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How to configure "enemy" addon?

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Posts: 209

How to configure "enemy" addon?

Post#1 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 1:45 pm

I started using enemy as a healer and I must admit it's working much better then in game party frames but I have few questions regarding the configuration though.

1. Along with its party frames utility it offers a lot of stuff I don't need (dps meter etc.). Am I safe to turn everything off and leave just the unit frames?
2. Between the groups (vertical) I have 1 blank frame separator. Can it be removed so the groups are glued to each other? I thought it's padding but this controls only space between members of same group.
3. When I cast a hot on someone it appears as a green dot on the unit frame. Can this be configured like a different color for particular hot? Right now when I cast two different hot spells at someone it still appears as 1 dot. In options it is general "HoT".

Any tips and tricks on configuration? Is it good idea to clear all options and configure it from scratch? It seems like it has a lot of options that I won't benefit from as a runepriest (dok/wp regen). Or some of the options have to be set as they are by default, otherwise something will break?

One more question regarding utility: anyone uses click casting? Is it reliable? Sounds convenient and would spare me lot of space on hotbars.

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Re: How to configure "enemy" addon?

Post#2 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 2:43 pm


Posts: 209

Re: How to configure "enemy" addon?

Post#3 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:13 pm

How is this suggestion or feedback? :D

I tried Squared as well (ver. 3.8) but seems it crashes the game. In the end I ended configuring the Enemy addon from scratch, by default it's a disaster and no one should use it with default config.

Posts: 54

Re: How to configure "enemy" addon?

Post#4 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:31 pm

I also tried everything out there as healgrid , squared , enemy,...
Enemy seems the only semi decend working one so far and i am using clickcasting with it and it works perfect.

As u said u can configure allot with it and yes u are able to have different dots with different colors depending on what hot u cast.

Posts: 209

Re: How to configure "enemy" addon?

Post#5 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:33 pm

One question though. I play runepriest and instead of having a dot representing I buffed someone with Oath Rune can I set it to show the dot by default if person is not buffed and disappear once I buff that person? It's the last thing I have pending with it :(

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Re: How to configure "enemy" addon?

Post#6 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:36 pm

1. I just use the unit frames and kill counter, but whatever floats your boat.
2. If I read this correctly theeen yes. I messed with the "groups direction 1" and "groups padding 1" (and the 2) with those settings to get my frames as smushed as I wanted them. You can also play around with the other frames settings to reduce the size of the frames and get them closer, this is just my preference.
3. All the colors (as you can probably tell by mine) can be changed. Afaik if you wanted enemy to make note of a special ability you could hit the "add" option and add it in manually (I prefer using buffhead for things I need to pay attention to though, in my case enemy guards or SH h-debuffs), and change the color settings from there.

Posts: 209

Re: How to configure "enemy" addon?

Post#7 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:50 pm

Yeah, thanks but I have already solved padding and colors. Now I want the dot to appear when people aren't buffed instead of when they are buffed.

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