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[FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#41 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:17 pm

I just wish I didn't have to watch the same streamer for the one set of rewards due to them going offline. I'm not faulting the streamer here btw I'm just saying sometimes I can't get all of those hours in..
Also can you make the claim rewards thing not so crazy?
The page is hard to find, the rewards only last 7 days, and the claim buttons are so far away from our names that it's easy to misclick and then have that character bound item send to the wrong toon!
That being said I really appreciate the event and watched a few new guys who I ended up followiong :)
Thank you guise <3

Posts: 50

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#42 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:35 pm

The rewards were probably decent to newer players and/or non-crafters. To the rest of us, not so much. I would be up for a Bind on Account system for better rewards. Regarding RNG, randomizing one to each account upon 40 (or X) hours of viewing probably would have gone over better than a title.

Hours required
The required hours were not right for a 72-hour event. Forty hours for a weeklong event? Sure. Full disclosure -- I had never logged on to Twitch before. I was pleasantly surprised by some of the content. For example, I learned about three helpful addons I'd never used before. Everyone was helpful answering questions. I prefer multiple streamers because I can't relate to certain characters. As an endgame caster/healer, I'm not as interested watching a T2 witch elf... Etc. It has nothing to do with the streamer.

I haven't started them yet, but after hearing about the rewards, I likely will not.

It's good to have a lot of streamers due to the diverse mix of languages spoken in our community. I found myself watching streams in other languages when my time zone was quiet, and that didn't bother me at all. For those of us who play at odd hours, this works well. Everyone I watched was great -- RoR has some high-quality ambassadors!
Last edited by xxstealthxx on Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#43 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:35 pm

wanna993 wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 4:00 pm - Were the quests too long/too short?
-> Sc one was too short if in a premade. Just make it non shared progress imo.
The shareable part was a tiny bug that we fixed after a few hours, but it's a good idea to increase it.

Paladini wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:15 pm I think once you achieve 40h you wont get any RNG anyway...
I kept streams on for entire drops event, and once I hit 40th, those other all remaining hours gave nothing.
That's not correct tho. I understand your frustration but that's simply not true. RNG is rolled every 5 minutes starting from the moment you stream, but it is RNG, based on luck.

481 Big gold bags dropped and 195 Aviator Goggles dropped. It's just, bad luck.

What you could suggest is increasing the drop rate, which we will do for next Drops. We lowered the 100 gold drop rate because last event it dropped almost for 1500 players and we didn't want it to be spread that much.

Posts: 1

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#44 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:59 pm

i was happy to find this game and i watched the last day and got no drops :{

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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#45 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:40 am

systemgoingdown wrote: Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:59 pm i was happy to find this game and i watched the last day and got no drops :{
Okay so, a lot of people didn't know this, but..

1.) You have to have your account linked


2.) Twitch does not consider you a viewer if you have the stream muted

If you would like to view the stream in the background, put stream to MINIMUM QUALITY,
then make sure the stream is NOT MUTED (volume = 1-100)

then mute the entire window using your Mozilla Firefox or whatever.
This is located near the menu bar where the tabs are displayed when sound is playing from the tab in question.
Now you can have the stream playing in the background at a low enough quality to not affect your graphics and still get drops without having the volume on!
Sorry to all of those who watched with the volume muted

Posts: 1

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#46 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 4:21 am

If anything I think the event could be longer. My other mmorpg, bdo has one week long drop events. I found it impossible to put in the time in 72 hours.

Posts: 29

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#47 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:07 am

I'd like to say thankyou, for the event was my first and was for a game i like so much/enjoy playing.
The drops was fun to see what i would get, and of course i can not complain to be fair, i recieved something for free and at the expense of the time i do have now, WIN WIN !
Thankyou again, and can't wait for the next event to see what surprises i can get the next time. ALL for the FUN !
ROR and Streamers TY. :D

Posts: 302

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#48 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:37 am

It was my first time doing a streaming event. It was lots of fun.

My only complaint -

The destro dog mount needs to scale with the size of the rider. It looks absurd on my Black Ork. I was really sad when I opened this mount up knowing I gave up a Pegasus for this dog where my feet drag on the ground. A real let down.

Other than that great fun!

Posts: 6

Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#49 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:54 am

1. Rewards:
- Where the rewards fair?
Overall I think they were fair. I believe some of them could be a bit tweaked as they were not that useful for most people (+18 Talis for example). Also, from the feedback I received from my guild and friends, a good amount of people felt disappointed for the 40 hours rewards. The title was cool but most of people have titles turned off for performance improvement purposes, so that's something to keep in mind.

- Is the RNG fair? We're talking about intended rare rewards.
I believe the drop rate was a bit low. I spent over 50 hours for example, didn't get the guild coin and the aviator googles. I understand we want to make some items like the googles a bit rare, but I didn't feel it in par with other events. For example, I got 3 sets of googles from the eggs event we had some months ago.

- Would a Bind on Pickup (BoP) system suit you for the rewards? They won't be sellable anymore and you might get stuck with them.
Since you can choose to which one of your chars you can send the reward, I think there is no issues with BoP.

2. Hours required:
- Where the hours required fair?
Yes. I understand the goal behind this was to bring as much exposure to the game, so a lot of dedication was needed in a massive platform like Twitch for this. You had rewards distributed for people that didn't want to invest so much time, and people who wanted to go all in, so I think overall it was ok.

- Which method pleased you more: Watching 1 streamer or watch any/multiple streamers?
I just watch 1 stream at a time. I was watching of course different ones during the week.

3. Quests:
- Were the quests engaging/new/challenging?
Well, it was probably a bit tedious. I understand the reasoning behind some steps, such as incentive people to use the duel arena, but most of people were just looking for people to trade wins and move on. Also, my quest got bugged? at the "take keeps" step, and I still was not able to go past that.

- Were the quests' rewards fair?
Scenarios quests reward was great. As I said, the other quest got bugged for me and I'm unable to finish it, so can't tell

- Were the quests too long/too short?
Same answer than previous question

4. Streamers:
- Do you think there were a lot of streamers? Is it bad/good?
No, I think it was a good number and it brought a lot of diversity in content.

- Was the streamer's quest item annoying?
Atleast in my personal experience, we got through that very fast, so was not annoying at all

- Did you have any issue with a streamer (do not write any names)?

- Have you watched more than one streamer?
Yes. Is hard to say but I probably watch this weekend around 10 different streamers.

- Have you met new streamers?
Yes. While I spent most of the time watching the ones I already knew, I discovered some that were quite entertaining.

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Re: [FEEDBACK] - Twitch Drops event

Post#50 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:15 am

1. Rewards:
- Where the rewards fair?
Most people probably turn the volume down and let it run in the background and while sleeping. Is it fair to reward that at all? Nah.
- Is the RNG fair? We're talking about intended rare rewards.
RNG is fine and keeps things rare.
- Would a Bind on Pickup (BoP) system suit you for the rewards? They won't be sellable anymore and you might get stuck with them.
No. I rather keep it as it is

2. Hours required:
- Where the hours required fair?
It felt like a grind. 40h are far too long.
- Which method pleased you more: Watching 1 streamer or watch any/multiple streamers?
Multiple.I would prefer it not to be "forced" to watch one streamer for 8 hours.Would also be more fair towards the lesser known streamer.

3. Quests:
- Were the quests engaging/new/challenging?
Arena was quite fun as it forced interaction with people and I normally don't duel outside the RvR lakes. Also loved that you can talk with the other faction there.I didn't want to bother a streamer with the catapult and tried to find a way on my own first - but in the end Zombieslicer helped out and I really appreciated his service. Still feel kinda bad for that tho. There has to be a way to involve streamer and player which is less boring/ disruptive for the streamer. I just can't think of one yet. At least give them a teleport.

4. Streamers:
- Do you think there were a lot of streamers? Is it bad/good?
- Was the streamer's quest item annoying?
See under "3. Quests"
- Did you have any issue with a streamer (do not write any names)?
No. They are extremely nice people and I enjoyed it very much.
- Have you watched more than one streamer?
- Have you met new streamers?
Grimmsch Grimnirsson (Solo 2H Slayer, 40/86)
40+: 2H-CHOPPA, AM, RP, WP, SM, IB, KotBS, WL, WH, BW, ENG, SW
Alts in T4: SHA, SH, BO, BG, CHO, MAR, WE

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