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The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#41 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:10 pm

This topic keeps coming up, so another reminder.

We WILL take action against people encouraging others to throw zones. Please record any such interactions and pass them along to a GM for review. This is not an acceptable strategy and violates the concept of fair play regardless of where you need your shiny loot from.

Literally the first rule in the TOS covers this.

1.1 Don't Be A ****
We are all here to play and enjoy the game. Attacking other players in chat, trolling players in general with toxic attitudes, or finding other creative ways to disrupt other players from enjoying their time here. None of this is appreciated.
Respect is the word, whether you hate someone or simply think they're a bad player, you can be respectful. Keep in mind this is just a game, and there is no reason and no place for real grieves/grudges.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#42 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:12 pm

When you put in a roadblock (fort/city for gear) don't be surprised when people find a way around it (throwing zones/forts), or just flat out go somewhere else (not logging in).

Forts and Cities just don't work for end game. sorry. I am sure there is some way to tie them to the campaign and ORvR, but currently, they hurt more than help the game and the population.
-= Agony =-

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#43 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:19 pm

I saw another post that was talking about having city rank mean something so that folks would care more about defending their 5* city, rather than throwing b/c defending a 5* city is better than assualting a 1* city.

Maybe the this concept and the city rank concept could be combined. What about scaling the Inv/Crest medals you get in gold or purple bags based on your city rank? It could work like this:

1*-2* city - 1 Inv/Crest in gold/purple bags (after Vanq/Inv unlocks ofc)
3*-4* city - 2 Inv/Crest in gold/purple bags (after Vanq/Inv unlocks)
5* city - 3 Inv/Crest in gold/purple bags (after Vanq/Inv unlocks)

This addresses two issues - currency grind since now you have a chance to get decent rewards in regular oRVR (but bags are still infrequent enough that this isn't handing out stuff too easily). You have an incentive to defend your city (5* gives more rewards) or push to a 1* city just to keep the opposing side down.
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#44 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:21 pm

lyncher12 wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:07 pm the real cancer is the people who login to defend end zones and then logout

from 450 to 200~ after zone flip, really strange
I don't even know why people would do that. Oh wait, isn't Invader dropping in forts, hmmmmmmmmmmm
Klindor - 83 - retired
Iprotecc - 82 - holding doors
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#45 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:30 pm

Akalukz wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:12 pm When you put in a roadblock (fort/city for gear) don't be surprised when people find a way around it (throwing zones/forts), or just flat out go somewhere else (not logging in).

Forts and Cities just don't work for end game. sorry. I am sure there is some way to tie them to the campaign and ORvR, but currently, they hurt more than help the game and the population.
I'm not remotely surprised that a subset of the game population would find it acceptable to blatantly throw zones (along with a variety of other abuses of game mechanics I'm sure). We're also happy to curb that behavior since that subset can't seem to understand there are frequently lines crossed when searching for the most optimized path to getting gear. We don't smack people for city logging because that doesn't affect other players nearly as much, although it's pretty obvious what's going on. When they encourage ruining the gameplay experience for 100+ other people who are actively participating in a defense, it is much more impactful on their will to continue playing with such blatantly disrespectful people. I expect this subset of players has no concept that they're viewed as cheaters, exploiters, or being blatantly disrespectful, and that's fine. We're going to take care of them anyway.

Sarcastic apology not accepted by the way.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

Posts: 127

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#46 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:37 pm

Drys wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:19 pm I saw another post that was talking about having city rank mean something so that folks would care more about defending their 5* city, rather than throwing b/c defending a 5* city is better than assualting a 1* city.

Maybe the this concept and the city rank concept could be combined. What about scaling the Inv/Crest medals you get in gold or purple bags based on your city rank? It could work like this:

1*-2* city - 1 Inv/Crest in gold/purple bags (after Vanq/Inv unlocks ofc)
3*-4* city - 2 Inv/Crest in gold/purple bags (after Vanq/Inv unlocks)
5* city - 3 Inv/Crest in gold/purple bags (after Vanq/Inv unlocks)

This addresses two issues - currency grind since now you have a chance to get decent rewards in regular oRVR (but bags are still infrequent enough that this isn't handing out stuff too easily). You have an incentive to defend your city (5* gives more rewards) or push to a 1* city just to keep the opposing side down.
I would agree with this bonus if there was no xrealming. I'm sure every1 has an alt on the opposing faction nowadays and I think this will result in players migrating between the 2 factions depending on the city level. If this would be an additional bonus to currency dropping from killing, it would be good enough overall. Otherwise, it's the xrealmers paradise.

Honestly, I just want to get my sovereign set done faster, i've been sitting on 2 pieces for a week now cuz i'm missing cities at various strange hours, and there's no other way to farm for it. Give me another option to farm my final gear so the game really starts. Till full sov it's just a grind, fun begins in your final form. Again, I would prefer 1 city every 2 days with permanent action in RVR with attendance by all the members of the server VS maybe 2 cities/day with 50% of the server taking part in the RVR leading to it. In no other game I found it this hard to catch up with the veterans. It seems at the moment there's no reward for skill or strategy, but on the availability of access to the endgame. Of course you should be rewarded by the time u put in the game and your skill, instead of waking up @ 5 AM like im going fishing to try to get in a city for 3 to X end game currency. You can have dedicated players through various other methods imo.

BTW devs, what will happen if u get even more people on the server and all get stuck at IC/Altdorf gates?
Klindor - 83 - retired
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#47 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:38 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:30 pm
Akalukz wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:12 pm When you put in a roadblock (fort/city for gear) don't be surprised when people find a way around it (throwing zones/forts), or just flat out go somewhere else (not logging in).

Forts and Cities just don't work for end game. sorry. I am sure there is some way to tie them to the campaign and ORvR, but currently, they hurt more than help the game and the population.
I'm not remotely surprised that a subset of the game population would find it acceptable to blatantly throw zones (along with a variety of other abuses of game mechanics I'm sure). We're also happy to curb that behavior since that subset can't seem to understand there are frequently lines crossed when searching for the most optimized path to getting gear. We don't smack people for city logging because that doesn't affect other players nearly as much, although it's pretty obvious what's going on. When they encourage ruining the gameplay experience for 100+ other people who are actively participating in a defense, it is much more impactful on their will to continue playing with such blatantly disrespectful people. I expect this subset of players has no concept that they're viewed as cheaters, exploiters, or being blatantly disrespectful, and that's fine. We're going to take care of them anyway.

Sarcastic apology not accepted by the way.
Wasn't really sarcastically meant. I truly am sorry it doesn't currently work. I play a few hours a week, rarely have a chance to do fort/city nor the desire to. End game is an issue, hopefully you guys have something planned to address it. You usually have in the past, so I am hopeful for the future.
-= Agony =-

Posts: 127

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#48 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:45 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:30 pm
I'm not remotely surprised that a subset of the game population would find it acceptable to blatantly throw zones (along with a variety of other abuses of game mechanics I'm sure). We're also happy to curb that behavior since that subset can't seem to understand there are frequently lines crossed when searching for the most optimized path to getting gear. We don't smack people for city logging because that doesn't affect other players nearly as much, although it's pretty obvious what's going on. When they encourage ruining the gameplay experience for 100+ other people who are actively participating in a defense, it is much more impactful on their will to continue playing with such blatantly disrespectful people. I expect this subset of players has no concept that they're viewed as cheaters, exploiters, or being blatantly disrespectful, and that's fine. We're going to take care of them anyway.

Sarcastic apology not accepted by the way.
Thanks for clarifying this even better! Print screens with sarcastic. morale dropping comments during key moments of the battle can be taken into consideration too? Although I see many veterans doing it too, sadly, not just the opposing faction alts. I don't expect you guys to use the ban hammer too much, but some warning of some kind might serve the purpose, I imagine.
Klindor - 83 - retired
Iprotecc - 82 - holding doors
Isushi - pugging

Posts: 127

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#49 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:50 pm

I just read the new patch notes, THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HARD WORK AND WONDERFUL CHANGES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Klindor - 83 - retired
Iprotecc - 82 - holding doors
Isushi - pugging

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#50 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:59 pm

This is an issue with "big guilds" mentality; nothing to do with balance, xrealming, drop rate or anything. They want to win trade to have it easy so they can pve their way to end game. We as players must take actions and start having pug with banlist and kick people that are just city loging or leeching or throwing and most of all we should stop supply them with people when they want to do 24men organized groups; if you join them or accept them you'r also part of the problem. It's our own fault if we let people join us without even question their motiv and it's evryone fault to not wanting to lead pugs and just waiting for someone else to push the zones. Having people say "let them push the zone" or "it's Sc time till city" while pugs struggle to deal with coordinated pushes, well we should call people for this and let evryone know the reality, maybe they'll have to play the game eventually due to bad reputation. Seeing them say "we got CW, go elsewhere" is funnier than it looks, they are using a 24 organized raid to ninja push a zone defended by 4 randoms dudes that don't even know what's happening, and ask pugs to "hold on"? while they win trade with their order boyfriends; only to chat warrior for 10min after a loss blaming anything but strategy and skill (blaming balance, blaming pugs, blaming gear, blaming the sun in their eyes and what not).
Last edited by Permakappa on Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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