marauder guide

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marauder guide

Post#1 » Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:28 am

could anyone post tips, build, rr specs, stance switching, etc here, i'm new to the class and cant find much on it on the forums. cheers

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Re: marauder guide

Post#2 » Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:41 pm

bump, still waiting for some tips as there is little info about marauders on the forum

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Re: marauder guide

Post#3 » Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:50 pm ... mit=Search

On phone so can't actually type atm but this link should get you started, in particular some of the older threads
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Re: marauder guide

Post#4 » Sun Mar 27, 2016 2:53 pm

The most commonly used build is Deadly Clutch. ... 2:5193:0:0:
Has great survivability, and good debuffs. Just keep up Thunderous Blow, Cutting Claw and Tainted Claw on a target. Corruption/Flail is good filler afaik, proccing GoS.

Stance wise, Gift of Savagery is the main one to use, switching to Brutality only to use Guillotine, and using Monstrosity for Ferocious Assault.

(Not sure if Guillotine is good without Growing Instability, haven't tested)

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Re: marauder guide

Post#5 » Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:39 pm

I will only describe group-play specs. If you want to go 1vs1 there are different specs and tactics depending on what enemy you want to face.


Go full Savage: The more points in that skilltree, the more damage each skill from this tree makes, no matter if you skill them extra or if they are free and belong to this tree)
Skill "Cutting Claw" and "Thunderous Blow" and Tactic "Deadly Clutch"

Tactics: "deadly Clutch"+"Brute Force"+either"Flanking" or against melees "Riposte".

Anytimer: Rend

How to play: Get your armor debuff and healdebuff on your target. Snare him with Debilitate, debuf wounds with Thunderous blow. Build up three stacks of rend and keep them running. If you parry, always use gut ripper to get the next attackstyle to crit.
You have enough Strength, you can put armor talismans in your armor. This will make you a tougher target for melees.
Skill "Deft defender" for Renown points, minimum Deft Defender III for 10 points. Higher Dodge&Disrupt is always nice. Also get the full duellist set for the Reactionary proc (On Defense: 25% chance to increase Parry, Evade, and Disrupt by 10% for 10 seconds)
Also get "Cleansing wind" for 10 points, this will save your ass again and again.
Get "Resolute defense" if you want to make sure that you are not kicked away or staggered from your target when it is about to die. Or if you dont want to get kicked in the lava. Use resolute defense coordinated with the other DamageDealer in your group. No need to waste your resolute defense, if the other Damage Dealer in your group gets kicked away etc.. You will get the grip on when to use it.
Get Reflexes for more parry ...

Use charge for fast target switches in your assist train or for getting out of the thick when you get too much focus.
Tainted claw lasts 10 seconds. with 5 seocnds cooldown. Keep it running on two targets, you will benefit greatly from the heal you get. (For example if you are assisting a target , healdebuff your target and his guard")
Put "touch of Rot" on melee enemies and "touch of instability" on all other enemies.
Use your moral 1 ability "Flames of Fate" to range root enemies for you to get to him and **** him up. This moral can be cleansed but it will always stop the enemy for a short time. In stationary fights you might use Moral 2 as a damage burst timed together with Moral damage abilites from other group members to burst down a tough enemy.
Two reasons to switch mutations:
1."Ferocious assault", e.g. when you are not directly attacking anyone switch to Monstrosity. Buff yourself with "Ferocious assalt" while running towards your next traget. (plus 125 Strength&Toughness) Immediately switch to Savagery again and start debuffing etc.
2. You are getting hard focus and need to get out of the heat now: Switch to monstrosity to disable any armor penetration the enemy may be using, especially when you are now trying to run away till your healers had a chance to get your like bar back up, most styles that will get you from behind will now not penetrate your armor. Just awesome. Also buff yourself with "Ferocious assault" for more toughness. If charge is ready use it to get out of the hotzone. Live longer to kill more later.

I do not recommend also putting skillpoints in Brutality for "Guillotine" if you a going savagery. I think you lose more damage overall by not skilling higher in the savagery tree than you gain by switching to brutality and executing Guillotine.
(guillotine is evil, but you need full skilltree Brutality and Crit Tactic "Growing Instability" to make it count.
This brings us to the Brutality spec:


Brutality spec is reasonable when someone else in your group has an incoming healdebuff and you have someone to debuff armor.
Brutality spec could also be named the "Give all the deathblows to me spec".
Guillotine makes the magic happen.
Skill full Brutality.
Skill "Guillotine", "Mutated aggressor", and "unstable convulsions", "Growing instability"
Most important: "Growing Instability" (this makes your Guillotine which always crits hurt like a bitch), and "Deeply Impaled".
3rd Tactic: "Brute Force" or "unstable convulsions".

Anytimer: Impale. GET BEHIND them and impale those weak and uncorrupted orderXXXXXXX.

How to play:
Buff yourself another "125 strength and Toughness" with "Ferocious Assault" shortly before engaging the enemy. Also buff your damageoutput by 25% with "Mutated aggressor". This is also a good time to use "resolute defense", you dont want to waste your buffs standing around crowd controlled or flying through the air.
All your crit damage is buffed by your tactic. Use impale+imaple tactic to make more crits. Skill renown points into "Opportunist" for more crits. This will go at cost of defense... Balance it with the defensive Renown specs I recommended in the savagery spec.
Put "touch of Rot" on melee enemies and "touch of instability" on all other enemies.
Put "Pulverize" on enemy melee targets and tank targets.
If your enemies health bar is going down fast, use "guillotine" when they are at 15% to 20% to finish them off.
If they are hard to kill, then you need all damage as fast as you can execute it. Use guillotine immediately when it becomes available when enemy health falls beneath 50%.

(Sidenote: 50% enemy health is also the time for your group to knock down the primary target, kick away the guard tank and stagger the backline/healers) (33% health is time to use combined offensive damage morals to burst tough targets)


In 99% of all situations Monstrosity spec is a bad choice if you are solo or in group.

Action Point advice: If you run out of AP get some AP jewelry or tell your chosen to spec AP Aura. Or tell your Zealot to spec AP field. There are also level 31 cloaks with up to +4 AP per second. Or use weapons with + AP.

Rule of Thumb: Have fun :) If your not having fun, do something else for a while and log back in tommorow :)
Cya on the battlefield,


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Re: marauder guide

Post#6 » Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:51 pm

Vaul wrote: ... mit=Search

On phone so can't actually type atm but this link should get you started, in particular some of the older threads ... ;;;0:0:0:0: is a much better build atm imo, let other class's like WE put up heal debuff and enjoy the 1200 guillotine crits. For tactics growing instability, brute force, subvert str. Sometimes i switch out subert str for feeding on fear but only when im guarded usually.
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Re: marauder guide

Post#7 » Sun Mar 27, 2016 7:55 pm

Xumae wrote: On phone so can't actually type atm but this link should get you started, in particular some of the older threads ... ;;;0:0:0:0: is a much better build atm imo, let other class's like WE put up heal debuff and enjoy the 1200 guillotine crits. For tactics growing instability, brute force, subvert str. Sometimes i switch out subert str for feeding on fear but only when im guarded usually.
I wouldn't think you even need a build. Ganking order already fighting champ rats outside highpass and disconnecting uncleanly if by chance you fail..really doesn't require much of a build to pull off - no?
Last edited by incredible on Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: marauder guide

Post#8 » Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:01 pm

incredible wrote:
Xumae wrote: On phone so can't actually type atm but this link should get you started, in particular some of the older threads ... ;;;0:0:0:0: is a much better build atm imo, let other class's like WE put up heal debuff and enjoy the 1200 guillotine crits. For tactics growing instability, brute force, subvert str. Sometimes i switch out subert str for feeding on fear but only when im guarded usually.
I wouldn't think you even need a build. Ganking order already fighting champ rats outside highpass and disconnecting uncleanly if by chance you fail..really doesn't require much of a build to pull off - no?[/quote]
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Re: marauder guide

Post#9 » Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:16 pm

The above is mostly correct(whiteork), but he didn't mention sav/brut spec, the one all the good maras use.

Also full brutality is irrevocably bad. There literally nothing worth getting past 9 points in brutality. Unstable convulsions is okay versus heal AMs but they aren't all that common and there are much better things you can slot. Not to mention convulsive slashing should never be used under any circumstances because it is just a loss in dps when you could be spamming your any-timer for more damage. And skilling a tree further for extra power when there are other very useful things to grab from other trees isn't a smart idea. If you were to go far up enough Brut to get your dmg buff you would still go into Sav to get your wounds debuff. I also would not recommend this build unless you have 5 piece devastator so you have access to at least some form of armor reduction. I'm not sure if impale is worth using if not full brutality however. Deeply impaled is alright with good assisting(and a better defensive option) but I prefer Feeding on Fear for the extra 10%. However since its a % based chance to give yourself more % chance to crit, you will need a decent amount of base crit chance. 2 ranks of melee crit in renown and devastator is very much enough to have it up most of the time. With the 50% crit tactic you should try to maximize the amount crit avalible to you without making yourself a glass cannon.

Also guillotine is not good without growing instability, stop doing it. If you have to go far enough up savagery to get the heal debuff tactic you're better off getting Draining swipe and pumping points or even going into monstrosity for wave of mutilation(lol).

Also please cover your big debuffs with less important ones. Do not put your armor/wounds debuff on first if there is a healer around that isn't a warrior priest. Rend/Corruption are good choices as covers.
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Re: marauder guide

Post#10 » Sun Mar 27, 2016 11:33 pm

one question. is it worth switching to gift of monstr when retreating? it does give armor pem immunity, but doesnt that proc off melee hits?

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