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Destro at the Order starting zone

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Destro at the Order starting zone

Post#1 » Wed May 11, 2016 5:25 pm

I was told to post this somewhere but have no idea where I should so sorry if it is not the right board.

It was really strange: a SH named Tirefesses and a Choppa named Gunnakt was rampaging at the first PQ at Nordland.

On the advice check I was told they have not supposed to be there and I should report it. I dont know what is it: a bug or violation of rules...

I have some eyebleedingly bad screenshot - I play on low rez - but cant upload at the moment it says: Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached.

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Re: Destro at the Order starting zone

Post#2 » Wed May 11, 2016 5:37 pm

I don't see how they are violating anything, unless they used exploits to get there some how which would seem pointless because you can literally just run there if u are smart and avoid guards and don't flag yourself for RvR. Some Tome Unlocks you can only get by going into enemy territory.
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Re: Destro at the Order starting zone

Post#3 » Wed May 11, 2016 5:47 pm

It rather depends onWHAT they are doing...chapter 1 is not generally "off territory"...if you want to avoid any pvp,simply relog,that unflags you for pvp and they cannot do anything.

Some people sometimes think it is funny to make a warm welcome..just avoid them,you cant fight them anyways on a r3 char or so.

But in later tiers or close tothe actuall t1 rvr lake...if you are flagged you AGREE on pvp.

Problem will want to queue for sc at all time just to get soem renown,and that flags you for pvp.

Ultimately any "ganking" in pve areas outside highest tier is rare,so dont worry too much. But to be really sure: relog in pve areas after every scenario.

IF youreally see something BAD happening, type .gm in /s...if soemone of the gms is aroundm,you can tell them...if they are not busy (ok...they are busy a lot...but some of these GMs are just fanatics if it comes to game support)...they can actually port to you and see with their own eyes...but that should be saved for botters/exploiters,not just dicks playing imba pvp.

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Re: Destro at the Order starting zone

Post#4 » Wed May 11, 2016 5:47 pm

I have nothing to do with this situation but i'm expecting to see the response of the mods.

I thought Warhammer Age of Reckoning was a game known for its pvp and rvr, do you want to secure PQ's to be pvp free? Ok, that is fair.

But then what is the point of GIVING THE NAMES of the players? are you expecting the mods to ban/punish them?

Grow some balls mate, don't be so rancorous.
Last edited by kaninken on Wed May 11, 2016 6:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Destro at the Order starting zone

Post#5 » Wed May 11, 2016 6:09 pm

Any arguments of people have every right to do whatever they want doesn't work in an alpha. Were testing. That dictates behaviour has to be with that in mind. Killing people in chapter 1 pve as they got flagged by queueing for an sc to me sounds like bug exploiting.

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Re: Destro at the Order starting zone

Post#6 » Wed May 11, 2016 6:13 pm

Correct me if i'm wrong but... if you are a higher level than the one allowed for that tier, don't you become automatically chickened if flagged for RvR?

If so, i don't see any problem. Unless they are like lvl 10 players camping the 1st pq but, as someone mentioned already, relogging will unflag you for PvP and there is no way they can kill you.

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Re: Destro at the Order starting zone

Post#7 » Wed May 11, 2016 6:22 pm

We view attacking starter zones (ch1-3) with high level characters as a coward move done as deliberate griefing. You will be sanctioned if you do this. You have no reason to be there.

Relogging is not a solution, because it essentially prevents players from queueing for scenarios (or mandates that they relog every time they leave a scenario, which is unacceptable.)

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Re: Destro at the Order starting zone

Post#8 » Wed May 11, 2016 6:33 pm

Well I didnt mind they kicked my BWs fiery arse a few times. I just posted it because I got this advice on the chat. But if its no bug or somesuch its fine. Nevr tried go to the enemy pve territory so I did not know. And they werent high level. Idk how but maybe they teleported there from an SC because for a time the gobbo was glowing like a relic carrier.

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Re: Destro at the Order starting zone

Post#9 » Thu May 12, 2016 4:46 am

Correct me if I'm wrong but one cannot be attacked in non-RvR zone without flagging himself. Which means order players have to attack these gankers first to flag themselves, right? I don't see a problem then. If you're flagged for RvR you will be attacked, wherever you are.
Azarael wrote:We view attacking starter zones (ch1-3) with high level characters as a coward move done as deliberate griefing. You will be sanctioned if you do this. You have no reason to be there.

Relogging is not a solution, because it essentially prevents players from queueing for scenarios (or mandates that they relog every time they leave a scenario, which is unacceptable.)
What about a characters level within the brackets of this tier? Me and my friends were ganking some ordies at low-level PQs as well but we were 9-10 levels ourselves, a few higher than them.

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Re: Destro at the Order starting zone

Post#10 » Thu May 12, 2016 5:21 am

Azarael wrote:We view attacking starter zones (ch1-3) with high level characters as a coward move done as deliberate griefing. You will be sanctioned if you do this. You have no reason to be there.

Relogging is not a solution, because it essentially prevents players from queueing for scenarios (or mandates that they relog every time they leave a scenario, which is unacceptable.)
I guess we have different ideas of what constitutes griefing (though I agree this is cowardly and should be discouraged). To me griefing the opposing faction is literally impossible, since the whole point of the game is to murder them. So long as they are flagged they are fair game wherever they are, imo.

This also brings up another thing I've wanted to see implemented for a while. When you leave an SC your flag status should return to what it was before you entered. This would both prevent this from happening to anyone not intentionally flagging, and allow people to still queue for SC's while hunting unlocks in lower tiers.
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