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[BlOrc] Da Greenest and WAAAGH! suggestions

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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[BlOrc] Da Greenest and WAAAGH! suggestions

Post#1 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:41 pm

I wanted to try and make a suggestion to these abilities to slightly improve their viability as both are underwhelimg when considering the fact that Da Biggest is better to run than Da Greenest and WAAAAAGH! is lackluster as a 14 pt ability that only debuffs corp and both are overshadowed by chosen reisit aura.

One of the problems with da greenest is that in a group if im being hit by say spiritual dmg but the rest of my group is getting hit by elemental or corp then my bellow is of no benefit to them so my suggestion for greenest is this: 25% to buff all resist types on being hit.

Like wise i feel that WAAAAGH! should debuff all resists not just corp.

I feel that chosen resists aura would still overshadow these 2 abilities but that these changes would atleast make them stronger and more viable to run/spec

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Re: [BlOrc] Da Greenest and WAAAGH! suggestions

Post#2 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:46 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:I wanted to try and make a suggestion to these abilities to slightly improve their viability as both are underwhelimg when considering the fact that Da Biggest is better to run than Da Greenest and WAAAAAGH! is lackluster as a 14 pt ability that only debuffs corp and both are overshadowed by chosen reisit aura.

One of the problems with da greenest is that in a group if im being hit by say spiritual dmg but the rest of my group is getting hit by elemental or corp then my bellow is of no benefit to them so my suggestion for greenest is this: 25% to buff all resist types on being hit.

Like wise i feel that WAAAAGH! should debuff all resists not just corp.

I feel that chosen resists aura would still overshadow these 2 abilities but that these changes would atleast make them stronger and more viable to run/spec

Single type resist buff/ debuff stack with General type resist buff/debuff. By making these changes you are actually losing alot of synergy with Chosen.

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Re: [BlOrc] Da Greenest and WAAAGH! suggestions

Post#3 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:52 pm

i personally am of the group of player who dislike that you ABSOLUTELY have to run 1 kotbs/chosen at all times in 6 man

having said that, who does corp debuff benifit on destro? Besides dps zelots and 3 abilities on sorc?

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Re: [BlOrc] Da Greenest and WAAAGH! suggestions

Post#4 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:56 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:having said that, who does corp debuff benifit on destro? Besides dps zelots and 3 abilities on sorc?
Witch Elves.

Also the sorc buffs are corp based and that buffs everyone.

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Re: [BlOrc] Da Greenest and WAAAGH! suggestions

Post#5 » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:58 pm

If I were to make change to the Boss tree it would be to change We'ze Bigger to a "reduce armour pen" of attacks. WAAAGH!!! is a strange ability, not really thematic and kind corner case for group comp (good with Chosen Sorc combo)
Some of the BO and WEs also do corp damage.

I would have preffered it be have been the CD decreaser, a Morale increaser, or a 25% speed buff (similar to the Sovereign granted ability), something worthy of the WAAAGH!!! namesake.

Leave The Greenest the way it is, don't need to run a chosen, it also stacks with Shaman or zealot Resist buff, or resist all pots.

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Re: [BlOrc] Da Greenest and WAAAGH! suggestions

Post#6 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:03 am

WAAAGH!!! as the top tier ability in an AoE tree seems like a great place for some kind of AoE CC. Not just a largely forgettable debuff and some damage, but something to actually reflect the nature of the tree, of da Boss bein' a loudmouth and throwin' his weight around. So a couple of ideas here, both probably totally unrealistic.

1. Probably the most thematic solution here would be either a short silence or an even shorter KD/KB or a short to moderate disorient. Both PBAoE. Fits both mechanically (you're putting out aoe disruption and damage) and thematically (da Boss knockin' people around).

2. Maybe it's magical christmastime fantasy, but I could see this as a great home for the CD-increasing effect of Bad Gas/Shatter Limbs... Destruction kind of get the bad end of this deal as it stands with the only source of this effect being melee squig herder (a spec few play in a place- the middle of a pack- they don't want to be) rather than a slayer in a typical spec sitting in the squishies where he wants to be.

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Re: [BlOrc] Da Greenest and WAAAGH! suggestions

Post#7 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:33 am

The problem with those suggestions is

1) we already have a silence with hut yer face, AoE silence would make it pointless

2) we already have one of the hardest hitting KD's in the game with DyG once again rendering it point less

3) we already have a CD increaing effect with not in da face

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Re: [BlOrc] Da Greenest and WAAAGH! suggestions

Post#8 » Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:39 pm

I'll give you the problem with NIDF.

But for the other two out is a question of single target vs AoE. The fact that THC does more single target damage does not render Da Big 'Un useless- it's a different tool for a different situation. DYG, for instance, is all about neutering one target- offa my runt. A short AoE KD/KBKB, though, is a tool for disrupting whole battle. (And if it were as strong as DYG would be totally imba.)

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Re: [BlOrc] Da Greenest and WAAAGH! suggestions

Post#9 » Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:09 pm

Black Orcs already have a 5 s AOE silence for their Morale 3.
Overlap with CD increaser should not be on the BO. I think a CD decreaser is appropriate but I am wary that people will just consider that a WW mirror or complain that Destro has too many CD decreasers (if you count chop fasta).

Group Speed buff was seen in T4 live with Sov granted abilities, I felt that the ability was powerful, partly because the duration was too long. 4 seconds might be powerful enough to warrant a top tier position, falls in line with all the other BOs powerful buffs (SMH, NIDF). It would make WAAAGH extremely desirable and give BOs alot to think about in speccing.

This also buff would also be desirable for 6 mans because of how prevalent AoE snares are on Order, combined that with the ever elusive WH.

Last edited by Gobtar on Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [BlOrc] Da Greenest and WAAAGH! suggestions

Post#10 » Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:12 pm

Gobtar wrote:Single type resist buff/ debuff stack with General type resist buff/debuff. By making these changes you are actually losing alot of synergy with Chosen.
Incorrect per bugtracker.

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