huge rolfstomping when numbers are even. When you play all the time under a 60% AAO, you have a HUGE advantage when you are pitched in an scenario which has even numbers.

Welcome to reality. Destruction is in no way better, just overpopulated by a lot, which train order players to play as efficient single entities.

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